Science GPA Question

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Jun 6, 2023
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HI there! I have about 5-6 credits of research under the Civil Engineering Department; however my research was mainly Chemistry, and my PI is under both the CE and Chem department, but I ended up having to register under CE. Could I reclassify those credits to count as Chem instead on the AMCAS app, and would they adjust it back because of the course code?

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It doesn't matter who the teacher is, it depends upon what it says on your transcript
I thought according to AMCAS: "Each course in the AMCAS application must be classified strictly on the primary content of the course." If the research is primarily chem, couldn't I reclassify it?
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HI there! I have about 5-6 credits of research under the Civil Engineering Department; however my research was mainly Chemistry, and my PI is under both the CE and Chem department, but I ended up having to register under CE. Could I reclassify those credits to count as Chem instead on the AMCAS app, and would they adjust it back because of the course code?
All you can do is ask AMCAS.

Moreover, I guess you are trying to boost your BCPM by having your research grades count towards it instead of Other Science/Engineering. No matter what area you are researching, I don't look at Independent Study or Research/Scholarship grades, and I actively ask they be excluded from your GPA calculations (at the local program adcom level). We pay attention to your recommended upper-level biomedical science classes; research grades are not helpful. (Some undergrad institutions make those courses P/F, so it's not fair to them.)
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I’m by no means an expert but my research (which was under a biomedicine course code) was not included as part of my BCPM GPA on AMCAS.
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How did you classify it, and was it switched during verification? Also, if it was under biomedicine, what was the classification if not bio?
So, I think the first time I applied, I put my research credits and my chemistry teaching assistant credits under BIO and CHEM respectively but it was switched to Other. Second time, I just put both research and teaching credits under Other.
I called AMCAS this morning just to ask, and they said I could classify it under CHEM and unless there was a big discrepancy like classifying an english course as a physics course it shouldn't be changed. Not sure tho, worse comes to worst, they change it for me.