Science gpa

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7+ Year Member
Jul 24, 2016
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So AACOMAS counts kinesiology courses as "other science" as stated on their website, which factors into science gpa. I took a kinesiology course listed as kinesiology-199 soccer, which was basically just playing soccer 3x a week. So this will probably be a dumb question, but would this count in my science gpa lol? It probably wont, but i just wanted confirmation.

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Nope! Only Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and the like are counted towards sGPA.
I think "other sciences" are included in the sGPA calculation.

Per AACOMAS website:
Science GPA is calculated using the following course subject categories:

  • Biochemistry
  • Biology/Zoology
  • Inorganic Chemistry
  • Organic Chemistry
  • Other Sciences
  • Physics"
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Right, but Other Sciences would be something like a nursing course or medical terminology or something like that. I've taken multiple kinesiology courses like OP was mentioning, but those aren't considered "other sciences".
Right, but Other Sciences would be something like a nursing course or medical terminology or something like that. I've taken multiple kinesiology courses like OP was mentioning, but those aren't considered "other sciences".

Im just a bit confused because according to the AACOMAS website, kinesiology actually is listed under "other science". Heres the link:

AACOMAS Course Subjects

But of course I see how soccer wouldnt be a science course. Im just curious as to why they listed kinesiology under other science if they wont count it.
There are actual kinesiology degrees offered by universities that are akin to exercise biology at different universities, which is why it is designated as science. Other colleges use the word kinesiology as to mean physical education.

It will all boil down to the course name for how the AACOMAS reviewers will label it. Personally, I wouldn't try to pass off soccer as science as it will likely delay application review.