score on practice tests = score on actual?

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Apr 18, 2004
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for those of you who have already taken the mcat, how many points were you able to raise your score for each section on the actual mcat?

did your scores go up, stay the same, or go down on the real thing compared to your practice scores???? :(

can studying your weaknesses raise your score by much? sigh. i'm feeling hopeless...

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I'm feeling hopeless too. :( I did another practice test and I went from a 29 (almost 30!) to a freakin' 24. What the hell?
MDtoBe777 said:
I'm feeling hopeless too. :( I did another practice test and I went from a 29 (almost 30!) to a freakin' 24. What the hell?

which practice tests did you use?

the general consenus around here is that the practice tests results are pretty much equal to the actual test results +/- 1 point.
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I took 6R the weekend before the actual and got one point lower on the actual. I think the higher AAMC tests are good predictors.
with every practice test i take my score is going down...and the worst part is that when i'm doin the test i think i know the freaking answers, but of course i don't...damn it...well only 1 more week than who cares