Secondary Optional Essay- addressing bad grade?

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May 19, 2024
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I've been writing "Why us?" essays for most of the additional essays. I ran into Vermont where they already ask Why us so I was wondering if it would be good to address my F during Freshman or would it just be drawing attention to my failure? I retook the course and got an A.

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Did the experience teach you something? What did you learn, or how did you change? It’s a reasonable use of the essay, as long as you show growth or maturation.
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Provided you have a meaningful or legitimate reason for obtaining the F the first time around, I would use the space to discuss this and explain the context and what changed the second time around. If it was simply a matter of not trying hard or procrastination, I would avoid using this space to highlight those previous behaviors. It might come across as shallow compared to other applicants who may have had more complex and legitimate reasons (health concerns, death in the family, etc.).
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Did the experience teach you something? What did you learn, or how did you change? It’s a reasonable use of the essay, as long as you show growth or maturation.
Provided you have a meaningful or legitimate reason for obtaining the F the first time around, I would use the space to discuss this and explain the context and what changed the second time around. If it was simply a matter of not trying hard or procrastination, I would avoid using this space to highlight those previous behaviors. It might come across as shallow compared to other applicants who may have had more complex and legitimate reasons (health concerns, death in the family, etc.).
I think my reasons of failure are not as serious as health concerns or family issues. I failed a writing course because it was my first English coutrse after having spoken a different language in a different country for many years. On the retake I fortunately met a professor who was very supportive and also worked with a tutor.
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I think it’s fine—mastering a new language is difficult; acing the course the second time around shows determination and growth.
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I've been writing "Why us?" essays for most of the additional essays. I ran into Vermont where they already ask Why us so I was wondering if it would be good to address my F during Freshman or would it just be drawing attention to my failure? I retook the course and got an A.
Never draw attention to a negative.