Seeking Mentorship in Psychiatry

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7+ Year Member
Jan 28, 2014
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I am looking for academic mentorship in psychiatry for this application cycle.
Someone who is familiar with the application/interview/match process. Preferably an academic faculty member, but would live to also chat with any resident or fellow or recent graduate. I am also open to any advice on how to seek out such mentorship.

I am a non-traditional applicant (very long story short - previously matched into a different specialty, but left prior to completion and am now pursuing psychiatry). The school I graduated from is unfortunately unable/unwilling to provide me with the mentorship and guidance I need.

I have an idea of what I am looking for in programs, but don't want to overlook any and miss out on any hidden gems and don't want to apply hail mary either. Please feel free to PM me or reply to this post. Thank you!

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I recommend looking through your schools alumni network! Do ya'll have a facebook page? you can post there too. My school didn't provide much help either but many alumni from my institution wear eager and willing to help a fellow student. They also understand the process from the unique perspective of coming from the same institution as you.
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Don't know if you'll ever get to meet him, but Henry Nasrallah at U of Cincinnati is a top-ranked psychiatrist who gives a damn about teaching and when students show they care too he gives them lots of opportunities. Same with George Grossberg at SLU.
Don't know if you'll ever get to meet him, but Henry Nasrallah at U of Cincinnati is a top-ranked psychiatrist who gives a damn about teaching and when students show they care too he gives them lots of opportunities. Same with George Grossberg at SLU.

Thanks! I'll see what Googling I can do to locate emails. Can't hurt. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯