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Jul 13, 2018
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Hey everyone, I just recently had my interview for SFSU's Post-Bac AET program (pre-pharm) for Summer 2019 on (5/4/19) and I just received an email today for a follow-up interview (5/7/19). In the email it mentions "This is not an uncommon event and is no cause for concern" but obviously, I am greatly concerned. I messaged one other applicant who was accepted for a different term and cycle if he also received this email but he did not. This is also making me more concern because I'm not sure what it's going to be about and I could not find any forums regarding a follow-up interview?!? Anyone else get this email?
what did they ask you about in your second interview if you don't mind me asking. (I'm still waiting for an interview invite)
I have a scheduled interview this week, so I don't know what they're planning to ask me. I'm a bit confused though because I called the school and asked why follow-up interviews are given. They basically said they felt like they didn't really get a chance to "know me." So hopefully this 2nd time around I can be a bit more open about myself.
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I have a scheduled interview this week, so I don't know what they're planning to ask me. I'm a bit confused though because I called the school and asked why follow-up interviews are given. They basically said they felt like they didn't really get a chance to "know me." So hopefully this 2nd time around I can be a bit more open about myself.
yeah that seems about right, a lot of follow up interviews tend to ask more in depth about ur EC's, your goals, etc. so just make sure you know them really well off the top of your head! good luck!!! let me know how it goes!!
@BiologistBen how was ur follow up!?
They asked me a lot more detailed questions such as: What are your plans if you don't get into this program? How would you react if the committee advises you to gain need more experience first, prior to a post-bac? If your post-bac duration took you 2 years, would you still be willing to attend this post-bac? etc.

The director notified me my acceptance at the end of the interview!
They asked me a lot more detailed questions such as: What are your plans if you don't get into this program? How would you react if the committee advises you to gain need more experience first, prior to a post-bac? If your post-bac duration took you 2 years, would you still be willing to attend this post-bac? etc.

The director notified me my acceptance at the end of the interview!

wow congrats on ur acceptance!!
Hello! Has anyone here accepted the offer and is from San Francisco?
How great! I'm hoping to get mine in by the end of this week! Good good good luck! 🙂