Should I do a post-bacc before reapplying?

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2+ Year Member
Sep 19, 2022
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Hi, I graduated with a 3.34 GPA and I'm applying this cycle (one II and one R out of 27 schools so far). I'm mentally preparing for a reapplication, so I'm trying to figure out if I should do a post-bacc. The rest of my app is pretty good.

Also, I have a strong upward trend (2.7 in my first 3 semesters at community college, then a 3.9 in my last 5 semesters at a four-year uni).

Thank you!

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Thank you for this, I read this article and several other related ones on SDN but I haven't really found an answer. They all mention redoing upper-level courses but I did well in all of those. I just got a whole bunch of C's in freshman-level classes. I feel like it would be a waste of time to do those classes again when I have demonstrated that I can handle a difficult workload. Is that a valid thought process or am I missing something?
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Your WAMC?

It's hard to call without looking at your transcript and know what additional undergrad-level postbac courses you are thinking about taking.
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Your WAMC?

It's hard to call without looking at your transcript and know what additional undergrad-level postbac courses you are thinking about taking.
Fair enough, I think I'm better off just not doing one. I don't even know what classes I could take, other than maybe graduate level courses. Thanks for your help.
Lol true. I think applying relatively later could be the main reason I haven't heard much back (finished TX secondaries in mid-august and the rest up until sep 15th). I suppose if I were to reapply next cycle & it ends up like this one, I would apply DO.
Lol true. I think applying relatively later could be the main reason I haven't heard much back (finished TX secondaries in mid-august and the rest up until sep 15th). I suppose if I were to reapply next cycle & it ends up like this one, I would apply DO.
You might save yourself some time (and ultimately $$$) if you aren't accepted this cycle and apply next cycle by applying both MD and DO next cycle. If not accepted MD next cycle, then you'd be able to start DO. and if accepted both MD and DO, you can go to MD school.
Lol true. I think applying relatively later could be the main reason I haven't heard much back (finished TX secondaries in mid-august and the rest up until sep 15th). I suppose if I were to reapply next cycle & it ends up like this one, I would apply DO.
I'm not from Texas but I believe you're supposed to finish TMDSAS in May. I think applying late is your biggest issue.
If you were from a state other than TX, I think a postbac would be necessary.