Medical Should I take upper level science courses vs. bare minimum prereqs?

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I am a career-changer and will be attending a formal postbac in 2021. When I went to college eleven years ago, I was a film major (cGPA 3.39, am aware this is low), and did not take a single science class. The closest thing was one math class, Calculus (B+). I have what I believe is a compelling reason for this life shift, so this decision is not random for me. I am currently taking a chemistry prep. course and abnormal psychology course at a community college and doing well, and will take 2-3 other lower-level science/math courses (statistics, anatomy/physiology) next quarter at the same community college before attending the formal post bac in summer 2021. My question is, once I finish the postbac I will have all the prereq's completed, but that's it. The bare minimum, except for these community college classes I'm taking now. Will this be seen negatively? Even if I perform very well at the formal post-bac, will I still be in a hole/will the other parts of my application need to compensate for this lack of science courses in my previous academic life?

Thank you.
Do well in the formal post-bac and the pre-reqs and you should be OK.

Strongly suggest that you take Biochem.

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My question is, once I finish the postbac I will have all the prereq's completed, but that's it. The bare minimum, except for these community college classes I'm taking now. Will this be seen negatively? Even if I perform very well at the formal post-bac, will I still be in a hole/will the other parts of my application need to compensate for this lack of science courses in my previous academic life?
Nope. Won't look bad. you are non trad, you have a life to take care off. You do what you can to complete the academic requirements and the rest will fit accordingly (life story, EC's, MCAT).
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