Medical Should I withdraw from classes?

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Sep 30, 2008
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I'm currently taking 2 classes from CC (microbiology and biochem).
My GPA is not high (3.4/ BCPM 3.1) so I was taking to boost up my GPA thinking that I would get an easy A.

But I was dumb and made a wrong decision and figured out I might not get an A in this class. I currently have 90 percent in this class and class ends in late May. Theres no curve, no hw, no extra credit, it just depends on group presentation and finals.

I am not sure if I even should risk getting an A or focus on MCAT and take them in May.

I already applied to SMPs but I just need my MCAT score.

1. Withdraw the class and focus on MCAT and SMP.
--(but I'm not sure what to say for the reasoning for withdrawing)

2. just try my best to get an A and don't take MCAT. Don't apply to SMP but just do Master's program I recently got in.

I already know that I'm dumb by not focusing on school but I'm just trying to make the best decision rn.

Thank you!
You’re overthinking this. If you have a 90 now then just complete the class. Ideally get an A, but you shouldn’t withdraw from a B

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Okay I won't do masters! thank you for you advice!

I just figured out that I think I will get B in both classes (which will drop my GPA).. Should I still take the B or drop them and focus on MCAT?
If you otherwise don't need these courses and the only point was to raise your GPA, then I suppose I would drop them. If you need them for some reason and thus would wind up needing to retake them then I would just take the B
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