Starting new podiatry practice

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7+ Year Member
Aug 16, 2014
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Hey everyone needed some help. Joining a multi specialty group that currently has GI/general surgery and regenerative medicine. Essentially starting a new Podiatry practice within the larger group. I just need a detailed breakdown of costs for equipment etc. would really appreciate any help

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You can PM me if you want, I think you may have.

Big suppliers like McKesson, Henry Schein, J&J, etc have specialty-specific lists they can give you. Find out who the group orders from and talk to the rep... that'd cover 90% of it, then tweak for your preferences. If you want best costs, most wouldn't be from those 'big dog' suppliers (you'd use mostly used major equipment, smaller suppliers or podiatry-specific ones instead), but not sure you'd care about cost a ton if it's hospital or MSG starting you up.