State Billing Laws - Important when looking for a job?

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7+ Year Member
Jul 20, 2016
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Before too long it will be time to look for a job. Does it make much of a difference in terms of what to expect for a compensation package / partnership salary when comparing either general pathology practices or subspecialty practices in states that are Direct Billing states (no client billing) vs Anti-Markup or Disclosure states? Thanks!

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I don't think it is relevant.

What is more relevant is the location's mix of payers. (Midwest does better here).
Equally important is how the group maintains its referral base. Are they competitive ? What is their market position? Did they grow there numbers? Do they run there own business or have autonomy ? Who owns their business, a major lab, a hospital, or one fat that's never there?

I think that groups that have a mix of outpatient and inpatient will do better overall.
Stability is important. Larger groups with strong associations to larger health systems with likely do better in the future.
I don't think it is relevant.

What is more relevant is the location's mix of payers. (Midwest does better here).
Equally important is how the group maintains its referral base. Are they competitive ? What is their market position? Did they grow there numbers? Do they run there own business or have autonomy ? Who owns their business, a major lab, a hospital, or one fat that's never there?

I think that groups that have a mix of outpatient and inpatient will do better overall.
Stability is important. Larger groups with strong associations to larger health systems with likely do better in the future.

Very helpful thanks, I appreciate the input.
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A friend told me a story about a dermatopathology practice is Illinois. They were doing well with client billing. Then law in IL changed. Yeah!
Wrong for them.

Their clients got their own pathologists and in-sourced 50-60 % of their volume.
In office path is the new client billing. That's why I say it does not matter.
Eliminating client billing helps you get women's health specimens but that is about it. Like AZPath said the high volume derm, uro, gi will just be in-sourced. Still waiting for the large OBGYN groups in my area to in-source paps/tissues.
I think it helps to be big these days.
Small practices with less than a dozen pathologist a hospitals are getting killed with decreased payments. No market power.