Step 1 P/F - What does this mean for Class of 2023?

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5+ Year Member
Aug 26, 2017
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I'm kind of freaking out right now. I go to a lower tier MD school, class of 2023. Knowing that Step is an equalizer for students that work their butts off, kill Step, even though they don't go to Harvard Med was really encouraging. Now I'm feeling like there's even more barriers in front of my dream.

I really want to match in a surgical specialty, like general surgery (or potentially something more competitive depending on how I feel during clinical years and my Step performance). We take Step our second year, so before 2022. However, because some schools take Step their 3rd year, the application pool will be mixed with scores & P/F. will our scores be dismissed??? Will our score hold any weight for residencies? Are my chances matching at a good program lower now?

sorry for all the anxiety, just need to know things are going to be okay lol :/

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i think the general consensus is that no one knows.

the next logical guess is that Step 2 CK will now replace Step 1 as the numeric/objective comparison.
I'm kind of freaking out right now. I go to a lower tier MD school, class of 2023. Knowing that Step is an equalizer for students that work their butts off, kill Step, even though they don't go to Harvard Med was really encouraging. Now I'm feeling like there's even more barriers in front of my dream.

I really want to match in a surgical specialty, like general surgery (or potentially something more competitive depending on how I feel during clinical years and my Step performance). We take Step our second year, so before 2022. However, because some schools take Step their 3rd year, the application pool will be mixed with scores & P/F. will our scores be dismissed??? Will our score hold any weight for residencies? Are my chances matching at a good program lower now?

sorry for all the anxiety, just need to know things are going to be okay lol :/

You'll have to smash 2CK. Just start preparing now.
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