step1 and step2 at same time

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10+ Year Member
Nov 14, 2009
Reaction score
MY ECFMG 7 year deadline expired tomorrow. I passed Step1 in 2004 and CS in 2005. The 7 year rule will reset itself to start from the date I passed CS which was dec 2005; so I have until dec 2012 to pass both Step1 and Step2. I will be studying for both these exams at the same time during the next year (if I can find a school sponsor). I was wondering if anyone else is/has studied for both these exams at the same time. I would appreciate some input. Thanks.

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my ecfmg 7 year deadline expired tomorrow. I passed step1 in 2004 and cs in 2005. The 7 year rule will reset itself to start from the date i passed cs which was dec 2005; so i have until dec 2012 to pass both step1 and step2. I will be studying for both these exams at the same time during the next year (if i can find a school sponsor). I was wondering if anyone else is/has studied for both these exams at the same time. I would appreciate some input. Thanks.

oh noooo not again whewww!!! Just study already since nobody here can truly answer you for the answer you already asked on numerous sites i seen you ask these same exact questions goooo studyyyyyyyyyyy
I'm thinking that your best approach would probably be to take things one test at a time. It seems like it would be too much to try to take both at once.
Focus on passing step 1 then start working step 2 after you're done.
Good luck!
Dec 2012 is a long way away for step1 and 2. I suggest do sequentially. 6-8 months should be enough for step1 if you've been away from these subjects for a few years, less if you've been in touch. Step2 should take 3-4 months max. So that's both exams done in a year :)

Good luck
dec 2012 is a long way away for step1 and 2. I suggest do sequentially. 6-8 months should be enough for step1 if you've been away from these subjects for a few years, less if you've been in touch. Step2 should take 3-4 months max. So that's both exams done in a year :)

good luck

don t waste any more time do a search for this poster and you will see poster at this point should just be studying cause nobody here has the answer he wants to hear

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