Sub-I necessity/timing

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Nov 23, 2012
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Rising 4th year here planning my schedule. What's the deal with doing a sub-i for anesthesia? I'm planning on taking step 2 cs/ck early, doing a few home anesthesia rotations, then submitting my app... after which my priority will be to have a relaxed schedule. If it matters, I have a 250+ step 1 and strong clinical grades. Thanks.

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Rising 4th year here planning my schedule. What's the deal with doing a sub-i for anesthesia? I'm planning on taking step 2 cs/ck early, doing a few home anesthesia rotations, then submitting my app... after which my priority will be to have a relaxed schedule. If it matters, I have a 250+ step 1 and strong clinical grades. Thanks.

Don't do one. Don't waste time in 4th year learning anesthesia. Take stuff you won't be able to later. Do derm so you'll know a little about rashes. Or Ortho. Or EM. You'll have your whole life to learn anesthesia.
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Rising 4th year here planning my schedule. What's the deal with doing a sub-i for anesthesia? I'm planning on taking step 2 cs/ck early, doing a few home anesthesia rotations, then submitting my app... after which my priority will be to have a relaxed schedule. If it matters, I have a 250+ step 1 and strong clinical grades. Thanks.

Sub-Is are basically medicine or surgery rotations where you get to pretend to be an intern. Not really related to anesthesia except as much as it's just good practice at being a doctor. No such thing as a sub-I in anesthesia at any med school I've heard of. I mean interns don't really do anything with anesthesia so a sub-intern would have even less to do.
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Sub-Is are basically medicine or surgery rotations where you get to pretend to be an intern. Not really related to anesthesia except as much as it's just good practice at being a doctor. No such thing as a sub-I in anesthesia at any med school I've heard of. I mean interns don't really do anything with anesthesia so a sub-intern would have even less to do.
Don't do one. Don't waste time in 4th year learning anesthesia. Take stuff you won't be able to later. Do derm so you'll know a little about rashes. Or Ortho. Or EM. You'll have your whole life to learn anesthesia.
To clarify, my school doesn't offer a sub-I in anesthesia specifically, so it would probably be a sub-I in CCM. I was wondering if residencies look for this in applicants, or do they not care what rotations you take 4th year.
To clarify, my school doesn't offer a sub-I in anesthesia specifically, so it would probably be a sub-I in CCM. I was wondering if residencies look for this in applicants, or do they not care what rotations you take 4th year.

Yeah they don't care, at all. I sat on the interview committee and we only just glanced over rotation schedule, if at all. That being said, be smart and do a Sub-I (almost all schools require at least one) in something standard like inpatient medicine, surgery or CCM (I opted for surgical CCM, was one of my best months of medical school). These things are more applicable to anesthesia in general (rather than outpatient, Peds, or something else like Psych). Sub-Is can also lead to a strong clinical LOR so do your due diligence.