submit now with old score, or in September with new DAT?

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5+ Year Member
Oct 30, 2017
Reaction score
Hi, im torn between subitmitting now with my 18AA, and 3.3GPA, and mentioning a retake/emailing each school letting them know im retaking; orrrrrrr submitting in September once i retake?


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Submit now. Regardless, you are fighting a hard battle. Wish you had retaken your DAT months ago. But don’t be discouraged, I have a classmate who got a 17 and entered last year and is KILLING it academically. Better than those bragging about 24AA with little hand skills.
Submit now. Regardless, you are fighting a hard battle. Wish you had retaken your DAT months ago. But don’t be discouraged, I have a classmate who got a 17 and entered last year and is KILLING it academically. Better than those bragging about 24AA with little hand skills.
so apply with what i have and retake it in September? but just update my score..? or are you saying to not even retake it? I think applying early/now is best right, and then just tell them im retaking it in september? or what..? im sorry im so confused..
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so apply with what i have and retake it in September? but just update my score..? or are you saying to not even retake it? I think applying early/now is best right, and then just tell them im retaking it in september? or what..? im sorry im so confused..

18AA? You’re literally one AA shy. Apply now and tell schools you plan to retake. What happens is that they will NOT give you a decision until after the new DAT. It’s up to you to impress them with a new set of scores since chances are they will have reviewed everything about you and are pending new scores.
Your DAT score doesn't pair well with your low GPA. You should submit now but indicate you will be retaking it soon.
When I applied I had the same stats as you did and retook the dat in August. I upped my dat score and got accepted that cycle. Do it.
Did you message them saying youre retaking it or whats up? did you just apply in august?
When I applied I had the same stats as you did and retook the dat in August. I upped my dat score and got accepted that cycle. Do it.
Congrats! Did you apply early in the cycle and just indicate you were retaking in August? TIA
When I applied I had the same stats as you did and retook the dat in August. I upped my dat score and got accepted that cycle. Do it.
what is your state residency if you don't mind me asking? Because I wanted to apply to OSU as well but I am not an Ohio resident.
I submitted new scores in September and it worked out. Not much else you can do but kill your DAT in a few months 🙂