Supplemental Essays Character Limit

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Apr 26, 2015
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Hey everyone!

For the supplemental essays, most character limits are about the same as the main PTCAS essay which is 4500 characters.

My question is: Is it highly recommended that we try to reach the character limit for the additional essays? Would it be bad that we write only about 3500 characters out of the 4500 characters?

Some thoughts and input would be appreciated!


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I was wondering the same thing.
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Hey everyone!

For the supplemental essays, most character limits are about the same as the main PTCAS essay which is 4500 characters.

My question is: Is it highly recommended that we try to reach the character limit for the additional essays? Would it be bad that we write only about 3500 characters out of the 4500 characters?

Some thoughts and input would be appreciated!


If you are a good writer, then you can do a great job in fewer characters and the faculty would appreciate that.

Good luck!
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Is it okay to write in first person for these supplemental essays?