Tablet PC SALE!

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VMRCVM c/o 2013
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15+ Year Member
Dec 15, 2007
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Hey, guys, I know a lot of you are looking to buy a computer for school. I was really interested in tablet PCs after reading about them on this board. Today, while I was surfing through a blog I read, I found a link to the following website with info on a sale Lenovo is running:

The Thinkpad X61 is on sale for 60% off, plus there's a coupon good until tomorrow that saves you about $150 extra, and shipping is free. I ended up buying one with a couple of upgrades for around $700, including tax.

I had my sister's boyfriend look at it with me. He says it's not the *most* powerful thing in the world, but that it should be fine for my purposes and that the price is pretty good. (Basically, taking notes and surfing the internet. I barely even use Itunes. I'd be happy with my current 5-6 year old desktop if it was more portable! :p)

Anyways, hope that helps someone!

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The Lenovo tablet PCs are super super sturdy and reliable too, I'd definitely get on this deal if you were looking to buy a tablet.
Great deal... unless you have to buy a specific model for the vet school. UC Davis, Iowa and Kansas all come to mind. Even if its the same model, some schools require you to purchase through the school to get the same software, etc. Make sure you check with the vet school.

Too bad I'm hoping to go to Davis! This is a really good deal. :(
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THANKS, Pandacinny! Ordered mine last night. Today is the last day of the sale, I think.
Panda! You saved me so much money! Thank you!!! :D:D:D
Soooo... Anybody seen a comparable sale in the past? I'd like to buy one, but the financially responsible voice in my head is yelling at me that I cannot buy anything else until my credit card balance is zero (still a couple months to go). But then there's this other voice going, "but what if that means you can't buy a tablet, because they'll never be this cheap again?"
The 60% deal is probably due to the new(er) x200's. I think they are trying to get rid of their inventory.

I like the X60's, but the 200's seem pretty sweet as well.

keep in mind, this computer has to last 4+ years - might not want to skimp on price now and regret it in a few years. Don't forget, you are gonna want it to work nice with Windows 7!
Yeah, I had thought that's why they're selling them so cheaply, too. Still, when we looked at the specs, my sister's bf and a couple other computer savvy friends said this one would do me just fine. YMMV, though, so definitely a good idea to check out all the details, first!
I am one year into an x61 and it should be fine for NCSU (we checked already) and I wanted it early to get the 'hang' of it before classes started. Glad I did, as it has helped me figure out what I will do in the futre...and it is comfy...but now I am drooling over the x200's!
Has anyone had issues with this order? I ordered on March 20, and was being given a total run around by the sales department. They said they ran out of X61s, which I only found out because I called in two weeks after they said the computer would ship. Did everyone get their order?
I have not received mine, either. I have called, but the sales department will not give me a straight answer . . . did they actually tell you they don't have anymore units? Did they offer any recourse? All I see when I check my order status is that the "estimated shipment date" keeps changing about every two weeks.
Awww, I feel bad for posting this now that everyone's having trouble. Sorry guys! :(

Mine was just shipped yesterday, but customer service has been pretty good for me by email. They changed the ship date on me once before that, but when I asked, they sent me an email about how they'd had a lot of orders so it wouldn't be ready when I thought it would. I'm glad it finally *has* shipped, though. Hopefully yours will within the next couple of days, too!
Everytime I see this thread near the top, i eget excited that there is a new super sale (i missed out on the one this thread was started for)... and then get a little sad when i realize there is no more sale lol...

But seriously, back to focus on you guys and the silly computer shipping people, try e-mailing, calling, writing, everything until you get a straight answer. If the person says tht they can't help you, ask them who you can contact who can help you. Someone, somewhere in the company must know what they are doing to fix the problem of you guys not getting your tablets...

GOOD LUCK!!:luck:

They actually told me that they had run out of X61s before I even ordered it. I heard three different stories from three different people as to why it hadn't shipped before I was told this, though. I got so angry I eventually filed a complaint with their customer relations department and was able to talk them into giving me a newer model at the same price I paid. Just give 'em hell.
Everytime I see this thread near the top, i eget excited that there is a new super sale (i missed out on the one this thread was started for)... and then get a little sad when i realize there is no more sale lol...

HAA! I fall for it Every. Single. Stinkin. Time
Dont fret - the x61's are kinda old. Rumor has it soon the x200 will be offered with i7 cpu.

Really - My desktop i just built (running an i7 with 4 gig ram) goes from "Power Button ON ---> Windows Vista 64 fully up and running, all applications loaded" in i7 seconds - I'm not buying a tablet till i can get that cpu on it