taking 6 courses in 1 semester

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10+ Year Member
Oct 16, 2008
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is this generally allowed? Im a first year unviersity student and Im going to be dropping a course so I was wondering if I would be able to take 6 next semester instead of 5 to help me catch up for the one im dropping. Im going to be taking a full load of summer school courses so thats not really an extra option. thanks.

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is this generally allowed? Im a first year unviersity student and Im going to be dropping a course so I was wondering if I would be able to take 6 next semester instead of 5 to help me catch up for the one im dropping. Im going to be taking a full load of summer school courses so thats not really an extra option. thanks.

depends on the school. I have been taking 5-6 courses every semester, around 19-21 credits. Ask you school.
I took 7 in one semester -- so as long as your school allows it, you can.
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I usually take 6 since that equals the max # of credits we can take without paying more tuition. I do it just to get my $ worth though. :)And I like learning random stuff.

If your schools lets you there is no reason you shouldn't! Unless you don't think you can handle a large course-load. I usually pick one "easy" / "fun" class.
schools have diff rules.
at mine 19 is max but if you petition u can go up to 25. I usually petition and take around 21.

One semester i took 30 semester units. 25 at my instituion and ochem at a community college.

its possible. that semester i did better than all my other semester. 3.79gpa for that semester. brought my over all up pretty good.

good luck
okay, thanks for the help, Im going to consult the registrars office later today.