Taking Dental Pre-Reqs During the Summer

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I am planning on taking Calculus 1&2 and Physics 1&2 (without lab) during the summer. I was wondering if these courses would factor into my GPA when I apply to dental school? And would dental schools think I am taking a shortcut by taking classes at a less prestigious school than my current undergrad?
Thank you guys so much!

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I was wondering if these courses would factor into my GPA when I apply to dental school?
Every course you take after high school will factor into your GPA....

You need to be more..."worried", so to speak, if these courses taken will satisfy prerequisite requirements or not.

And would dental schools think I am taking a shortcut by taking classes at a less prestigious school than my current undergrad (top 20)?
I'm not sure what qualifies as "top 20", but do not think that you will get a "boost" on your GPA for taking a class there versus anywhere else (that happens to be accredited). If your schools that you are applying to do not care if it's online or anything like that, they will count them as credit (assuming my second line in the first part of my post rings true). The schools have too many applications to go through to sink a fine-tooth comb into your application like that to examine why you took this course at this school versus your other....

Take your courses, take them where they will "count", get as high a grade as possible, for those courses that are tested on the DAT try your best to master the content if you can (to make studying for the DAT an easier ordeal), and shoot for a competitive DAT score. The rest will fall in place.
Be careful taking prerequisites online, dental schools are particular about what courses you take online. I would reach out to programs and ask for confirmation.
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Can I ask why you are taking calculus and physics in the summer? Specifically, who requires calculus (the math class, not the dental definition)?
Honestly, I can only think of Harvard which requires Calc 1& 2 to apply(or calc 1 & biostats) but the U of Minnesota also requires a math course though precalc will count for them. So unless it's required by your degree, which for me Calc 1 was and I took biostats instead of Calc 2, I would take biostats if you can. It will usually cover most programs as a substitute for any program that requires more than 1 math course.
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Can I ask why you are taking calculus and physics in the summer? Specifically, who requires calculus (the math class, not the dental definition)?
I am taking Calculus 1 & 2 during the summer because they are required for bio and chem majors. Physics is not my strong suit, so I thought taking it during the summer online would help me get a better grade in it.
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