Taking Pre Reqs at CC

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I graduated undergrad Fall 2018 semester and have all the pre reqs done for PT but human anatomy and physiology 1 and 2 and the specific psychology course could i take those at a community college or do I have to take those at a 4 year college?

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You can take them at CC. The only difference being now you will have to send multiple transcripts from different schools, but that is normal.
CC is cheaper. No need to go to 4 year college. PT schools do not care where you take the course, they look at your grades.
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You can take them at CC. The only difference being now you will have to send multiple transcripts from different schools, but that is normal.

Okay good just don't want to be at a disadvantage of taking those pre reqs of Anatomy and Physiology 1 and 2 and also developmental psychology all at community college.
I graduated undergrad Fall 2018 semester and have all the pre reqs done for PT but human anatomy and physiology 1 and 2 and the specific psychology course could i take those at a community college or do I have to take those at a 4 year college?
Check with the schools to which you're applying. Some won't accept classes from a community college.
In general do most accept community college pre req classes?
Most of the schools to which I applied did not. I don't know if this is true of most schools or not. I suggest you pick some schools to which you'd like to apply and look into it so you know for sure before you take these classes. I ended up taking some prerequisites at an in-state four year college that was fairly inexpensive and it worked out well for me.