Thank You Letter/Email Post Acceptance

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10+ Year Member
Jul 9, 2011
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After being accepted, is it standard procedure to send your interviewers emails/letters of gratitude? I have already sent them thank you letters after the interview. Thanks!

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After being accepted, is it standard procedure to send your interviewers emails/letters of gratitude? I have already sent them thank you letters after the interview. Thanks!

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Why do you need to brown-nose your interviewers after an acceptance? You're already accepted so they are of no use to you anymore. Save the paper/stamps/email space for more important stuff.
Why do you need to brown-nose your interviewers after an acceptance? You're already accepted so they are of no use to you anymore. Save the paper/stamps/email space for more important stuff.

This made me laugh. The sincerity of the application process...
Why do you need to brown-nose your interviewers after an acceptance? You're already accepted so they are of no use to you anymore. Save the paper/stamps/email space for more important stuff.

Oiling his way for future grades, evaluations and residency?

All jokes aside, I don't think it matters. Not a lot of people even thank interviewers after interview.
Why do you need to brown-nose your interviewers after an acceptance? You're already accepted so they are of no use to you anymore. Save the paper/stamps/email space for more important stuff.


I'm not saying you should thank your interviewers after being accepted (although it's a nice gesture), but to have such a response shows a disgusting lack of character. I thanked my interviewer in person after my first acceptance. Whether or not I will/would send a thank you card... meh. Probably just an email, honestly, but it's not because I don't appreciate him or his recommendation.
Remember to cup the balls


I'm not saying you should thank your interviewers after being accepted (although it's a nice gesture), but to have such a response shows a disgusting lack of character. I thanked my interviewer in person after my first acceptance. Whether or not I will/would send a thank you card... meh. Probably just an email, honestly, but it's not because I don't appreciate him or his recommendation.

You're coming off as a bit of a kiss ass.

Expect that kind of response from the internet.
Why do you need to brown-nose your interviewers after an acceptance? You're already accepted so they are of no use to you anymore. Save the paper/stamps/email space for more important stuff.

Not to be harsh or anything but I think this type of attitude explains why you received few to no interviews. I really can't ignore some of the egotistical and snobby posts you make. I am not one to put people on blast but guy if you actually act like this in person then God be with you.
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Not to be harsh or anything but I think this type of attitude explains why you received few to no interviews. I really can't ignore some of the egotistical and snobby posts you make. I am not one to put people on blast but guy if you actually act like this in person then God be with you.

Calm down broseph. It's all a schtick.

Also there is no God.
After one interviewer ostensibly "went to bat for me," I decided I'd at least send a quick 2-liner to those interviewers I connected with. A lot of effort went into those acceptances—on both sides.
seems to be some disrespect directed at one of the more amusing characters on sdn
Why do you need to brown-nose your interviewers after an acceptance? You're already accepted so they are of no use to you anymore. Save the paper/stamps/email space for more important stuff.

may i ask how you handled hofstra and the rest of your interviews this cycle?