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I thought the Verbal and the BS on AAMC #9 were kinda tough...but that may be b/c I took it while I was really tired.

I'm thinking of taking #10 on Friday (at 8 am,) and just trying to simulate the real thing and everything. I'll probably spend the next couple days on content review. Does this seem like a dumb idea? I guess my other option is take #10 on Thursday, and do go over some content on Wed and Fri.
They are- a LOT.
TPR does this so they can guarantee improvement.

I took a full TPR test right before I took a few AAMC:
TPR #3: 10 PS, 7 VR, 10 BS
TPR #2: 10 PS, 5 VR, quit Bio
AAMC #4: 12 PS, 10 VR, 11 BS
AAMC #5: 13 PS, 10 VR, 11 BS
AAMC #8: 11 PS, 9 VR, 11 BS
AAMC#10: 10 PS, 7 VR, 13 BS

The decline can probably be explained with me not being as pumped and not having the adrenaline kicking as much as it was in the original ones.

TPR Verbal is NOTHING like the AAMC Verbal.
EK101 is usually similar to AAMC Verbals.

Oh, ok. I thought I was just an idiot. Sheesh, those TPR practice tests make me wanna shoot myself in the leg!!
I thought the Verbal and the BS on AAMC #9 were kinda tough...but that may be b/c I took it while I was really tired.

I'm thinking of taking #10 on Friday (at 8 am,) and just trying to simulate the real thing and everything. I'll probably spend the next couple days on content review. Does this seem like a dumb idea? I guess my other option is take #10 on Thursday, and do go over some content on Wed and Fri.

I would try to avoid taking a full practice test within 24 hours of the actual one (burnout theory?)
I am taking a practice test tomorrow when I get back from classes (at like 9 pm) that I go to at like 8 am- basically horrible testing conditions- I'll probably be very tired, so just in case I feel like crap on test day, it won't be unfamiliar.

I will then take a practice test after I skim all my science books really quickly when I wake up on Thursday.
I am going to spend Friday reviewing the format of the writing section and knocking out some verbal passages to get my brain in verbal mode (constantly questioning the author and seeing things from his or her POV/ getting excitement up for each passage).
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hahaha i think i was contemplating not being a doctor for about 2.5 seconds after i took like 4 of those TPR tests haha i was telling myself "can i even do this, maybe its not meant for me"

but then again, i learned alot from those tests, and that you can only take the score as a number, and use it to find your weaknesses, NOT as an accurate did a GREAT job at finding my weaknesses which i hopefully fixed
I am kind of encouraged from what recent test takers have said about BS: How it is more focused on microbiology and genetics and there is only about 1 Orgo passage on it.

I suck at Orgo and am pretty good at micro and genetics (coincidentally took Micro and Genetics as a freshman 3 years ago)

Problem with PS with me is that I know the material and equations and am pretty good at applications but there is the occasional passage that I don't know wtf is going on, and I end up making a few too many careless mistakes as well- time can be an issue. I hope there is a lot of math on it.

The big test on test day will be the verbal. I will be content with a 9, ecstatic with a 10 and upset with an 8 (or lower :scared:)
I just need to act like there is a person speaking to me and it goes a lot better since I am able to gauge their tone and point of view. I am more of a people person than I am a reader.
I am kind of encouraged from what recent test takers have said about BS: How it is more focused on microbiology and genetics and there is only about 1 Orgo passage on it.

I suck at Orgo and am pretty good at micro and genetics (coincidentally took Micro and Genetics as a freshman 3 years ago)

Problem with PS with me is that I know the material and equations and am pretty good at applications but there is the occasional passage that I don't know wtf is going on, and I end up making a few too many careless mistakes as well- time can be an issue. I hope there is a lot of math on it.

The big test on test day will be the verbal. I will be content with a 9, ecstatic with a 10 and upset with an 8 (or lower :scared:)
I just need to act like there is a person speaking to me and it goes a lot better since I am able to gauge their tone and point of view. I am more of a people person than I am a reader.

exactly how u feel.

verbal: please nothing on government ( they get me EVERY time), and no psychology passages PLEAAASEEE

just give me a 10 in VR and i will be the best doctor, i promise :D
I am kind of encouraged from what recent test takers have said about BS: How it is more focused on microbiology and genetics and there is only about 1 Orgo passage on it.

I suck at Orgo and am pretty good at micro and genetics (coincidentally took Micro and Genetics as a freshman 3 years ago)

Problem with PS with me is that I know the material and equations and am pretty good at applications but there is the occasional passage that I don't know wtf is going on, and I end up making a few too many careless mistakes as well- time can be an issue. I hope there is a lot of math on it.

The big test on test day will be the verbal. I will be content with a 9, ecstatic with a 10 and upset with an 8 (or lower :scared:)
I just need to act like there is a person speaking to me and it goes a lot better since I am able to gauge their tone and point of view. I am more of a people person than I am a reader.

True there's not alot of Ochem lately, but i wouldn't discount it. I took the MCAT last year, and the bio section was very ecology/genetics heavy. I think it was my lack of Ochem knowledge that drove down my bio score (even though there were only a few Ochem questions, i felt clueless about them back then).

It seems like the topics of emphasis change from test day to test day.

btw pretty good day. Padres won. Lakers won. Got some last minute studying down. good luck everyone
I took the 3/27 MCAT thinking there wasn't going to be much Ochem and there were 3 passages! Just goes to show its pretty random.
I took the 3/27 MCAT thinking there wasn't going to be much Ochem and there were 3 passages! Just goes to show its pretty random.

How did you find the PS... I'm reading that it required you to calculate a great deal. I'm finding in the AAMC tests I do almost no calculations (my scratch paper is not being used that much). Thoughts?
My topic freak out list:

PS: waves, optics, some acid/base stuff, indicators
VR: any of the psychology nonsense or anything about art
BS: kidneys
PS: Magnetism, some acid-base/solubility stuff (I know it but I always get tripped up in the questions), and some fluid mechanics stuff.
VR: Anything too abstract like philosophy. Stab me in the face.
BS: Some orgo mechanisms. That's what worries me the most.
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The calculation on the AMCAS practice tests were closely indicative to the one I took on 3/27. I used maybe a quarter of the available scratch paper, nothing too complicated actually, just busy work. Yeah I was definitely a bit shocked by all the Ochem passages but they weren't anything too out of the ordinary (except one...). I barely reviewed Ochem for my prep and hadn't taken it in 2 years and still pulled a 12 on bio so I wouldn't really change much as far as time management goes. Staying confident is the best advice I can give. Easier said than done though....
PS: Magnetism, electricity, wires
VR: if this section shows up...just kidding. I would say dense natural science passages (too much detail!!!)
BS: excretory, pinacol
At risk of sounding annoying, I'm starting to pump myself up.
(Forget the other scores, the neurotic freak outs, how much I HATE verbal.)
(After a stressful week and two AMCAS practice tests that were 25!!!!!! I've started pumping myself up mentally and got a 29 on the last practice test I did - only one question away from a thirty.)
my freak out list
PS: Gchem experiments where u have to make too many inferences and E&M
VR: government in any shape or form, and no psychology
BS: any crazy ochem or really wierd bio experiments....oh and no random facts haha

anyways, just did PS from AAMC10 and 5/7 passages were easy as can be, but the other 2 were eh, and that EM passage was wierd! to VR, my FAVORITE section!
This might be the wrong place to ask this, but do you guys think some of the questions from the AAMC practice exams will be relatively close to the actual exam. I ask this because I've spent a lot of time reviewing each practice MCAT I've taken to be sure I know how to approach certain questions. I feel it's great to get those down, but I know there are millions of questions they could ask and in different ways.

One more question. Do you guys think a mojority of the practice MCAT is using common sense and pulling information from passages? Content review is important, but I think there's definitely more to it than that.

I'm looking forward to getting this thing over with!

pulling info and using what u previously know to make "connections." thats the key for the PS like 85% of the time, and 75% of the time for BS.

the questions will not be anything like the AAMC practice. im willing to bet on that one lol.
Well I just pwned my last full length, AAMC #9, 36!!!. Two more days to review my old tests, a day off, and then I finally get my shot at this animal. I know I'll feel like a bombed the thing when I finish writting it, but after 3.5 months of studying Ill be ready for a beer or twenty.:oops:
pulling info and using what u previously know to make "connections." thats the key for the PS like 85% of the time, and 75% of the time for BS.

the questions will not be anything like the AAMC practice. im willing to bet on that one lol.

I was more talking about the questions being presented in a similar fashion.
oh, i don't know but taking from previous test takers, it seems like its similar, but slightly harder.

congrats onetrip, TAME the animal hahaah
AAMC #10... 14/12/12 WHOOOOOOOT!

Only 1 question wrong in PS (dumb mistake, too), but that apparently curves to a 14 for that test. 3 wrong in VR (que? really?) and another reminder that I need to go over organic a little more on Friday. I got 6 questions wrong in BS and 5 of them were O-chem questions.
AAMC #10... 14/12/12 WHOOOOOOOT!

Only 1 question wrong in PS (dumb mistake, too), but that apparently curves to a 14 for that test. 3 wrong in VR (que? really?) and another reminder that I need to go over organic a little more on Friday. I got 6 questions wrong in BS and 5 of them were O-chem questions.

woww thats such a great score! but i must say, im not too suprised, you have been doing reallllly well

i just finished aamc 10 too, 13-9-12.....and i was 1 question away from a higher score in EVERY section (so +3= a 37) how annoying
i cannnnt believe that if i had gotten 1 more question right in each section i woulda done so well. not that the ones i missed were stupid, but after looking at the ones i missed, this test was pretty lame

that sympathetic pathway passage ate me alive....anyone else have trouble with that one?

i really wanted to come out of this one with an amazing score to push me forward into the real deal and now i don't know :/
Just took my last full length before this beast. Got a 35!!! :love: 11-13-11. I dont even know how I'd react if I got a 35 on the real thing.

Evidently what we're looking for is that I come out of the test feeling like an epic loser. Every time this has happened during a practice test my score is 30+. When I feel good about it, inevitably my score will be a 27. :laugh:
AAMC #10... 14/12/12 WHOOOOOOOT!

Get it, get it!!!

i just finished aamc 10 too, 13-9-12.....and i was 1 question away from a higher score in EVERY section (so +3= a 37) how annoying...

i really wanted to come out of this one with an amazing score to push me forward into the real deal and now i don't know :/

I oughtta slap you for being upset w/ a 34!! lol j/k, I completely understand your frustration.
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Incredible scores on here!
Hopefully I can say that again in 33 days.

It's all over the forums, but stay positive and confident, regardless of your practice test ranges!

I've been experiencing major burn out during these past couple of weeks.. I'm now trying to let the murky water settle out before Saturday. Final AAMC tomorrow : ).
woww thats such a great score! but i must say, im not too suprised, you have been doing reallllly well

i just finished aamc 10 too, 13-9-12.....and i was 1 question away from a higher score in EVERY section (so +3= a 37) how annoying
i cannnnt believe that if i had gotten 1 more question right in each section i woulda done so well. not that the ones i missed were stupid, but after looking at the ones i missed, this test was pretty lame

that sympathetic pathway passage ate me alive....anyone else have trouble with that one?

i really wanted to come out of this one with an amazing score to push me forward into the real deal and now i don't know :/

Dude, that's a great score! A 9 is totally respectable, but I know you REALLY want a 10+.

I actually got that passage completely right, but I was a psychobiology major for a year and after I changed majors I kept my psych minor. PM me if you want any help with that one! :)
Congrats on the awesome scores guys! I'm taking AAMC 10 tomorrow and that's it... well that and the MCAT guide.. with some content review.. I really want to take it as easy as I can though the next couple of days
I am also taking AAMC 10 tomorrow, really hoping to continue the good trends. Hey Ruskaya, I think we have the same schedule in terms of practice exams lol. Did you plan to do AAMC two days before the real deal and then go backwards from there, doing one every two days?
I am also taking AAMC 10 tomorrow, really hoping to continue the good trends. Hey Ruskaya, I think we have the same schedule in terms of practice exams lol. Did you plan to do AAMC two days before the real deal and then go backwards from there, doing one every two days?

lol I just made sure to give 2 days between each exam... and it just worked out this way. I definitely didn't want to take a practice test the day before the real deal though... so I just based it on that.
Dude, that's a great score! A 9 is totally respectable, but I know you REALLY want a 10+.

I actually got that passage completely right, but I was a psychobiology major for a year and after I changed majors I kept my psych minor. PM me if you want any help with that one! :)

thanks for the support guys haha it just sucks that ur score can jump +- 3 points with just a few questions. i hope the curve on the real thing isnt like that (but it probably is who am i kidding)

geekchick, thanks im going to review the test now if i struggle with it i know i can holler at ms 38!
thanks for the support guys haha it just sucks that ur score can jump +- 3 points with just a few questions. i hope the curve on the real thing isnt like that (but it probably is who am i kidding)

geekchick, thanks im going to review the test now if i struggle with it i know i can holler at ms 38!

LOL I know about the plus/minus 3 thing. I got a 38 the other day and i was THRILLED, that is, until I found out that I was two questions away from a 40
LOL I know about the plus/minus 3 thing. I got a 38 the other day and i was THRILLED, that is, until I found out that I was two questions away from a 40

Awww, dude, why did you say that?! I just looked and I was 2 away from a 40, too. 3 away from a 41.

And OF COURSE I decide to check mine too. 1 away from a 12 in Phys, 2 away from a 14 in Verb and 1 away from a 12 in Bio.

So I was 2 away from a 37 and 4 away from a 38. d'oh! :laugh: It's not 40's but still!!
hahahah yeahh now u guys know how annoying these stupid scales are

wondering if maybe they should base it on your overall score, like out of 146...yeah riiiight not going to happen

I should def be studying something but I've been watching my redbirds beat the braves all night!!! Tomorrow will be a long day of overall review. I'm expecting the test to be like a kaplan one difficultly wise. I'm glad I've had access to them the PS and VR are seriously challenging. I hope those challenges limit my freakout level during the test! Everyone is doing so good!!! Let's keep this up!! During test day just think of all our hard work and kind words when things get stressful, I know I will!
Enhh... yes and no. It's a little scary when I look at my list of review topics to cover, but on the other hand, 55 hours, minus 13 for sleep, minus 10 for class, etc... There's just not a lot left I *can* do at this point. If we're really clever at what we study we might add a point or even two, but that's probably the most you can hope for at this point.
Hey guys! Good luck on the test on Saturday. If anyone wants to sell their TBR set please PM me. I really need them. Taking the test on 7/16. Thanks!

I've been studying off the 1995 set a friend of mine gave me. I think its a little old. :idea:
hmm couldn't really understand the last PS passage of AAMC 10.. guessed on most of those Qs :( ........onto verbal
actually tried getting up early to get used to it for saturday

woke up at 6:11...earliest ive gotten up in over 4 years hahahaha
Yup. I've been setting my alarm for 6 all week. I've actually gone from hitting snooze 4 or 5 times to just once!
The particle accelerator one? By the grace of God I got all of the questions right. Mostly lucky guesses and process of elimination.