HELLO EVERYBODY. thank god it's over. So proud of you all. I really couldn't have made it this far without SDN. I truly mean that. Regardless of my score this test has been the most hellish obstacle I have faced in my premed journey thus far and I truly appreciate all the support I've received from all of you.
I was planning on voiding today. I took AAMC 10 on wed and got a 25, and I think I was in a place of serious emotional and mental burn out. After studying for 7 months and still scoring in the late 20s, I felt very discouraged, and did not want a subpar score on my transcript and my AAMC fl average did not seem to indicate I would score higher than a 28. Everyone in my life told me to do what my "gut told me to" however and I scored my test. So today was a huge moral victory for me in terms of saying **** you to my perfectionism. You don't need a 35 to go to medical school and taking the MCAT twice is not a sign of weakness by any means and I wanted to prove to myself that messing up is okay. So I scored. I pray that my score comes out well I don't have to retake but I really think I will be retaking.
PS- as said already, very Calc heavy. I thank god for kaplan. Anyone who did kaplan stuff knows why. They prepared me so well to be able to handle crazy crap I didn't know. I'm glad it wasn't a conceptual test because honestly I didn't read the passages a lot and went straight to the calcs. I know I missed like three questions and some of the discretes really challenged me, but we'll see. PS is usually my strongest and I gave this my best shot. It will be what it will be.
VR - holy mother of god wtf was this. I cut myself off at 8 minutes a passage which was a new strategy I was trying the day of the test (lol) so thankfully I got through all the passages but as
@texan2414 and others have said, it wasn't the difficulty of the passages persay but the questions. They were very incorporation of info-ey. I did my best but I have a feeling I will be retaking because of this section and I deserve to as I never focused on it until my last month of studying.
BS- very fair, also well prepared thanks to kaplan. Know I missed 6 questions that were discrete/content based and two were very vague and I did not understand them. One literally had three answer choices that were the same?!! I don't even know. But some of the passages were VERY easy imo and two were VERY challenging, not as experimental-interp as Ebola from AAMC 11 but challenging in terms of what it was testing. I don't think the curve will be generous on this section.
Overall, I'm proud of myself and everyone on here for their hard work. Will be scouring hard for a jan date but taking the next month off, potentially retaking in 2015 if I feel super burnt. My issue on this test was content gaps for sure which showed through on PS and BS (random crap I had forgotten) so I think if I was to retake I'm taking a class over winter break, working on my verbal, and really drilling some of the basic knowledge that was tested (especially in BS) that I forgot. Definitely mentally prepared for a 25 on the 9th.
I don't really plan on remembering this weekend for the foreseeable future though, so, cheers! And remember if it didn't go as planned, it's a test. Life will go on and you will become a doctor.