The Official November 7, 2014 MCAT Thread

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Hey all! I am signed up for this date. 8:00 a.m. Yikes!!! I am aiming hard to make 40+ my reality so hence me making this thread so early. A former lab- mate and current medical student had a ton of MCAT prep stuff she gave to me. So I have the Examcrackers set, Hyperlearning set, regular Princeton Review, audio osmosis, and practice MCAT tests from a variety of sources I also do the MCAT questions a day through email and on my phone (to help with super quick recall). I am officially studying legitimately now. Currently starting with Examcrackers. I'd love to hear from you all doing the same. Let's do this!!!

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Okay, just got off the phone with sister, who took Nov 7 MCAT (her second attempt).
She was in tears. Was doing really well in PS and BS on all the AAMC FL practice (between 11-14).
Verbal is her weakness only 7-9, but was consistent. She was hoping for a 32 +/- 1.

BS was her money maker, and it failed her. Felt it tested all the stuff she didn't know, not all like the AAMC FL in her opinion. PS was harder in general than the AAMC Practice, but she able to finish, and verbal was just verbal (always needed to guess on the last passage, never has enough time).

She is very emotional right now, so not sure if she is objective. Did anyone else feel the Bio was out of line from the AAMC FL Practice tests??
Hardly anyone ever feels great after an MCAT even those who do reasonably well.
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i feel like BS was hard but maybe its because i saved the uncertain questions until the end so it's the only thing i can remember from the exam. PS was alright but i had to guess (no clue) on two of the questions…..i thought verbal was okay but now, from what everyone is saying, i feel like i might have done worse and fell for some mcat trap (do they exist?) blahhhhhhhhh -__-
i feel like BS was hard but maybe its because i saved the uncertain questions until the end so it's the only thing i can remember from the exam. PS was alright but i had to guess (no clue) on two of the questions…..i thought verbal was okay but now, from what everyone is saying, i feel like i might have done worse and fell for some mcat trap (do they exist?) blahhhhhhhhh -__-

Do you feel like you cant really relax or enjoy yourself till you get your score ?
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Do you feel like you cant really relax or enjoy yourself till you get your score ?
i feel uneasy at times. at this point i know i can't do anything to change my score so at least that leaves me calm because its out of my hands but then i keep going over the questions i do remember (and these are the ones that i was uncertain of) and it leaves me questioning whether or not I'm even capable of med school and that gets me very nervous and depressed….im at the two extremes……how about you?
i feel uneasy at times. at this point i know i can't do anything to change my score so at least that leaves me calm because its out of my hands but then i keep going over the questions i do remember (and these are the ones that i was uncertain of) and it leaves me questioning whether or not I'm even capable of med school and that gets me very nervous and depressed….im at the two extremes……how about you?
I feel like I am neither here nor there, and I'm just listening to Guts over Fear - Eminem feat Sia
I dont think I'll score as high as my AAMC practice scores bc of that PS section 🙁
I have never felt so unconfident abt a PS section before. Usually I get 14 on PS. I feel like a guessed a lot? :/ im hoping I did better than I think though. All I remember is the bad from that section. If there was anything good, it's all a blur now lol.
After I was done I drove to the nearest
Starbucks , and was about to buy the fattest mocha latte with 2 fatty muffins but then I was like that's stupid .

Anyone else do the same ?
I dont think I'll score as high as my AAMC practice scores bc of that PS section 🙁
I have never felt so unconfident abt a PS section before. Usually I get 14 on PS. I feel like a guessed a lot? :/ im hoping I did better than I think though. All I remember is the bad from that section. If there was anything good, it's all a blur now lol.

Same here! I can only remember the bad. There were some good ones I am starting to remember now that you brought this up.
Have this heavy feeling of something went wrong but can't possibly put a finger on it......but it was not good.......I have absolutely no idea how it went. Your nerves get rattled when you don't see ans you calculate and you get worried and that's what happened to me in PS. So no clue how it went. BS felt a bit easier except for that 2 passages which were impossible to map out. First few psgs of VR felt easy and the rest was just VR. Anyways, I dunno what I just did with this exam.........
Reading these forums is doing little for my anxiety, thus, I'm peacing out guys. Going to do some volunteering, focus on bodybuilding (got shows stacked up next year), shadow, and make dat $. See you all December 9th!
I was so worried I would have to suddenly $&@$ during the test that I ate little and drank coffee after PS only.
i had to go the restroom during the bio section I was holding it in for so long because the lady that checks that our stuff etc was so damn slow it would of been like wasting 5 mins. gotta love the airport security lmao
Have this heavy feeling of something went wrong but can't possibly put a finger on it......but it was not good.......I have absolutely no idea how it went. Your nerves get rattled when you don't see ans you calculate and you get worried and that's what happened to me in PS. So no clue how it went. BS felt a bit easier except for that 2 passages which were impossible to map out. First few psgs of VR felt easy and the rest was just VR. Anyways, I dunno what I just did with this exam.........
i was on the bio section my eyes were so close to the monitor look back in the passage like -_- the answer isnt here lol fml
HELLO EVERYBODY. thank god it's over. So proud of you all. I really couldn't have made it this far without SDN. I truly mean that. Regardless of my score this test has been the most hellish obstacle I have faced in my premed journey thus far and I truly appreciate all the support I've received from all of you.

I was planning on voiding today. I took AAMC 10 on wed and got a 25, and I think I was in a place of serious emotional and mental burn out. After studying for 7 months and still scoring in the late 20s, I felt very discouraged, and did not want a subpar score on my transcript and my AAMC fl average did not seem to indicate I would score higher than a 28. Everyone in my life told me to do what my "gut told me to" however and I scored my test. So today was a huge moral victory for me in terms of saying **** you to my perfectionism. You don't need a 35 to go to medical school and taking the MCAT twice is not a sign of weakness by any means and I wanted to prove to myself that messing up is okay. So I scored. I pray that my score comes out well I don't have to retake but I really think I will be retaking.

PS- as said already, very Calc heavy. I thank god for kaplan. Anyone who did kaplan stuff knows why. They prepared me so well to be able to handle crazy crap I didn't know. I'm glad it wasn't a conceptual test because honestly I didn't read the passages a lot and went straight to the calcs. I know I missed like three questions and some of the discretes really challenged me, but we'll see. PS is usually my strongest and I gave this my best shot. It will be what it will be.

VR - holy mother of god wtf was this. I cut myself off at 8 minutes a passage which was a new strategy I was trying the day of the test (lol) so thankfully I got through all the passages but as @texan2414 and others have said, it wasn't the difficulty of the passages persay but the questions. They were very incorporation of info-ey. I did my best but I have a feeling I will be retaking because of this section and I deserve to as I never focused on it until my last month of studying.

BS- very fair, also well prepared thanks to kaplan. Know I missed 6 questions that were discrete/content based and two were very vague and I did not understand them. One literally had three answer choices that were the same?!! I don't even know. But some of the passages were VERY easy imo and two were VERY challenging, not as experimental-interp as Ebola from AAMC 11 but challenging in terms of what it was testing. I don't think the curve will be generous on this section.

Overall, I'm proud of myself and everyone on here for their hard work. Will be scouring hard for a jan date but taking the next month off, potentially retaking in 2015 if I feel super burnt. My issue on this test was content gaps for sure which showed through on PS and BS (random crap I had forgotten) so I think if I was to retake I'm taking a class over winter break, working on my verbal, and really drilling some of the basic knowledge that was tested (especially in BS) that I forgot. Definitely mentally prepared for a 25 on the 9th.

I don't really plan on remembering this weekend for the foreseeable future though, so, cheers! And remember if it didn't go as planned, it's a test. Life will go on and you will become a doctor.
Idk if I should look for a Jan date or not. I am really burned out and I think the majority of my weakness is content and not practice or whatever so I'm not even sure waiting for January would be enough time to have a sufficient enough time to improve my content. I took a semester of biochem but if I don't get in anywhere this cycle, I think I may even wait an entire cycle and apply in 2017 after taking the classes necessary for the 2015 test.

It just sucks because the rest of my app is great... I just got a big disservice from my UG in terms of content prep. We were never pushed very hard and it definitely shows. I did summer research at a hospital last year before my senior year and these two guys who had just finished their freshmen year were like talking circles around me with cell bio, micro, etc. It shows a lot and I'm really not trying to blame this on my school, but I am now the 5th person in our graduating class of science majors (maybe 100?) That is going premed and has gotten a very sub par MCAT.

This waiting is going to suck. Two interviews next week.... I need a damn drink
i had to go the restroom during the bio section I was holding it in for so long because the lady that checks that our stuff etc was so damn slow it would of been like wasting 5 mins. gotta love the airport security lmao

HELLO EVERYBODY. thank god it's over. So proud of you all. I really couldn't have made it this far without SDN. I truly mean that. Regardless of my score this test has been the most hellish obstacle I have faced in my premed journey thus far and I truly appreciate all the support I've received from all of you.

I was planning on voiding today. I took AAMC 10 on wed and got a 25, and I think I was in a place of serious emotional and mental burn out. After studying for 7 months and still scoring in the late 20s, I felt very discouraged, and did not want a subpar score on my transcript and my AAMC fl average did not seem to indicate I would score higher than a 28. Everyone in my life told me to do what my "gut told me to" however and I scored my test. So today was a huge moral victory for me in terms of saying **** you to my perfectionism. You don't need a 35 to go to medical school and taking the MCAT twice is not a sign of weakness by any means and I wanted to prove to myself that messing up is okay. So I scored. I pray that my score comes out well I don't have to retake but I really think I will be retaking.

PS- as said already, very Calc heavy. I thank god for kaplan. Anyone who did kaplan stuff knows why. They prepared me so well to be able to handle crazy crap I didn't know. I'm glad it wasn't a conceptual test because honestly I didn't read the passages a lot and went straight to the calcs. I know I missed like three questions and some of the discretes really challenged me, but we'll see. PS is usually my strongest and I gave this my best shot. It will be what it will be.

VR - holy mother of god wtf was this. I cut myself off at 8 minutes a passage which was a new strategy I was trying the day of the test (lol) so thankfully I got through all the passages but as @texan2414 and others have said, it wasn't the difficulty of the passages persay but the questions. They were very incorporation of info-ey. I did my best but I have a feeling I will be retaking because of this section and I deserve to as I never focused on it until my last month of studying.

BS- very fair, also well prepared thanks to kaplan. Know I missed 6 questions that were discrete/content based and two were very vague and I did not understand them. One literally had three answer choices that were the same?!! I don't even know. But some of the passages were VERY easy imo and two were VERY challenging, not as experimental-interp as Ebola from AAMC 11 but challenging in terms of what it was testing. I don't think the curve will be generous on this section.

Overall, I'm proud of myself and everyone on here for their hard work. Will be scouring hard for a jan date but taking the next month off, potentially retaking in 2015 if I feel super burnt. My issue on this test was content gaps for sure which showed through on PS and BS (random crap I had forgotten) so I think if I was to retake I'm taking a class over winter break, working on my verbal, and really drilling some of the basic knowledge that was tested (especially in BS) that I forgot. Definitely mentally prepared for a 25 on the 9th.

I don't really plan on remembering this weekend for the foreseeable future though, so, cheers! And remember if it didn't go as planned, it's a test. Life will go on and you will become a doctor.
It is actually 1 out of every set of discretes which bother me a lot .

Random stuff on there.
Okay well time to post my thoughts. I honestly thought it was on par with AAMC FLs, but doesn't mean I did well. I hope for my average.

PS- I thought the PS section was fair. There were a few wtf questions but then there was also gimme questions. There was a passage in the middle that had a question I knew I could answer, spent like 3 mins solving it, but couldn't get it so had to guess. Fortunately, it tested topics I was comfortable with but I was pressed with time. Fair amount of calc and equation manipulation. Completely guessed on at least 5. Hoping for my average 9-10

VR- I have never been one to do well on VR but I thought this verbal was not too bad, imo. The first few passages were easy to read, it got tricky in the middle. I had about 6 mins left for the last passage so I had to guess, which usually happens. I hope for no lower than an 8

BS- It was weird. I started off with the discretes, there were a few 50/50 ones where I had to guess because I was like, how the hell are we supposed to know this ,but then the first few passages were not too bad, not as bad as aamc11. There were two passages that took a lot of time (near the middle) I spent about 15 mins on one of them and the other I had to educately guess. The orgo was fairly simple, especially the last passage!!? To a point where I hope I did not mess up the easy questions. Hoping for 10-11

Overall, I felt it on par with AAMCs FL. Please Gods, let us NOT have to re-take.

Time to drink, cheers everyone!
Looks like we're all feeling pretty similar, with a little variation depending on our strengths or which VR we got. I really wish we just knew our scores so that we could start moving forward with plans as far rescheduling, studying, etc. I'm planning on scheduling a January date as I feel some of my content gaps could be taken care of by then. I'm just worried there won't be any openings or sites that I could practically go to. I really don't want to take the 2015 test. 7+ hours!?!? Are you freaking kidding me? I cannot fathom how they went all the way through the test development process without someone saying, "Hey, guys. This whole seven hour test thing seems pretty bat**** crazy." I mean, even the boards aren't 7 hours long right? Why would we have to take the longest test of our medical career just to find out if we'll have a medical career?
Looks like we're all feeling pretty similar, with a little variation depending on our strengths or which VR we got. I really wish we just knew our scores so that we could start moving forward with plans as far rescheduling, studying, etc. I'm planning on scheduling a January date as I feel some of my content gaps could be taken care of by then. I'm just worried there won't be any openings or sites that I could practically go to. I really don't want to take the 2015 test. 7+ hours!?!? Are you freaking kidding me? I cannot fathom how they went all the way through the test development process without someone saying, "Hey, guys. This whole seven hour test thing seems pretty bat**** crazy." I mean, even the boards aren't 7 hours long right? Why would we have to take the longest test of our medical career just to find out if we'll have a medical career?

This. At least score our exams in a week! a month is inexplicably long to score an electronic multiple choice test.
This. At least score our exams in a week! a month is inexplicably long to score an electronic multiple choice test.

Yeah, I think they just got used to the system they were using. If there were a writing sample, it would make perfect sense. But they know immediately what your raw score is, and by the end of the day, they know what the pool of scores looks like.
Hey everybody! Took the November 7th today too. Felt okay until I started ruminating about all the ones I struggled with. One great thing about practice tests is that you immediately feel validated or not about how you felt once its over.

This is akin to my current struggle...

also am I the only one who never uses the breaks I just like to power through lol it helps me stay focused