****tmdsas 2012****

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Hey fellow Texas Applicants!

I submitted my application 7/6 and it was transmitted 7/20, only two weeks! :) Things seem to be moving pretty fast, I was expecting to wait much longer! I got an e-mail from Baylor saying they received my application the same day (7/20).

I took my DAT 7/14 so the schools haven't received my scores yet ( I think ) because TMDSAS still has it listed as not received. Do the schools notify you at all once they receive that? Or am I just supposed to check the status page religiously? How long does it usually take for the scores to come back officially?

I know Baylor takes unofficial score reports, I think I'm going to go ahead and fax it to them. Anyone know about San Antonio and Houston?

I'm only applying to the three schools in Tx, since I'm a resident, hopefully that doesn't backfire!

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Houston does not take faxed scores. Dunno about San Antonio but I'm positive they have the same stance as Houston.

It typically takes two weeks (~14 business days) for your scores to be process so be patient. I called TMDSAS on many occasions and they just said that if it is not there on your status than they didn't receive it yet.

Has anyone submitted their Baylor secondary? How long does it take to process?
I did the baylor secondary a few weeks ago, there wasn't really a "processing" time, it was a really short, kind of statistical application. You just do it and submit it, I didn't get an e-mail about them having received it.
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Hey guys! I was wondering if anyone (or know anyone who has) received interview requests from any of the three schools yet? =)
Hey guys! I was wondering if anyone (or know anyone who has) received interview requests from any of the three schools yet? =)

I go to San Antonio on August 8th and to Baylor August 17th but still haven't heard anything from Houston yet. I know of at least one person that has heard from Houston according to another thread however. Anyone else hearing back from the Texas schools yet?
Hey guys! I was wondering if anyone (or know anyone who has) received interview requests from any of the three schools yet? =)

I heard from Baylor yesterday afternoon for an interview invite. I haven't heard from San Antonio and Houston yet.
Just a tip about Baylor, besides community service and tons of science classes, they generally give out interviews first to those that do not have a year off between undergrad and DS. Taking another semester of recommended classes may increase your chances at Baylor.
I heard from Baylor yesterday afternoon for an interview invite. I haven't heard from San Antonio and Houston yet.

Just curious to see how your stats look. Mind sharing?
One of my friends got an invite for Houston for august 30
Anyone know where we're supposed to fax scores to baylor? Is it just the admissions office?
Hey guys,

I have interview with San Antonio on Aug 8 and with Houston on Sept 6 but I have not heard anything from Baylor. My TMDSAS application was transmitted to school on June 22. How come I didn't even receive a email from Baylor that they received my application? Should I call them? :confused:
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Hey guys,

I have interview with San Antonio on Aug 8 and with Houston on Sept 6 but I have not heard anything from Baylor. My TMDSAS application was transmitted to school on June 22. How come I didn't even receive a email from Baylor that they received my application? Should I call them? :confused:

wow thats strange. I have the exact opposite problem. i received an email from baylor but not from hou or sa. and my app was transmitted on june 6th.
sigh :confused:
Positive that they have your applications if your application was transmitted. Just call them. I did for SA and they said they have my application but didn't send the email.
Positive that they have your applications if your application was transmitted. Just call them. I did for SA and they said they have my application but didn't send the email.

awesome, will do
wow thats strange. I have the exact opposite problem. i received an email from baylor but not from hou or sa. and my app was transmitted on june 6th.
sigh :confused:

Same for me, but I wasn't too worried since with TMDSAS if one gets your app, they all do.
Why do only some schools send out a confirmation email for submitting the application and others dont? And also, why do only some applicants recieve these emails?
Why do only some schools send out a confirmation email for submitting the application and others dont? And also, why do only some applicants recieve these emails?

People are human. Things take time and sometimes people forget to send out the email and sometimes emails might be forwarded to spam depending on type of email account you have. You just have to trust the TMDSAS system.

Or you can just call and ask.
Ok I have a dumb question for you guys. I just took my DAT on Thursday. I wanted to know if there is anything I needed to do to get my scores sent to TMDSAS? I am under the assumption that my scores will get sent to TMDSAS and AADSAS automatically through my dentpin, but I just want to make sure.
Ok I have a dumb question for you guys. I just took my DAT on Thursday. I wanted to know if there is anything I needed to do to get my scores sent to TMDSAS? I am under the assumption that my scores will get sent to TMDSAS and AADSAS automatically through my dentpin, but I just want to make sure.

Just put in your DENTPIN and birthdate/date you took it or whatever they ask for and it should be all good to go :thumbup:
Baylor interview on August 31st! :)

Have yet to hear anything from Houston and San Antonio. I only applied to Texas schools, me being a resident and all...I hope that wasn't a mistake, lol.

Application transmitted on 5-16-11 with my final LOR being posted on TMDSAS on 7-14-11.

Good luck everyone! :)
@TXRuz congrats on the interview!!

Have yet to hear anything from Houston and San Antonio. I only applied to Texas schools, me being a resident and all...I hope that wasn't a mistake, lol.

That's all I applied to as well! I'm hoping the same.
My app got in quite a bit later than yours (DAT finally submitted 7/27). How long after your final stuff was in that you received your interview?
Hey Guys!

Does anyone have examples of optional essays?

TMDSAS and ADSAS now run plagerism scans on every personal statement. They get a % score for plagerism and all the interviewers and application board see it.

So looking at examples might not hurt but do not copy.
@TXRuz congrats on the interview!!

That's all I applied to as well! I'm hoping the same.
My app got in quite a bit later than yours (DAT finally submitted 7/27). How long after your final stuff was in that you received your interview?

Well my last LOR was posted on 7-14, so about two weeks later is when I heard from Baylor.

Your stats are great! I'm sure you'll get interviews as well. Good luck!
Anyone else heard anything lately?
Finally got an email from houston exactly 2 months after my application was transmitted that they received my app... I dunno if i shud be happy or sad :confused:
Finally got an email from houston exactly 2 months after my application was transmitted that they received my app... I dunno if i shud be happy or sad :confused:

The email means nothing, they go out in waves.
Finally got an email from houston exactly 2 months after my application was transmitted that they received my app... I dunno if i shud be happy or sad :confused:

Yeah I got the same one. It got my hopes up for the 1.5 seconds in between seeing it was an email from Houston and opening the email.
Well still no word at all from Houston yet but my San Antonio interview is this coming Monday and I'm pretty excited/apprehensive about that! Lol good luck to everyone else going that day and those still waiting!
Yeah I got the same one. It got my hopes up for the 1.5 seconds in between seeing it was an email from Houston and opening the email.

Is getting an email confirming that the TMDSAS app has been recieved ANY indication of a potential interest in interviewing the applicant? I mean if there is a such a huge delay in transmiting the app and recieving a confirmation email, isn't it also possible to recieve an interview invite without a prior confirmation email?? In that case, the confirmation emails would be useless.
Unfortunately, so far they seem pretty generic and meaningless, other than letting you know that they do in fact have your app.
Is getting an email confirming that the TMDSAS app has been recieved ANY indication of a potential interest in interviewing the applicant? I mean if there is a such a huge delay in transmiting the app and recieving a confirmation email, isn't it also possible to recieve an interview invite without a prior confirmation email?? In that case, the confirmation emails would be useless.

The email saves them hours on the phone telling kids "yes we got your application". It'd save more if they got the email out sooner.
The email saves them hours on the phone telling kids "yes we got your application". It'd save more if they got the email out sooner.

sigh, it may not be a positive indication, but hey! at least its nothing negative.
but then again texas likes to wait righhhhhhht till the very end of the race to break it to you anyway
Anyone else heard anything lately?

Nope, no interviews yet, but then again, they only got my DAT scores a week ago, so I'm guessing I need to be more patient. (Or they hate me :scared: )

I got an e-mail from Baylor the day my app got transmitted that they received it, and one from Houston a week later once my DAT scores arrived. Nothing from San Antonio, but I hear they don't send out e-mails saying they received your app anymore?

I just now got my first interaction with Houston and it was the generic "your application has been received" type of email. Seeing as my Baylor and San Antonio interviews are both just a few days away I feel like Houston is a little behind in the game, although I've heard they're usually sort of slow with things.
I just now got my first interaction with Houston and it was the generic "your application has been received" type of email. Seeing as my Baylor and San Antonio interviews are both just a few days away I feel like Houston is a little behind in the game, although I've heard they're usually sort of slow with things.

That's so strange! When was your app transmitted? I guess I got lucky and Houston decided to send me that generic e-mail on time. Did SA send you one? I haven't heard from them at all.

Just curious, how long was it between the schools receiving your app and you getting interviews? I just want to know when I need to start worrying :laugh:
Predents has the interview date, not when the interview offer was extended, which is what I'm looking for. Unless I'm blind and I just can't see it?

Yes , exactly what I am looking for as well! The time between the app being completed/received and interview offered... not to sound too paranoid or anything, but ... Im paranoid!
Predents has the interview date, not when the interview offer was extended, which is what I'm looking for. Unless I'm blind and I just can't see it?

Your stats look great marii0o! Im sure ull hear from them soon. and btw I cant believe your so young. good job yo! :thumbup:
Your stats look great marii0o! Im sure ull hear from them soon. and btw I cant believe your so young. good job yo! :thumbup:

Thanks! I'm hoping they don't look at my age as a bad thing :xf:. I'm sure you'll hear from them soon as well!

I feel you on the paranoia, every day that I wake up and there's not an e-mail in my inbox from one of the schools I feel a small part of my soul wither away.

This is the only time in my life I actually don't like weekends because I know schools aren't out there reviewing applications right now.
I feel you on the paranoia, every day that I wake up and there's not an e-mail in my inbox from one of the schools I feel a small part of my soul wither away.

Please stop worrying. Honestly, there is no doubt in my mind that you are going to get into a Texas school. Just forget about the application process and check your email once every night. The rest of the day, don't even think about it. The amount of stress and negative energy you get from worrying about this is completely unnecessary.

This goes for everyone else that's already submitted their TMDSAS already. Just because a few people already have interviews doesn't mean that you aren't going to either as well. It's still really early in the interview schedule and plenty of time for everyone to still get one. The time you interview doesn't even matter too much. Last year, there were plenty of people who interviewed all the way in November and were accepted on Dec. 1. A bunch of Houston interviews didn't even happen until really late in the cycle. RELAX GUYS! You've done everything you can with the app, now it's out of your control.
Please stop worrying. Honestly, there is no doubt in my mind that you are going to get into a Texas school. Just forget about the application process and check your email once every night. The rest of the day, don't even think about it. The amount of stress and negative energy you get from worrying about this is completely unnecessary.

This goes for everyone else that's already submitted their TMDSAS already. Just because a few people already have interviews doesn't mean that you aren't going to either as well. It's still really early in the interview schedule and plenty of time for everyone to still get one. The time you interview doesn't even matter too much. Last year, there were plenty of people who interviewed all the way in November and were accepted on Dec. 1. A bunch of Houston interviews didn't even happen until really late in the cycle. RELAX GUYS! You've done everything you can with the app, now it's out of your control.

You are so right. Thanks.
I am officially naming you the resident therapist on SDN lol
Interview at Baylor. First of the cycle. whew.
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