Trying to get in MedSchool at 27yo; advices?

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May 24, 2021
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Nontraditional is definitely a word that I could use to describe my situation. Graduated in Veterinary Medicine in my country, moved to the US at 25yo. Husband is a FM resident and his routine inspired me to try and achieve my long lost dream of going to Med School. I am 27yo now and on my 5th semester of Biomedical Sciences. I have been able to keep up with the pace and acquire precious hours of volunteering and shadowing. However, there is always some insecurity in the back of my head, telling me that I am starting too late, what if I don’t make it? It’s the worst feeling ever, specially because I see so many young pre-meds, but I refuse to give up because I have walked away from Medicine once for reasons that were very much out of my control at that time, not because I wasn’t sure of it. Anybody that has gone through something similar? Advices are more than welcomed 🙂

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i am a female immigrant over 30, started medical school in my 30s. I get it, trust me.

PM me for inspiration and support.

Otherwise, - a few things i discovered along the way:
1, i noticed that patients trust me with more private things, because i am older (no offense to younger colleagues).
2. you dont care about small things as much.
3. you have already learnt how to differentiate right from wrong and you stick to your ethics (vs try to impress someone). so i think overall life experience kind of helps you see a different perspective?
4. i get along with nurses and other staff well, because majority of them are in my age range, and i joke around with them, share laughs, etc. They hear the accent, they see wrinkles in the corner of my eyes, they see my "chubbiness" and i think that maybe makes them more comfortable? I dont know. But overall i noticed that i am less intimidated with other hospital staff and i get along with them well.

overall, trust me, it will be ok. Majority of students will actually be your age, or 3-4 years younger. It will be fine.

and seriously - do it!!! I read somewhere: " you will be 40 years old one day anyway. Would you rather be a 40 year old doctor, or 40 year old something else? "
What M&L said is spot-on.

I'm female, 38, and an MS2. I had to completely re-train in order to go to medical school.

Honestly, older applicants bring so much to the table and many medical schools really view older applicants as an asset.

It's absolutely true that you will likely have wider perspective and more comfort with your administrators and hospital colleagues. While many of my classmates are still intimidated by our professors, most of them are my age peers, so we know how to talk to each other like colleagues.

You're going to be fine. At most schools, you won't be anywhere close to the oldest student. At my school, 30 is about average.

When it comes time to apply, use your experiences to your advantage. Remember to create a convincing narrative for why medicine and why now, but use your essays to drive it home that your experiences will make you a more compassionate and skilled doctor. When you've lived a life, you have the opportunity to present a more compelling application. Turn your age into an advantage.
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Second year MD student, started at 34. You got this!!!
A lot of inspirational advice on here, but just wanted to add one thing.. are you a US citizen/ permanent resident? If not, that makes the process much more challenging.
A lot of inspirational advice on here, but just wanted to add one thing.. are you a US citizen/ permanent resident? If not, that makes the process much more challenging.
One of my classmates is from Italy and I go to a state school that heavily favors instate. Sure, it will be hard, but not impossible.
A lot of inspirational advice on here, but just wanted to add one thing.. are you a US citizen/ permanent resident? If not, that makes the process much more challenging.
I am a permanent resident, moving over to my second green card now. I should be starting my citizenship application by the time I start applying to MedSchools.
What M&L said is spot-on.

I'm female, 38, and an MS2. I had to completely re-train in order to go to medical school.

Honestly, older applicants bring so much to the table and many medical schools really view older applicants as an asset.

It's absolutely true that you will likely have wider perspective and more comfort with your administrators and hospital colleagues. While many of my classmates are still intimidated by our professors, most of them are my age peers, so we know how to talk to each other like colleagues.

You're going to be fine. At most schools, you won't be anywhere close to the oldest student. At my school, 30 is about average.

When it comes time to apply, use your experiences to your advantage. Remember to create a convincing narrative for why medicine and why now, but use your essays to drive it home that your experiences will make you a more compassionate and skilled doctor. When you've lived a life, you have the opportunity to present a more compelling application. Turn your age into an advantage.
I almost cried reading your reply. Hopefully I will meet some pre-meds my age but just reading all these incredible stories and advices really made a difference for me. Thank you!
I am a permanent resident, moving over to my second green card now. I should be starting my citizenship application by the time I start applying to MedSchools.
That's perfect then! I'm applying right now with a foreign undergrad, and if I'm successful this cycle I will be 30 when I matriculate!

I must say, reading some posts and advice from @M&L and others over the past few years really helped me because I was also stuck on age for a while and afraid I would be "too old". But just remember, anything can be done as long as you have the drive to do it 🙂

All the best to you!