TTUHSC Lubbock vs TCOM for MSTP

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Nov 2, 2022
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I feel like ultimately I could make it work at either school, but I hesitate ranking TTU love TCOM for a few reasons. I've had ttu students tell me MD/PhD is not the best place to do at TTU, less resources compared to UNT-TCOM.
another thing is I worry I'll pick it/ not pick it for the wrong reasons... I feel kind of obligated to rank TTU Lubbock higher since my family likes the town and lives near there, but lowkey not sure I want to choose school just bc my parents told me its the better one. but now I worry I only want to rank it lower out of spite for my parents.

Like I said I think id be okay w either school but have to soonish, so I'd appreciate if any students in either school would give me input/ anyone would help figure out what to do to choose what I want genuinely

pro and con lists:
so I guess, TTU:
  • MD
  • family likes it / closer to family
  • con: less student support/ MSTP support??
  • con: weather

  • more resources(?)
  • easier move (I live in DFW area rn)
  • con: DO stigma
  • con: graded(?) passing grade is higher or something

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i would go with Lubbock, it’s more than just DO stigma, the match is getting more competitive, and now that the MD and DO students match together, there is still a small gap in terms of favoritism. If ppl wanna give me **** for this that’s fine but it’s the truth. Also, Lubbock has its own affiliated health science center and hospital, and they have some residencies. If you wanna match into a competitive residency, I think it would be smart to do your MSTP at Lubbock and hopefully build some good connections with Lubbock hospital faculty so you have a good shot at their residencies.
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