tutoring for STEP1, 2 CK + CS and STEP 3!

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5+ Year Member
May 22, 2017
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Hey Guys! I am offering my help in preparing students for STEP 1,2 CS+CK, and STEP 3. Also, I would be able to read over your personal statements and help with elective applications and in general anything to do with American Residency applications.

My scores for STEP 1 and 2- 247 and 249. I personally just completed my STEP 3 exam and did several months of elective training in NY, California and London. Also, I have trained other students in the past for Step 1 and Step 2 CS helping them reach their potential, especially if you are an IMG!

If you have any other questions don't hesitate to ask. email- [email protected]

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