UC Davis, School of Medicine c/o 2013

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Wow... that list of questions is insane. Gatoradedrinker, you are on top of your research efforts man! Nicely done.
Wow... that list of questions is insane. Gatoradedrinker, you are on top of your research efforts man! Nicely done.
That list of questions...yikes. I'm in med school right now, so there's no way I've got the time for that list! If you come to the second look you can ask all the questions you'd like. I would say the most important question you have there is the last one: will you be happy there. I think our class (2012) for the most part is pretty darn happy. Med School is a lot of work, but the school is supportive, the students help each other out, and you have ample time to keep a normal life.
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Wow... that list of questions is insane. Gatoradedrinker, you are on top of your research efforts man! Nicely done.

I've been in touch with a few current UCD med students, and have compiled my own (smaller) list of questions along with the answers I've received over the past few weeks. If anyone is interested, send me a PM and I'd be happy to share!

Executive summary is pretty much as bruinator mentioned: all of the five or so people with whom I've spoken have had very positive classroom/clinical experiences at Davis and recommend the school wholeheartedly.
Wow... that list of questions is insane. Gatoradedrinker, you are on top of your research efforts man! Nicely done.

that list was a little scary! :laugh: lol anyway, just looking it over, i have spent some time on the UCDSOM website and there are answers there to a lot of your questions.

Now that it's less than a week away, whose going to be at the revisit this Sat.? Whose going to the party? I am definitely looking forward to meeting everyone.
After quite a wait, I'm in! Thanks for the previous post about housing/neighborhoods in Sac. I look forward to meeting everyone! :D
for the record - i didn't generate that list of questions. i simply copied/pasted it from another thread. :)
that list was a little scary! :laugh: lol anyway, just looking it over, i have spent some time on the UCDSOM website and there are answers there to a lot of your questions.

Now that it's less than a week away, whose going to be at the revisit this Sat.? Whose going to the party? I am definitely looking forward to meeting everyone.

Party plus revisit here.

I'll be the one wearing the lampshade...at both events.
i actually didn't get the revisit email at first... i had to call and ask for it.
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Does anyone know if we gotta dress up for revisit day? I gotta get up at 5 to drive there so I don't think I'll be in the mood to do so. I hope it's going to be informative
Does anyone know if we gotta dress up for revisit day? I gotta get up at 5 to drive there so I don't think I'll be in the mood to do so. I hope it's going to be informative

Straight from Ed Dagang's mouth (or fingers, as it were):

Attire is comfortable and casual - there are no formal events; khakis and jeans are appropriate. We will be visiting a few of the student run clinics where patients are being seen so I would suggest long pants rather than shorts.
Hey so this is a question for those who know students at UCD SOM. Are they happy there? And, if they are doing general med, do they feel they are well prepared to become a primary care physician? I know Davis is all about primary care physicians and are actually trained by primary care physicians, but I'm just wondering if all that is true or just marketing. Thanks. I'm kind of deciding from MSU and UCD. I mean no brainer for many that UCD is hands down the best and I should be happy with my acceptance but I really want to make sure that I choose the school that will make me the best primary care physician I can be.
Oh and thanks wanderingw for getting that question answered. See you at Revisit.
Hey so this is a question for those who know students at UCD SOM. Are they happy there? And, if they are doing general med, do they feel they are well prepared to become a primary care physician? I know Davis is all about primary care physicians and are actually trained by primary care physicians, but I'm just wondering if all that is true or just marketing. Thanks. I'm kind of deciding from MSU and UCD. I mean no brainer for many that UCD is hands down the best and I should be happy with my acceptance but I really want to make sure that I choose the school that will make me the best primary care physician I can be.

Okay, i'll answer this but only because i'm procrastinating...

Are Students Happy: Yes. The students here, on average, are very happy. There are always people who are going to get stressed out and go nuts with all the work med school is, but most people here feel like they get a great grasp on everything, and because school is fairly lax, they take the time to enjoy themselves. Students play sports, do outdoorsy things, go clubbing and bar hopping, etc. You definitely can do the things you like to do. First block is rough for some people (it's definitely the most in class time of the first two years) but I remember going out a good amount during first block, and now second block is a breeze.

Primary care: First off, while davis definitely does a lot to prepare you from primary care, it by no means forces you into it. You'll get a lot of patient encounters in your first year, whether through standardized patients, home visits, preceptorships, or any of the awesome student run clinics. They really want you to be able to see patients and be comfortable with it. I think that's pretty well done. However, I think the "focus" on primary care medicine has mostly arisen because of the students who have entered previously--if you want to do a research specialty, there's ample opportunity. They have a lot of research support and really encourage you to do it if that's what you like. Moral of the story--you can do whatever you like, and be supported in it.

Extra: Go to the second look and ask all the questions you want. You'll have lots of students at the friday party, some will be around 8 am the next day (although don't count on a whole lot, it's 8 am and all) and there should be a good number at the barbecue at 4pm on saturday. Enjoy yourselves there.
Hi Everyone,

I received an email from Ed about revisit weekend, but was unable to open the attachments. Can one of you please post the finalized schedule for revisit weekend? I'm unclear on whether it's one or two days long.

Also, do we need to dress up?

Thanks! Hope to meet some of you this weekend.
Hey all,

I'm a first year student at UC Davis, so if you have Q's, let me know.

As for the revisit, the first year students are going to have a party friday night for the revisit students, so i'll make sure to have Ed send out an email and to post the info on the facebook group.

If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask!


Hey, are they having two revisit days? I just got an email for one, but its May 8th and 9th. Is this for diversity students only (I applied as a disadvantaged background student).

Thanks in advance
I have a question about class schedules for any of the MS1s. Could you give us an idea of when class starts/ends everyday? Is it pretty consistent or does it change every time we change blocks? I have to figure out daycare options/dropoffs/pickups :) Thanks!
Hey thanks for that information bruinator. I appreciate it. Now does anyone know where we're suppose to park? Can we park at the Marriot or do we have to go all the way to that parking garage we were told to park at for interviews? Gracias.
Hey, are they having two revisit days? I just got an email for one, but its May 8th and 9th. Is this for diversity students only (I applied as a disadvantaged background student).

Thanks in advance
Yes, there are two revisit days. The diversity day revisit is May 8th and 9th.
I have a question about class schedules for any of the MS1s. Could you give us an idea of when class starts/ends everyday? Is it pretty consistent or does it change every time we change blocks? I have to figure out daycare options/dropoffs/pickups :) Thanks!

It DOES change each block. Block 1 is sort of rough with the amount of time you're in class, so you should figure on 9-5 needing a babysitter.

What a typical block 1 day is like is 2-3 classes before lunch (9-12) and then 1 class after lunch (1-2) and a lab (until 4 or 5). That's not true of all days, but definitely days you have anatomy.

Block 2 on the other hand, is all mixed up where we have some days where we start at 10 and end at 1 (with a lunch hour in there). Some days are still 10-5. Apparently 2nd year is even more random with more time off.

UCD definitely throws you into the mix early, with block 1 probably being the roughest, followed by block 4 being the roughest.

Parking: You can usually park at the marriot even if you're not a guest (but you're not supposed to). You can park at the same place you parked when you did the interview, or if you don't mind walking you can park your car all day in the elmhurst neighborhood east of 51st on V st.
Did anyone finish their financial aid applications early and gotten a response from the Financial Aid Office? I'm assuming the package will come through snail mail? Any information would be greatly appreciated!
Did anyone finish their financial aid applications early and gotten a response from the Financial Aid Office? I'm assuming the package will come through snail mail? Any information would be greatly appreciated!

I visited the financial aid office in person today, and was told the following:

- When my financial aid package is complete (and ready for viewing), I will be notified both via my UCD email and external contact email (the one that admissions uses, I presume). I don't believe they do snail mail.

- They are currently working on applications that were complete as of the first week of March, and are moving forward from there.

All that being said, I was also told that if I hadn't received word by say, the week of May 15, I should call them and they may be able to describe my package over the phone (if they had completed it).

Hope this helps!
I visited the financial aid office in person today, and was told the following:

- When my financial aid package is complete (and ready for viewing), I will be notified both via my UCD email and external contact email (the one that admissions uses, I presume). I don't believe they do snail mail.

- They are currently working on applications that were complete as of the first week of March, and are moving forward from there.

All that being said, I was also told that if I hadn't received word by say, the week of May 15, I should call them and they may be able to describe my package over the phone (if they had completed it).

Hope this helps!

Wow, you are amazing. Thank you so much for the detailed information!
couldn't attend the revisit weekend and party the night before.... how was it? find out anything particularly exciting/interesting?
couldn't attend the revisit weekend and party the night before.... how was it? find out anything particularly exciting/interesting?

I'll try to give a semi-brief summary:

The party the night before was mostly MS1 with maybe about 10ish revisit students. The first years were really friendly and answered a lot of questions. They seemed really happy with their experience and looked light a pretty tight knit group. They were also having a good time which was nice :) We even went to a bar. Got to meet some other revisit students which was very nice.

Apparently, good places to live are near the med school on T, U and V streets (really cute neighborhood), and in Tahoe Park.

Revisit Day: We ate breakfast and then immediately broke up into groups to visit the student run clinics. These seem like an amazing experience and basically you get to start working with patients right away. Students said that it is best to go spend one day at each to get a feel for which one works best for us. About 75% of the MS1 and MS2 participate in student run clinics. Each year, about halfway through the year, they elect the new co-directors for the clinics and these seemed to generally be MS1.

Back to the Marriott for lunch and then a tour of the anatomy lab, gym and hospital. All I can say about the anatomy lab is wow! it is pretty sweet. A couple students gave us the tour and told us how MS2 help out the MS1 right before the practicals by setting up mock practicals, there are lots of good outlines on the student website, teachers are really supportive. It was very encouraging.

The gym was small but it was clean and had weights and treadmills, elliptical machine, etc. It is not the ARC (see UC Davis ARC) but it does the job.

The deans gave each group of about 8 a tour of the hospital. There is a new emergency room being built. The old tower will eventually need to be torn down to meet earthquake standards and the new Davis Tower was also amazing. Each floor was a different department, had a conference area, flat screens to view radiology results, etc. Pretty top notch facilities and beyond any hospital I have ever seen. I was really excited. The deans were super nice and personable.

It was a very long day with lots of eating. :laugh: I found the information really useful and got the feeling that UCD was all about forming a community and creating physicians and it seemed reflected in the MS1 students. I was already planning on going to UCD but the revisit sold me on the school even more. I also really liked all the revisit students and felt that conversation flowed easily. I could definitely see myself in classes and clinics with the students I met.

Who else was there? What did the rest of you think?
couldn't attend the revisit weekend and party the night before.... how was it? find out anything particularly exciting/interesting?

These were some of my observations:

- The administration is very very eager to please med students. Lots of little things have been changed/improved due to student feedback, from adding the pianos to the student lounge, creating a small gym on the medical campus, minor curriculum changes, etc. If anything, this might almost be to a fault! But that's just my own opinion. :)

- The surrounding neighborhoods from the med center are mostly good. There's one pretty shady area (most of Oak Park), but other than that it's quiet, nice houses (if not slightly old on the outside), but very very affordable. Most med students pay anywhere from $500-700/month, living in anywhere from 1BR-3BRs. A large majority live either within walking or short biking distance of school. No one complained in the least about the cost of living, many cited it as a plus.

- Sacramento itself is really just ~1 square mile of urban city surrounded by a *lot* of suburbs and greenery. Traffic, even at rush hour, is not bad at all. (at least compared to SoCal) More than a few people described the city as a great place where one can study. (Implying that there's not a whole lot to do in the city, but it's near enough a lot of places for a quick getaway).

- Many of the current first years really went out of their way to make us prospectives feel welcome. Between the pre-revisit party to the official events that day, they were very forthcoming with information about everything under the sun! I'm sure that there are other MS1s who are far less happy with UCD, but the fact that there are even a few students who are that passionate about the school does say something (positive).

- The hospital's a mix of old and new, with some wings dating to the 1930s and some that were just built. Overall nothing bad or spectacular stood out to me. One interesting thing was when our tour guide (the associate program director of medicine for the residency program) asked our group what specialties we may be interested in. Almost all of us (8-9 out of 10) listed primary care as one of our potential focuses.

- All in all there really is a feel of family to the med school community (students, faculty, staff, etc). Not to say everyone participates in the happy fuzzy family, but it's good to see that the school cultivates that environment. I think it could help students a lot during the transition periods (studying for step 1, clinical rotations, etc).

- Not all of what I heard were bunnehs and kittens. Two HS/college friends (who are now UCD residents) have had mixed experiences with UCD med students; some great, some pretty awful. Both mentioned that the system may coddle med students a bit too much in that they don't receive as much responsibility as they might in other institutions (particularly on the east coast). I brought this up both to Dean Henderson and the associate Medicine program director (he gave my group the hospital tour), and the latter mentioned that he was aware of the discrepancy in expectations and has commissioned a study to look into it. That being said, he did say that UCD, unlike many east coast institutions, has a less 'militant' (his word) culture in that the onus was on the med students to learn and work independently without being directly pushed too hard. I don't think this really concerns us (adversely) too much as med students, but it's worth mentioning. I get the feeling that residents at every hospital have similar thoughts about med students!

- Most of the prospectives I met were 90-100% planning on attending UCD.
Anyone get their financial aid packet yet?
Anyone get their financial aid packet yet?

As far as I know, the financial aid office was finishing up applications late this week and was hoping to get them out soon. I think that they're targeting for the email notices to get out some time before 5/15... I know that's not very comforting, but it's what I know.

If you don't want to have any delays in viewing your awards online at the MyAwards site, I would suggest creating a UCD loginID with your UCD SID and some other information beforehand at this link:


O yea, you'll find your UCD SID at the top of the acceptance tab in the secondary application site. Hope this helps!
I won't be attending UC Davis SOM next year, but I know some really great students that are currently looking for roommates to share a large house near the medical school/medical center. I know looking for housing can be a pain (on top of this clearly arduous application process) so hopefully, this post will help someone.

I have included a description of the place and have attached some pictures to this post. You can contact the people directly (contact info below):

Hi! If you are an incoming UC Davis med student or resident, there are 2 rooms available at our lovely and BIG house at 10 Governor's Court.(http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&sour...=16&iwloc=addr)
See attached pics.

You'd be sharing the 4 bedroom, 2 bath house with an MS III and an MD/PhD student. Each room is $500 plus utilities (electric+ comcast internet + cable if interested). We have a large backyard and rotate through the 2-car garage (street parking is plenty and free). It is a 15 minute walk to Med Ed or a 5 minute bike ride. It's on a cul-de-sac and the neighborhood is quiet.

Move in dates: Immediately or beginning of school year

We're both pretty quiet and studious though we like to have people over for dinner and BBQs during the summer. We're looking for roommates that are interested in making a warm, friendly home, are fairly quiet and wouldn't mind contributing in helping out with the bi-weekly household chores. Women preferred.

If you're interested, please email either:
Justine [email protected]
Anna [email protected]


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Is anyone going to the Diversity Revisit this weekend?
What is the 'Med professional fee grant'? Does everyone get this?

They added my EFC and what my parents said they'd contribute to be my total contributions. Part of my parents contribution was going to go toward paying the EFC! I guess I filled it out wrong :rolleyes: :oops:
What is the 'Med professional fee grant'? Does everyone get this?

They added my EFC and what my parents said they'd contribute to be my total contributions. Part of my parents contribution was going to go toward paying the EFC! I guess I filled it out wrong :rolleyes: :oops:

MPFG=free money (albeit never enough).

I spoke with Susan Muramoto at fin aid. She mentioned that all UCDSOM matriculants receive the MPFG. Though the award amount may vary from year-to-year (contingent on funding, class size), all students within the same cohort receive the same grant amount.
Hey I was wondering if anyone knew of any good 1 bdrm apartments complexes in the area? All the apartments seem to be more than 10 minutes away or ridiculously expensive in downtown. Thanks.
Hey I was wondering if anyone knew of any good 1 bdrm apartments complexes in the area? All the apartments seem to be more than 10 minutes away or ridiculously expensive in downtown. Thanks.

From what I was told during Revisit weekend (and saw when I drove myself around), there are almost no good apartment complexes near the medical center. I saw a few in Oak Park, but they're not exactly in an area that looks safe.

Every med student I met lives in a rented house/duplex or condo.
hey has anyone who has been accepted in april or later received their financial aid package yet?
hey has anyone who has been accepted in april or later received their financial aid package yet?

Not yet-- still working to finish those copies of W2s and parental forms... darn my parents being on vacation. :p
I got accepted in April. Submitted all docs mid April and got my fin aid package the second week of may (I think about 3-4 weeks).
i guess mines coming in june then because i got all my stuff in like first week of may?
HOME FOR RENT. Hello there incoming class! Fellowship is done and we are leaving sunny Sacramento to start on the official career path. We have a home for rent that's location has proved not only very comfy but extremely convenient. This will ring true throughout your time here especially during your 3rd and 4th year rotations. When we were looking around at places to stay when we moved to the area...we found a ton of properties but very few that felt like a home. You can definitively get the latter if you choose to rent this house! Feel free to contact me regarding this post. Here is a site for pictures if you want to sneak a peek. http://picasaweb.google.com/nathan.hox/HomeForRent#
Best wishes this year!!

A buddy of mine who is a MS4 at UCD has a room for rent. Here is the ad from craig's list:

-Master Bedroom w/ own bath, huge closet, available for

-Part of a 3 Bedroom house right across from the ACC parking lot and 5 min
walk from the main hospital. Address is 4825 V St. Sacramento CA 95817

-Room in back of house-very quiet; ideal for studying

-will be sharing house w/ two male 4th year med student and intern

-1 year lease contract

Email me at [email protected] or call (408)821-1380 if interested.


Does anyone know the date of the induction ceremony? My family wants to block their schedules so they can watch me get a stethoscope...(still bummed it's not a white coat ceremony)

Edit: Well, I've been searcing for a few days, and right after I posted, I found the date!! (FYI the Induction ceremony is August 1)
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For those of you who got accepted at UC Davis, how many of you came off the wait list? When did you get off the wait list? I interviewed on 01/20 and finally was wait listed on 05/21, but it seems that this happened to many people. The situation for me seems very bleak right now. Anyone care to share their experience?