UCSF vs Mount Sinai

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Apr 24, 2018
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Mount Sinai
  • Location is ideal. I am interested in working with diverse and under-serve populations so working and living in very close proximity to Harlem sounds amazing. Also, being close to Central Park is a plus.
  • Born n raised in NY, so family, friends, and SO are here
  • Will be ~60K in debt
  • Subsidize housing cost is great
  • Love the school's commitment to wellness and social justice

  • Not too thrilled by the 2 years of pre-clinical
  • Not a big fan of the weather here ( this winter has been brutal )

  • Living in San Francisco sounds like it would be a new experience that would allow for a lot growth/ forcing me out of my comfort zone
  • Big fan of the weather and outdoors opportunites
  • Love the integrated Bridges Curriculum
  • Excellent research/clinical training opportunity
  • Got really good vibes from the faulty and staff during my interview
  • UCSF is ranked in the top five for primary care ( looking to go into primary care )

  • Living in San Francisco- High COL
  • ~120k in debt (twice as much as Sinai)
  • Very far away from social support but I do have some good friends on the west coast
  • Hoping to go back to NYC for residency so traveling for interviews would be costly. It may be more advantageous to go to a NYC med school


I am leaning toward UCSF but the cost is a major factor. I feel like having a six-figure debt would hinder the quality of my experience and add additional stressors. However, I know that I would be happy at either school for different reasons.

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UCSF and it is not even close. 60K is less than 6 months of income as an attending . I would frankly pay that just for the weather, but in this instance it is the better school as well.
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My vote would be for UCSF. While SF is not quite NY in terms of diversity, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to work with diverse and unders-served populations in SF. UCSF is also big on advocacy and social justice. You prefer the UCSF curriculum and weather. Since you have roots in NYC, you wouldn’t have any problems matching back to NYC and UCSF wouldn’t necessarily be a disadvantage in this area either. Given your interest in primary care, UCSF would be a better fit for this point as well. The 60k difference (and 120k total) is not a deal breaker in my opinion.

At the end of the day, think about where you would be happier for the next 4 years.
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