UIC vs VCU dental

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Mar 7, 2017
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Hi yall

I'm on the fence kind of for both schools, VCU and UIC. I was accepted at VCU on Dec 1 but am waitlisted at UIC. I am OOS for both schools so the cost of attendance will be high regardless. I don't know much about Richmond area or either schools to be honest. I am trying to get off the waitlist at UIC but there seems to be no movement so far.

What are your thoughts.. if you get accepted to both UIC and VCU which would you choose and why.
I am looking for a school that will provide me with a solid education but also allow me to have plenty of free time and have a good social aspect to the city.

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If cost is no concern, I would choose VCU just for the benefit of how strong their clinical program is. Richmond isn't hat great of a city, and some blocks are really scary so I'd be wary of walking in the dark.

I don't know much about UIC besides the fact that they offer some URM's instate tuition (so there is that if you are a URM). UIC also does PBL, so you might have more free time there...

*Note: As a VA resident, I would go to VCU in heartbeat, but I wouldn't have to pay as much as you... if I ever get accepted.*

I know that information may be more helpful from a student, but I think that my information is still valid from an outsider looking in.
VCU! I did not interview there, but I did at UIC and it was a lukewarm experience at best. UIC had some nice clinics, but the school has a lot of...oddities. For one, UIC has small group learning (SGL) which is similar to PBL. I have not met a student that liked it. Secondly, the faculty was easily the least warm and welcoming out of all the schools I interviewed at. At least the students seemed genuinely nice. Lastly, I found it odd that UIC had "generic" CAD/CAM technology for a school that costs ~$275K in-state w/out living. That being said...UIC has a 100% boards pass rate for the past couple years, the class size is relatively small, and they have an amazing patient pool in Chicago.

Edit: Something to consider...is it possible to get VA residency for in-state at VCU?
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VCU! I did not interview there, but I did at UIC and it was a lukewarm experience at best. UIC had some nice clinics, but the school has a lot of...oddities. For one, UIC has small group learning (SGL) which is similar to PBL. I have not met a student that liked it. Secondly, the faculty was easily the least warm and welcoming out of all the schools I interviewed at. At least the students seemed genuinely nice. Lastly, I found it odd that UIC had "generic" CAD/CAM technology for a school that costs ~$275K in-state w/out living. That being said...UIC has a 100% boards pass rate for the past couple years, the class size is relatively small, and they have an amazing patient pool in Chicago.

Edit: Something to consider...is it possible to get VA residency for in-state at VCU?

I don't think it is possible to switch residencies for VCU... you'd have to have gained residency 12 mo. prior at least