Unable to access my GRE account on ETS?

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7+ Year Member
Jul 21, 2016
Reaction score
Has anyone else been experiencing issues with logging into ets.org/mygre??? Upon entering my credentials and logging in I am brought to a "Review Personal Information Page" and then to a "Confidentiality Agreement" page. Once I submit the latter of the two, it brings me right back to the personal info page and it's a never ending loop!

If anyone has a loop around this that would be great! I desperately need to see my score report.

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Logic tells us to contact ETS support.....
Has anyone else been experiencing issues with logging into ets.org/mygre??? Upon entering my credentials and logging in I am brought to a "Review Personal Information Page" and then to a "Confidentiality Agreement" page. Once I submit the latter of the two, it brings me right back to the personal info page and it's a never ending loop!

If anyone has a loop around this that would be great! I desperately need to see my score report.
The website has been down for a few days now, try contacting customer service and hopefully they can help you out 🙂
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Website has been down for 1.5 weeks. It was originally supposed to be down for a weekend, but there are rumors ETS got hacked during their downtime. ETS/GRE has been impressively quiet on the issue only saying "we hope it will be up soon".

Worst of all admissions departments have not been informed of the downtime which includes the inability to access official scores, send official results, or schedule exams.

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The GRE site shut down from Aug 25-29th for "scheduled maintenance" and has been glitchy ever since. I called GRE/ETS and the coy rep simply told me that my scores were unavailable and they should be up soon. As of now, I can't even look for openings to reschedule a retake. Extremely unfair and unfortunate for people who just happened to be unlucky enough to take the GRE anytime within the past couple weeks and need to send their scores.
The GRE site shut down from Aug 25-29th for "scheduled maintenance" and has been glitchy ever since. I called GRE/ETS and the coy rep simply told me that my scores were unavailable and they should be up soon. As of now, I can't even look for openings to reschedule a retake. Extremely unfair and unfortunate for people who just happened to be unlucky enough to take the GRE anytime within the past couple weeks and need to send their scores.

Tell me about it. I'm contemplating about retaking it and I have no idea if I'd be able to do that with all of this going on. Extremely frustrating.

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The exact same thing has been happening to me. I submit and it refreshes to the original page.
I've been having the same issue of getting stuck on the "review personal information" page. Unfortunately, I still can't access my account. Any one else's that still isn't working?
Mine is now up and working, however I still have a "Not Available" message for my scores, even though the rep on the phone said my scores were uploaded to my account. Can't tell me over the phone either.
Keep in touch with ETS services.

Definitely pays to submit applications early to avoid issues like this <1 month out. Let this be a reminder to applicants next cycle!!!