UNC Dental- Applying 2010

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im in state...........

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I got a call today at 4:30ish - I'm in!!! :D A dream come true. (In state)
Congrats everyone. I am not looking forward to being in the same shoes all of you are in hopefully there is more good news tomorrow. Gl everyone who has not heard.
Got a call today also at around 3:45! So excited! Good luck to everyone waiting to hear! I'm sure they will still be calling tomorrow!

Congrats Katie! My wife and I were both hoping that you would get in! We're really happy that you did! :)
I got a call yesterday around 4:30pm as well! I am super excited!

has anyone heard anything today???

As of right now...no calls :( I'm oos...it's 1048am ET. I'm thinking it's not gonna be as great of a day that I hoped it would be! :(
anyone else???? I'll keep my fingers crossed :xf:
They are usually done by this time. I think they have finished calling......
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Carolyn at UNC said that "anyone who got in has already been notified by phone and if you didn't get a call you were probably rejected."
I asked about the waitlist and she said they are currently working on it, but those people will be notified by a letter in the mail.
I just called Academic Affairs. They are done notifying people that got accepted.
No one has said anything....:confused: or apparently they have...ooops...just great...well guys when does that aadsas open for next year...
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At least the waiting game is finally over and we can move on with our lives. Congratulations to those who got in
congrats to everyone who got in, and thanks for keeping us all updated!

Congrats Katie! My wife and I were both hoping that you would get in! We're really happy that you did! :)

Hey thanks!! My husband and I are so excited!! Can't wait to get down to Carolina!! See you in August!
For the Peeps that may get waitlisted; keep your hopes up. We had 5 people off the list get into our class. One person even got the call 1 week prior to orientation.
For the Peeps that may get waitlisted; keep your hopes up. We had 5 people off the list get into our class. One person even got the call 1 week prior to orientation.

Do they let you know your number?
If anyone receives info, please post so the rest of us will know....good luck to those who made it..and to the rest of us waiting to wait...ha!
Alternate notification in snail mail today....if only 5 people got in from the wait list last year how many do they actually keep on the wait list?
do they normally mail the waitlist and rejection letters at the same time?
Last year my rejection letter was sent a few weeks after the waitlist people got the news
I wonder if today was the only day that waitlist news will be received.....hopefully not
NCarolinaDent-You said you were rejected last year, but were accepted this year. If you dont mind, would you mind sharing with me what you did in the year between to make yourself a much more competitive applicant this year
has anyone recieved their acceptance packets in the mail...I think Mrs. Barker said they would be mailed out this week..did i hear her wrong?
Does anyone who was accepted last week know when your deadline is for replying to the school??
NCarolinaDent-You said you were rejected last year, but were accepted this year. If you dont mind, would you mind sharing with me what you did in the year between to make yourself a much more competitive applicant this year

Here's what I did after applying the first time and was rejected...

1.) I called up the school the week I found out I was rejected and asked to schedule a meeting with the Dean of Admissions to discuss my application. We discussed my application and where he thinks I might could improve my application. He pointed out my DAT score should get to a 19-20 AA with no low outliers. At that time Dr. Guckes was the Dean of Admissions and he recommended I meet with Dr. Wilder when he took over...so I did.

2.) I retook the DAT improving my academic average from 18 to 20 and my total science from 19 to 22. My PAT stayed the same at 17.

3.) I worked--and still am working---for a Prosthodontist in Durham, NC as his intern. I have now worked for him for almost two years and have been trained to process dentures (and make all devices associated with a patient receiving dentures), diagnostic wax teeth, make temporary bridges/crowns, and make a bunch of things I had no idea about until working for him. I also go chairside, answer phones, and schedule patients, but most of my time is in the lab. This was incredibly valuable because I could talk about my not only assisting/shadowing, but actually doing dentistry and gaining a fundamental understanding of it.

4.) I applied early and had a general theme to my application that involved my commitment to dentistry and developing hand skills through the internship, my volunteer experience in dentistry, my enjoyment for working with people, and my improved DAT.

Hope this helps.
3.) I worked--and still am working---for a Prosthodontist in Durham, NC as his intern. I have now worked for him for almost two years and have been trained to process dentures (and make all devices associated with a patient receiving dentures), diagnostic wax teeth, make temporary bridges/crowns, and make a bunch of things I had no idea about until working for him. I also go chairside, answer phones, and schedule patients, but most of my time is in the lab. This was incredibly valuable because I could talk about my not only assisting/shadowing, but actually doing dentistry and gaining a fundamental understanding of it.
Wow, this sounds like so much fun. Prosth is one of the specialties I'm very interested in and I would've loved an experience like that. Nice improvements all around!
Here's what I did after applying the first time and was rejected...

1.) I called up the school the week I found out I was rejected and asked to schedule a meeting with the Dean of Admissions to discuss my application. We discussed my application and where he thinks I might could improve my application. He pointed out my DAT score should get to a 19-20 AA with no low outliers. At that time Dr. Guckes was the Dean of Admissions and he recommended I meet with Dr. Wilder when he took over...so I did.

2.) I retook the DAT improving my academic average from 18 to 20 and my total science from 19 to 22. My PAT stayed the same at 17.

3.) I worked--and still am working---for a Prosthodontist in Durham, NC as his intern. I have now worked for him for almost two years and have been trained to process dentures (and make all devices associated with a patient receiving dentures), diagnostic wax teeth, make temporary bridges/crowns, and make a bunch of things I had no idea about until working for him. I also go chairside, answer phones, and schedule patients, but most of my time is in the lab. This was incredibly valuable because I could talk about my not only assisting/shadowing, but actually doing dentistry and gaining a fundamental understanding of it.

4.) I applied early and had a general theme to my application that involved my commitment to dentistry and developing hand skills through the internship, my volunteer experience in dentistry, my enjoyment for working with people, and my improved DAT.

Hope this helps.

Very impressive NCarolinaDent.....thank you for sharing
Here's what I did after applying the first time and was rejected...

1.) I called up the school the week I found out I was rejected and asked to schedule a meeting with the Dean of Admissions to discuss my application. We discussed my application and where he thinks I might could improve my application. He pointed out my DAT score should get to a 19-20 AA with no low outliers. At that time Dr. Guckes was the Dean of Admissions and he recommended I meet with Dr. Wilder when he took over...so I did.

2.) I retook the DAT improving my academic average from 18 to 20 and my total science from 19 to 22. My PAT stayed the same at 17.

3.) I worked--and still am working---for a Prosthodontist in Durham, NC as his intern. I have now worked for him for almost two years and have been trained to process dentures (and make all devices associated with a patient receiving dentures), diagnostic wax teeth, make temporary bridges/crowns, and make a bunch of things I had no idea about until working for him. I also go chairside, answer phones, and schedule patients, but most of my time is in the lab. This was incredibly valuable because I could talk about my not only assisting/shadowing, but actually doing dentistry and gaining a fundamental understanding of it.

4.) I applied early and had a general theme to my application that involved my commitment to dentistry and developing hand skills through the internship, my volunteer experience in dentistry, my enjoyment for working with people, and my improved DAT.

Hope this helps.

You said that you called up the school the week you found out that you were rejected--was this when you received the rejection letter in the mail, or when you realized you didn't receive a waitlist letter? I am still waiting to hear about my status, and I am hesitant to call the office and bother those people, but at the same time, I want to move on and contact Dr. Wilder as soon as possible so that I can meet with him. What would your advice be?
I'd recommend you call on Monday. Politely ask what your application status is. Say, "I heard that those who were accepted or waitlisted have already notified. I was curious as to what my status is." That's what I did and they were more than happy to tell me.

Since you are likely denied because you haven't heard anything, say, "I am eager to get a jump on next year's application. Is there somebody I could talk to about what I might be able to do to improve my chances next year...possibly with Dr. Wilder?" They will more than likely say of course and try to workout a time that is mutually convenient.

Good luck
Does anyone who was accepted last week know when your deadline is for replying to the school??

Our first deposits are due Feb 22nd. I was waitlisted at UNC last year and did not get in, but it seemed that most of the waitlist movement occurred in the spring (Apr and May). Probably b/c most people deposit if accepted to UNC b/c its only $500. Although, there is the occassional last minute acceptance call too. Our orientation starts Aug.17th, so don't give up hope. I wish I could give more insight into how the waitlist works -but all I was told is that its "unranked." :confused: My advice is to do everything you can to make connections at UNC, improve your AADSAS if you can, and reapply June 1st, regardless of your status. Best of luck to all of you!:xf:

UNC Dental School Class of 2014
My advice is to do everything you can to make connections at UNC

Seems like a trend for reapplicants applying to UNC. One poster after another recommends developing connections with the school. Perhaps over the years they shifted away from the norm; unlike many other schools who gauge applicants' desire and interest to attend their school through a personal interview rather than their willingness to develop "connections".
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Seems like a trend for reapplicants applying to UNC. One poster after another recommends developing connections with the school. Perhaps over the years they shifted away from the norm; unlike many other schools who gauge applicants’ desire and interest to attend their school through a personal interview rather than their willingness to develop "connections".

I would argue that the vast majority of dental students at UNC and elsewhere get in on their merits rather than their connections. There are simply too many good candidates, so some excellent and qualified folks don't get acceptances.
Seems like a trend for reapplicants applying to UNC. One poster after another recommends developing connections with the school. Perhaps over the years they shifted away from the norm; unlike many other schools who gauge applicants’ desire and interest to attend their school through a personal interview rather than their willingness to develop "connections".

If you don't like Carolina don't apply. The tarheels don't need you anyways.
I think there problem here lies in the fact that the applicant pool is saturated with well qualified applicants....most are more than qualified to gain acceptance. So, you have to ask yourself how do I set myself apart? Can you really do it only on paper? It almost doesnt matter what you have or can do...someone else has done it or is doing it also. Thats almost always the case. I think when we come on here an post about making connections, its our way of saying get yourself known. Without that, your basically a name and a stack of paper...they have way too much on their minds over there and the odds of them really remembering you are slim IMO. By constantly contacting people and showing your face over there you are showing them that you really want to be a part of their program, that is what making connections is all about. I think this is what is inferred when people post about making connections. If you show up over there and they can see it in your face and see your frustration and really believe your pain then they will remember you and will definately give you a second thought....just my two cents. Im not saying nag the living crap out of these people, but try and make yourself known as best you can in a professional manner.
Seems like a trend for reapplicants applying to UNC. One poster after another recommends developing connections with the school. Perhaps over the years they shifted away from the norm; unlike many other schools who gauge applicants’ desire and interest to attend their school through a personal interview rather than their willingness to develop "connections".

Tedy, what is your deal with UNC? What I meant by "connections" is exactly what blcws6 wrote - make yourself stand out somehow! My stats are well above average, I have extensive experience, and my interview is the strength of my application. Most UNC students have gotten into schools elsewhere, further illustrating that they are capable beyond their abilities to network.
Tedy, what is your deal with UNC? What I meant by "connections" is exactly what blcws6 wrote - make yourself stand out somehow! My stats are well above average, I have extensive experience, and my interview is the strength of my application. Most UNC students have gotten into schools elsewhere, further illustrating that they are capable beyond their abilities to network.

if you have time to find his other posts about UNC, please do..
I don't waste my time to respond people who don't like such school just bc they've been rejected several times.. I'm not saying he's been rejected from UNC several times bc I don't know, I really don't.. but he just acts like it..

I don't know why making connections on your own bothers Tedy too much. It's not the connection like your uncle is an admission committee member(it's just an example bc I don't think even this wouldn't get you in if you are not qualified.). If such school is your top choice, then I think(at least to me) it's a common sense to invest your time and effort to get to know them..And also i'm very positive to say that many people not just for UNC but for their top choice schools do the same thing to prove that they are ready or to make themselves stand out.


Maybe what Tedy's talking about is beyond my comprehension. :laugh:
I actually hope I've been misunderstadning his comments about UNC.
Do they still wait until April or May to call alternates even if they have students with acceptances withdraw in Feb? Does anyone know?
Well I hope someone gets my spot, because I know someone deserves it and I know the feeling. Congrats to everyone who got in!

Louisville Class of 2014