Undergrad degree for optometry

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2+ Year Member
Sep 15, 2018
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I'm second year in an honours physiology degree in Canada, but I'm thinking of switching to psychology (still a science degree) to have more flexibility to take my prerequisites, focus on those and make sure my GPA is competitive (right now overall i'm at a 3.4). Would there be any negatives to this decision when I apply for optometry in the states?
I'm also pretty bad with extracurriculars since I've been focusing on GPA... if I do shadowing and some volunteering in the summer will this be sufficient? Or should I be focusing more on it? i've done volunteer work at a daycare the previous summer.

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I'm second year in an honours physiology degree in Canada, but I'm thinking of switching to psychology (still a science degree) to have more flexibility to take my prerequisites, focus on those and make sure my GPA is competitive (right now overall i'm at a 3.4). Would there be any negatives to this decision when I apply for optometry in the states?
I'm also pretty bad with extracurriculars since I've been focusing on GPA... if I do shadowing and some volunteering in the summer will this be sufficient? Or should I be focusing more on it? i've done volunteer work at a daycare the previous summer.
Degree doesn't matter as long as you've completed pre-reqs and have a decent grade in them.

Consider shadowing or working in optometry offices. Not a daycare.