Understanding Health Policy, 5th vs 6th edition

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Apr 4, 2012
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SDN Fam,

I was going to pickup a copy of understanding health policy, by Thomas Bodenheimer, when i noticed the fifth edition is $30.00 cheaper than the 6th.

The 5th was published 2008, the 6th in 2012.
The Affordable Healthcare Act came about 2009 or so, im assuming its not in the 5th edition even though its a pretty big deal in health reform.

Is the 5th edition sufficient to educate myself on present day and future healthcare issues, or should i purchase the 6th?

Thanks Fam!

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Get the 6th. So much has happened that the 5th would be woefully out of date.
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Get the 2012 edition.

The ACA (Affordable Care Act) was passed in March of 2010, so you will absolutely need a book that dates later than that. This legislation is and will continue to change the landscape of health insurance coverage and health care delivery, and my guess is that if an interviewer wants to dive into a health policy discussion, this will be a prime topic.

The Supreme Court also made their decision the legislation in June 28, 2012, so unless the 6th edition dates after that, you may want to check out separate publications on that decision. Obviously we aren't applying to law school here, but at least knowing the context of the lawsuit and the ultimate decision will be helpful.

I am sure the Bodenheimer book is excellent. In general, I'd recommend the Kaiser Family Foundation as a great source of information regarding health policy : http://www.kff.org/ You can also check out their education focused website for some great tutorials. http://www.kaiseredu.org/ You can even sign up for daily news alerts through KFF so you can stay up to speed on current health policy events.

I know this is beyond what you were asking, but I love this stuff, and I hope you and others find it helpful!
Get the 2012 edition.

The ACA (Affordable Care Act) was passed in March of 2010, so you will absolutely need a book that dates later than that. This legislation is and will continue to change the landscape of health insurance coverage and health care delivery, and my guess is that if an interviewer wants to dive into a health policy discussion, this will be a prime topic.

The Supreme Court also made their decision the legislation in June 28, 2012, so unless the 6th edition dates after that, you may want to check out separate publications on that decision. Obviously we aren't applying to law school here, but at least knowing the context of the lawsuit and the ultimate decision will be helpful.

I am sure the Bodenheimer book is excellent. In general, I'd recommend the Kaiser Family Foundation as a great source of information regarding health policy : http://www.kff.org/ You can also check out their education focused website for some great tutorials. http://www.kaiseredu.org/ You can even sign up for daily news alerts through KFF so you can stay up to speed on current health policy events.

I know this is beyond what you were asking, but I love this stuff, and I hope you and others find it helpful!
This is great information thank you!
Ordered the 6th edition, and yes health policy is interesting!. Thank you for the reference , im going to subscribe to the KFF mailing List