University, Community(University Affiliated) and Ambulatory Residencies

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Quick background: I'm applying into internal medicine and I would like to pursue a fellowship after I'm done with IM.
I'm seeing in FREIDA as well as in ERAS that there are programs that are Community (University Affilitiated) as well as communites non university affiliated programs. Others that I'm seeing say that they do the majority (over 60% even to 100%) of their training on Ambulatory medicine.

If I want a fellowship should I take out of my list non University Affiliated as well as programs that are heavy on Ambulatory medicine training programs?

Thank you,

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I suppose it depends on how competitive you are. Yes, you are more likely to match into a fellowship if you come from a university-affiliated program, and less likely if the majority if your training is in the ambulatory setting. That said, if you are an IMG or if you have borderline USMLE scores, then you should apply broadly to ensure you get a spot somewhere.
Some community programs are high quality, and sponsor their own fellowships. So although I agree that Univ > Univ affiliated > Community in general if you're interested in a fellowship, the presence or absence of the fellowship you're interested in at the programs you're looking at may be a bigger factor.

It also depends upon the fellowship. Cards, GI, and H/O tend to be the most competitive and going to a Univ program is probably best. ID, Nephrology, Pall Care are uncompetitive and it won't really matter where you go. Endo and Geri are very outpatient focused, so a more ambulatory based program would be fine.
I appreciate the replies. I think I’ll have to apply a bit broad because a dip in my CK. I’m an IMG with 230 step 1 but a 224 in CK and a first time pass in all including CS.
Since I’m interested in clinical medicine and not so much research with a goal of doing a fellowship after I'm done with residency, I took out most of my community only programs and left in a couple.
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