University of Florida Post-Bacc

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Mar 24, 2019
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has anyone done the UF post bacc program (UF PHPB) or know anyone who has done it? I've been accepted to the program, but there seem to be very few reviews since the program is relatively new (2014).

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Yeah I just finished it, if you're still active just reply to this so I know I'm still talking to someone
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Yeah I just finished it, if you're still active just reply to this so I know I'm still talking to someone
Im not the OP but I am interested in what you have to say!
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Yeah I just finished it, if you're still active just reply to this so I know I'm still talking to someone

My SO is interested in this program so let me know if you're still up to answer some questions!
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I decided it was too expensive/too intense and decided to do a second bachelor’s at another school but thank you for replying!
Yeah I just finished it, if you're still active just reply to this so I know I'm still talking to someone

Hey! I would love to hear about your experience. I deferred and didn't accept because of financial reasons at the time, but I am going to apply again for next fall.