University of Illinois at Chicago c/o 2017 applicants

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Wanted to start this thread for those who are applying to UIC Pharmacy for the 2017 class. Has anyone heard anything from them yet? or does anyone know when they first start sending supplementals out?

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Good luck, I am applying for the 2017 class as well. I think the first supplementals go out during mid September. But really it depends when PharmCAS submitted your application to them so who knows. Just submitted my PharmCAS yesterday so I'm in the wait boat for now.
Good luck, I am applying for the 2017 class as well. I think the first supplementals go out during mid September. But really it depends when PharmCAS submitted your application to them so who knows. Just submitted my PharmCAS yesterday so I'm in the wait boat for now.
Do you know if they have an essay question on the supplemental app?
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I remember I had a meeting with an admin; she said UIC doesn't even start LOOKING at applications until September.
I remember I had a meeting with an admin; she said UIC doesn't even start LOOKING at applications until September.
Yeah, got an e-mail from them today. Looks like a very long process.
I also applied there and got an email from them. It looks like nothing is going to be happening till September. I wish they would at least give out the essays so I could get started with the writing process.
I also applied there and got an email from them. It looks like nothing is going to be happening till September. I wish they would at least give out the essays so I could get started with the writing process.
I think one of them asks about why you either chose rockford campus or chicago campus. I believe...
Hi everyone I'm student from other state, looking at the application requirement, it requires 4 semester unit of human anatomy but my school only offers only one 4 quarter unit human physiology class. So what do i do now to fulfill this requirement?
yeah.. I'm in sort of the same position. The Anatomy i'm taking at a CC is only 3 semester units...I'm one unit short...does that mean I need to take another course to satisfy it?? My CC is not listed on that site....

Most likely... I don't understand why you wouldn't have to. They did say they want 4 units...
yeah.. I'm in sort of the same position. The Anatomy i'm taking at a CC is only 3 semester units...I'm one unit short...does that mean I need to take another course to satisfy it?? My CC is not listed on that site....

I've been to their info sessions. You have to complete atleast 4 units. If your CC has a physiology class, that would most likely fufill the requirement. I would email UIC so that you have an exact answer of what to do. Don't take a gamble by not getting a direct answer from the school
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I am applying for Fall 2013 as well. I have taken a human anatomy class, but I also have to take a mammalian physiology class for both my bachelors at KU and for the prerequisites for another pharmacy school. I am hoping that both will satisfy the requirement.
UIC will start sending out supplementals towards the END of September so we can expect them towards October. Got this from one of the UIC COP's representatives tonight.
Thanks for the information from UIC. It's nice to know when I should start looking for an email. Does your school possibly offer an independent anatomy lab? Maybe you could use that to fulfill the requirement that's what I was able to do for it. Does anyone know what the statistics are for UIC? Like average pcat scores gpa and all that great stuff?
Thanks for the information from UIC. It's nice to know when I should start looking for an email. Does your school possibly offer an independent anatomy lab? Maybe you could use that to fulfill the requirement that's what I was able to do for it. Does anyone know what the statistics are for UIC? Like average pcat scores gpa and all that great stuff?

If you look on PharmCAS, all of that information is given on the UIC page.
Avg. overall GPA is about a 3.5 and "to be competitive," your PCAT should be 70 or above
Thanks! I'll be sure to go and check that out.
I was wondering about the general bio requirements for the says 8 credit hours but my wife (the one applying-im almost done at wingate :D) took gen bio at her school and it was only 4 hrs. So short story long, what other classes satisfy the gen bio requirement? Pharmcas has nothing about it, and I'd prefer not bother the receptionists about it.

Thanks for your help in advance!
Anyone receive the supplemental app yet????
Anyone receive the supplemental app yet????

I just checked out last year's thread for class of 2016 and it looks like people were waiting until just about the start of October before they received the supplemental. Hopefully it won't be too long now.

But I know how it feels, it's painful playing the waiting game haha. Are you applying anywhere else?
I just checked out last year's thread for class of 2016 and it looks like people were waiting until just about the start of October before they received the supplemental. Hopefully it won't be too long now.

But I know how it feels, it's painful playing the waiting game haha. Are you applying anywhere else?
I have an interview with midwestern on the 26th and applied to siue. Might start filling out my supp app for rosalind franklin, but not too sure yet.
I have an interview with midwestern on the 26th and applied to siue. Might start filling out my supp app for rosalind franklin, but not too sure yet.

Same interview day on Midwestern. :) The fast response there is making me a bit nervous though since UIC is barely getting started. It seems they are pretty tight lipped about it too.
Has anyone heard anything yet about the supplemental? This is way later than when I thought they'd send stuff out.
Has anyone heard anything yet about the supplemental? This is way later than when I thought they'd send stuff out.
I just received an invitation to complete the supplemental! Check your emails everyone! :)
Yeah got the supplemental! Looks like quite a bit of things to fill in.
I just recently decided to apply to UIC. Does anyone know if the in-state tuition is determined by the same rules as the general U of I system? Apparently the supplemental app asks if you have lived in Illinois for 12 months preceding the fall 2013 semester. If you have, you can apply as a "resident". Does this mean resident rate tuition, admissions consideration, or both? I asked UIC but they have been slow to respond to everything.

Also, does anyone know what they do about an honors program in which freshmen take a 3 credit hour course that exempts the students from taking English comp 1&2 and speech? Since I recently decided to apply to UIC I didn't exactly tailor undergrad toward their pre-pharm requirements. Again, they haven't answered me...:confused:
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Anyone submitted the supplemental application? The message indicates the files are too big.
When filling out the supplemental application, did everyone fill out EVERY single box in the mini essay portion? Did anyone opt out of filling in some of the boxes? Also approzimately how long were your responses??
I re-emailed them each part of the application separately and it seems to have worked. But I may just end up handing them a copy in person. That's what the office told me when I called.

For the supp, I skipped the parts that didn't apply to me. I think my answers were like half a page.
I didn't leave anything blank. Even if the section did not pertain to me I then wrote that it did not pertain to me (which was probably not necessary). My campus decision one was about half the length of the box, and my one explaining why UIC was almost the whole area.

When you guys emailed your information in did you write anything specific in the message or subject box? The idea of just sending them a blank email with 2 documents attached seems very strange to me, but I'm not sure what to say cause I bet they get hundreds of these and don't want to waste time reading little messages.
I didn't leave anything blank. Even if the section did not pertain to me I then wrote that it did not pertain to me (which was probably not necessary). My campus decision one was about half the length of the box, and my one explaining why UIC was almost the whole area.

When you guys emailed your information in did you write anything specific in the message or subject box? The idea of just sending them a blank email with 2 documents attached seems very strange to me, but I'm not sure what to say cause I bet they get hundreds of these and don't want to waste time reading little messages.

I put down Supplemental Application in the subject. Did you get any response email when you sent yours in? I got an automated reject when I tried to attach both files, and then some "trouble ticket" when I sent them individually. Apparently the ticket was resolved as of yesterday, but I still have no idea if they have received anything.

Update: Just an update but according to the application page all my materials were received. Now to wait again for maybe an interview :xf:
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I got the same trouble ticket, but then I got another email the next day saying that my request has been resolved. So I am assuming that means everything is good now.
Does any have any opinions as to whether or not choosing consideration at BOTH Rockford and Chicago campuses would make you a less desirable applicant?

Looks like it says that you are not considered to put on a waitlist/alternate list if you do choose this option. So a second thing to consider, does anyone think that choosing this option would decrease your chances of getting in?
Does any have any opinions as to whether or not choosing consideration at BOTH Rockford and Chicago campuses would make you a less desirable applicant?

Looks like it says that you are not considered to put on a waitlist/alternate list if you do choose this option. So a second thing to consider, does anyone think that choosing this option would decrease your chances of getting in?

Hi, so I am a P1 at UIC COP Chicago campus class of 2016. I just wanted to shed some light on the process. So when I applied, I chose the Chicago campus because that was the one I was most interested in and Rockford was far away for me.

It does not make you any less desirable to choose one campus over another. Also if you choose both campuses, then your odds are BETTER that you will be offered a spot at either campus; however, due to the large waitlists there are more people that give up their offers for rockford campus earlier on than people that give up their seats for chicago meaning the rockford waitlist moves a lot faster. If you pick both campuses, you will receive a different number for the waitlist for each campus the trend is you are higher up on the Rockford list than the Chicago list. Also if you are offered a spot at rockford and you deny it, then you will NOT get an offer for the chicago campus and vice versa. You basically get an offer for only one campus. I dont know if there is a system as to who they choose to put where, but yeah.

There is a 2016 thread on this website, which is probably a good source to go through and it will answer most of your questions about the process.

Also if you're stats are not exactly what UIC "requires" don't get discouraged because they are very flexible, they look at the individual overall to make sure you are well rounded.

In terms of the timeline of this process:
November 11th - my file was marked complete and review was pending
December 12th - I received my invitation for an interview and you schedule your interview for a time and day that best works for you.
January 18th - I had my interview, I scheduled my interview a month after the invitation because I had decided to retake the January PCATs in case UIC wanted a better score.
January 23rd - I received my acceptance offer via email (so check you junk mail also!). Normally it takes longer to hear back because people that scheduled their interviews early January didn't hear back until the 23rd because that was when the committee met to decide who would be accepted from the first round of interviews.
Then you just pay your deposit and if you are taking classes make sure to keep ur grades up and you are in!

Feel free to ask me any questions, I'll be glad to answer them! I know it was one of the most stressful times in my life.
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Hi, so I am a P1 at UIC COP Chicago campus class of 2016. I just wanted to shed some light on the process. So when I applied, I chose the Chicago campus because that was the one I was most interested in and Rockford was far away for me.

It does not make you any less desirable to choose one campus over another. Also if you choose both campuses, then your odds are BETTER that you will be offered a spot at either campus; however, due to the large waitlists there are more people that give up their offers for rockford campus earlier on than people that give up their seats for chicago meaning the rockford waitlist moves a lot faster. If you pick both campuses, you will receive a different number for the waitlist for each campus the trend is you are higher up on the Rockford list than the Chicago list. Also if you are offered a spot at rockford and you deny it, then you will NOT get an offer for the chicago campus and vice versa. You basically get an offer for only one campus. I dont know if there is a system as to who they choose to put where, but yeah.

There is a 2016 thread on this website, which is probably a good source to go through and it will answer most of your questions about the process.

Also if you're stats are not exactly what UIC "requires" don't get discouraged because they are very flexible, they look at the individual overall to make sure you are well rounded.

In terms of the timeline of this process:
November 11th - my file was marked complete and review was pending
December 12th - I received my invitation for an interview and you schedule your interview for a time and day that best works for you.
January 18th - I had my interview, I scheduled my interview a month after the invitation because I had decided to retake the January PCATs in case UIC wanted a better score.
January 23rd - I received my acceptance offer via email (so check you junk mail also!). Normally it takes longer to hear back because people that scheduled their interviews early January didn't hear back until the 23rd because that was when the committee met to decide who would be accepted from the first round of interviews.
Then you just pay your deposit and if you are taking classes make sure to keep ur grades up and you are in!

Feel free to ask me any questions, I'll be glad to answer them! I know it was one of the most stressful times in my life.
Okay and I want to clarify because the disclaimer reads: "By selecting this option I understand that I must be serious about pursuing the PharmD at either campus location. I further understand that if I receive an admission offer to one campus, there will not be another offer to the other campus and I am not eligible to go on any alternate/wait list.

So what I'm getting at from this is that they either accept or deny you and you can't be considered to be put on any please feel free to correct me
Okay and I want to clarify because the disclaimer reads: "By selecting this option I understand that I must be serious about pursuing the PharmD at either campus location. I further understand that if I receive an admission offer to one campus, there will not be another offer to the other campus and I am not eligible to go on any alternate/wait list.

So what I'm getting at from this is that they either accept or deny you and you can't be considered to be put on any please feel free to correct me

So there are three options: you either get accepted, wait listed or denied. If they accept you then that's it, u don't get the option for a wait list for the other one. Once u get an offer that's it, either you accept the seat or deny it and ur saying no to UIC cop all together
I just wanted to ask a couple of questions--being that this process really makes me nervous.

I am a Junior, so I will not be getting a bachelor degree. I've heard that UIC doesn't accept a lot of individuals without a degree. I was just wondering if you could honestly tell me if I even have a chance.

I am an instate resident

Medcial Internship in Ghana, West Africa last summer (I delievered babies alone and drew blood/pricked fingers)

Worked in a pharmacy for 2 years

Certified Pharmacy Tech in KY

3.5 science gpa

3.79 pre-rec gpa

3.58 overall

I have done research with hydroxyl-d

I received a pcat of 81% (that was just preliminary score--I'm waiting for my actual results)

I have a great rec from a RUSH U professor/doctor (he is the top cardiologist over all Chicago hospitals)

And, is there any advice you can offer me? I would greatly appreciate it!
I just messaged you back but again I think you are a really strong candidate! I think your chances on getting in are very good :) don't be so nervous, just relax and breathe. If you get an interview invite just make sure you practice going through ethical scenarios you might encounter as a pharmacy STUDENT or as a pharmacist!
I received an email from UIC Pharmacy today. My supplemental materials are complete. The email states that my application is going to the Admissions Committee to be reviewed over the next few weeks. I am applying to the Rockford campus only. Fingers crossed!
I received an email from UIC Pharmacy today. My supplemental materials are complete. The email states that my application is going to the Admissions Committee to be reviewed over the next few weeks. I am applying to the Rockford campus only. Fingers crossed!

Just sent out the supplemental application. Hopefully I will see you there next fall :D
I'm applying Rockford campus only as well.
I received an email from UIC Pharmacy today. My supplemental materials are complete. The email states that my application is going to the Admissions Committee to be reviewed over the next few weeks. I am applying to the Rockford campus only. Fingers crossed!
I got that same e-mail as well. I really wish the turn around time was quicker. Decisions need to be made soon and expensive deposits to hold seats must be placed...
Anybody knows how long does it usually take to get an interview after all materials are submitted?
Anybody knows how long does it usually take to get an interview after all materials are submitted?

I'm a P1 at the Chicago campus. I submitted the supplemental mid-October about a week after it was made available, and received an interview invite on December 12, which was the first day they sent invites out. I'm not sure where they are with the process right now, but hang in there a little bit longer!
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I'm a P1 at the Chicago campus. I submitted the supplemental mid-October about a week after it was made available, and received an interview invite on December 12, which was the first day they sent invites out. I'm not sure where they are with the process right now, but hang in there a little bit longer!

Thanks! Can't wait!
i just want to close my eyes and open them in february when ill know if its a "yes" or "no!"
I realize I am behind in the process, but I did not decide to apply to UIC until recently. All of my transcripts have been received by PharmCAS as of today. Should an invitation to complete the supplemental application come soon or do I have to wait for PharmCAS to review my transcripts (which could take up to 5 weeks) before UIC sends the supplemental? I am worried about this process taking me all the way to the Jan 15th deadline. I appreciate any help!