University of Louisville Class of 2027 Interview/Acceptance Thread


DDS 🦷🎓✔
Volunteer Staff
7+ Year Member
Dec 25, 2016
Reaction score
Does anyone have any tips regarding the CASPER assessment?
Does anyone have any tips regarding the CASPER assessment?
I would do some practice tests that they offer. I did some right before the test just to familiarize myself with the format and that saved me. If you're not a fast typer, I would practice typing responses to practice questions they have and time yourself. If you're not comfortable with the video responses, try doing the video prompts they give on their website. Hope this helps🙂
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Interview #1
School: University of Louisville
Notification date: 7/28
Method of notification: Email
Residency: In-State
AADSAS mail-out date: 7/2
Application complete date: 7/19
GPA (science, overall): 3.79, 3.83
DAT (AA/TS/PAT/Reading/any section below a 17): 23/22/19/30/No
Dates available OR your interview date: 8/23
Method of interview: In-Person
Interview #2
School: University of Louisville
Notification date: 7/28
Method of notification: Email
Residency: In-State
AADSAS mail-out date: 6/1
Application complete date: 6/16
GPA (science, overall): 3.6, 3.77
DAT (AA/TS/PAT/Reading/any section below a 17): 20/20/19/21/No
Dates available OR your interview date: 8/23
Method of interview: In-Person
Interview #1
School: University of Louisville
Notification date: 7/29
Method of notification: Email
Residency: In-State
AADSAS mail-out date: 6/07
Application complete date: 6/10
GPA (science, overall): 3.96, 3.97
DAT (AA/TS/PAT/Reading/any section below a 17): 24/24/25/26/No
Dates available OR your interview date: 8/30
Method of interview: In-Person
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Interview #5
School: University of Louisville
Notification date: 7/29
Method of notification: Email
Residency: OOS
AADSAS mail-out date: 06/01
Application complete date: 06/02
GPA (science, overall): 3.81, 3.86
DAT (AA/TS/PAT/Reading/any section below a 17): 20/20/18/21/No
Dates available OR your interview date: 8/30
Method of interview: In-Person
Interview #5
School: University of Louisville
Notification date: 7/29
Method of notification: Email
Residency: OOS
AADSAS mail-out date: 06/01
Application complete date: 06/02
GPA (science, overall): 3.81, 3.86
DAT (AA/TS/PAT/Reading/any section below a 17): 20/20/18/21/No
Dates available OR your interview date: 8/30
Method of interview: In-Person

When did you complete your CASPer test?
How long did it take to hear back from the school once you were notified that they received your CASPER test results?
Interview #5
School: University of Louisville
Notification date: 7/29
Method of notification: Email
Residency: OOS
AADSAS mail-out date: 06/01
Application complete date: 06/02
GPA (science, overall): 3.81, 3.86
DAT (AA/TS/PAT/Reading/any section below a 17): 20/20/18/21/No
Dates available OR your interview date: 8/30
Method of interview: In-Person
Hi! When did you take your CASPer test?
Members don't see this ad :)
Interview #3

School: university of Louisville
Notification date: 8/19
Method of notification: email
Residency: OOS
AADSAS mail out date: 6/1
Application complete: 8/16

GPA (science, overall): 4.0, 4.0

DAT (AA/TS/PAT/reading/any section below 17):

Interview date: 9/13
Method of interview: in person
Interview #2
School: University of Louisville
Notification date: 09/2/2022
Method of notification: Email
Residency: OOS
AADSAS mail-out date: 08/10/2022
GPA (overall, science): 3.39, 3.27
DAT (AA/TS/PAT/Reading/any section below a 17): 19/19/25/19/none
Date: 9/20
Method of Interview: In-person
Interview #2
School: University of Louisville
Notification date: 09/2/2022
Method of notification: Email
Residency: OOS
AADSAS mail-out date: 08/10/2022
GPA (overall, science): 3.39, 3.27
DAT (AA/TS/PAT/Reading/any section below a 17): 19/19/25/19/none
Date: 9/20
Method of Interview: In-person
Did you complete your casper already and if so when?
Interview #1
School: University of Louisville
Notification date: 9/12
Method of notification: Email
Residency: OOS (MS)
AADSAS mail-out date: 6/13
Application complete date: 8/2
GPA (science, overall): 2.97, 3.29
DAT (AA/TS/PAT/Reading/any section below a 17): 20/20/19/17/No
Dates available OR your interview date: 10/11
Method of interview: In-Person
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What was your interview like?
Mine was probably a little different than yours, just because we were still doing everything virtually. I know that those who interview this cycle will have a presentation about the school, take a tour with a D4, have lunch, and have individual interviews. The interviews aren't too stressful, expect questions like Why Dentistry?, What dental experience do you have?, why are you interested in Louisville Dental school? and strengths/weaknesses.
For SNAPSHOT, I would suggest just going over and practicing general interview questions. I wouldn't memorize any specific answer, but I would suggest making bullet points on certain topics, so you have an idea of what you would like to discuss in your response.
For SNAPSHOT, I would suggest just going over and practicing general interview questions. I wouldn't memorize any specific answer, but I would suggest making bullet points on certain topics, so you have an idea of what you would like to discuss in your response.
Thank You. Any specifics about the school or just general dentistry questions.
Thank You. Any specifics about the school or just general dentistry questions.
I don't recall them asking specific questions about the school. I would say it's more "get to know you and your personality and character" type questions.
Any tips for the One way interview?
For the Snapshot, definitely practice speaking towards your camera. You may have great interpersonal communication, but you don’t realize how unnatural it feels responding to a question with nobody on the other side (at least from my experience). If anything, have good lighting, google general interview questions, record your answer, and go from there. Good luck!
I have my interview next Tuesday, and my husband and I are going up there for most of the week (making a little trip out of it). Are there any suggestions as to what there is to do, where to eat, what to see?
I have my interview next Tuesday, and my husband and I are going up there for most of the week (making a little trip out of it). Are there any suggestions as to what there is to do, where to eat, what to see?

There’s always events going on in Louisville, so I recommend checking the instagrams events_louisville, 4thstlive, and waterfrontparklou. We also have an amazing and diverse food and bar scene, so check out restaurants/bars in areas all over Louisville like Bardstown Rd and the Highlands, Nulu, Germantown, etc. A good Instagram to check out for food is louisville.eats or even look at some Reddit posts. Good luck on your interview!!
There’s always events going on in Louisville, so I recommend checking the instagrams events_louisville, 4thstlive, and waterfrontparklou. We also have an amazing and diverse food and bar scene, so check out restaurants/bars in areas all over Louisville like Bardstown Rd and the Highlands, Nulu, Germantown, etc. A good Instagram to check out for food is louisville.eats or even look at some Reddit posts. Good luck on your interview!!
Thank you so much for the advice and wishes 🙂
I have my interview next Tuesday, and my husband and I are going up there for most of the week (making a little trip out of it). Are there any suggestions as to what there is to do, where to eat, what to see?
If you like barbecue, Mark's feed store is really good!
wait there’s a secondary? I never got one, how did they send it to you?
or do you mean the supplemental fee? If that’s what you meant then I sent that in on 9/23!
Ohh yeah i meant to ask like when did you receive the email that your application was complete and ready for review from this school?
Ohh yeah i meant to ask like when did you receive the email that your application was complete and ready for review from this school?
oh okay! On 9/29 I got an email saying my application was ready for review!
School: University of Louisville
Notification date: 09/11/2022
Method of notification: Email
Residency: OOS
AADSAS mail-out date: 06/13/2022
GPA (overall, science): 3.76, 3.57
DAT (AA/TS/PAT/Reading/any section below a 17): 21/20/20/22, none
Date: 10/25
Method of Interview: In-person
I got my casper score back but this is the first time i've taken it and this is the only school i've applied to that requires it. I don't understand how to interpret my score... does anyone know how important it is for Louisville?? can someone PM or help me out?
I got my casper score back but this is the first time i've taken it and this is the only school i've applied to that requires it. I don't understand how to interpret my score... does anyone know how important it is for Louisville?? can someone PM or help me out?
The Casper test gives you a quadrant/quartile your scored in, not a % score. It’s a newer portion of the application. So long as you got in the upper quartiles you’ll be good. It’s not a make or break assessment, schools will consider all quartiles. Just keep in mind it’s just a small part of a large applicant file
Interview #2
School: University of Louisville
Notification date: 10/24
Method of notification: Email
Residency: OOS
AADSAS mail-out date: 7/20
Application complete date: 8/24
GPA (science, overall): 3.0, 3.54
DAT (AA/TS/PAT/Reading/any section below a 17): 18/18/18/21/Yes OC
Dates available OR your interview date: 11/15
Method of interview: In-Person