University of Michigan - Class of 2015

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Apr 21, 2009
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Didn't see one for this year & wanted to start one for future/current applicants :)

I'm absolutely dying to go here, anyone else applying & in the process? I've e-submitted and got an e-mail saying they got my supp yesterday soo.. hoping that I can at least have an opportunity to interview.

Anyone in the same boat? Orrr, have already been lucky enough to get an interview invite?! :love:

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I have applied as well. My pharmcas was sent on 8/30 and I sent in my supplemental on 8/25. However, I have yet to hear that they have received my supplemental (I have a tracking conformation from usps). I emailed Dean Perry about 30 mins ago making sure they did in fact receive it. She is so great in responding to my questions right away, so hopefully I will have conformation tomorrow.

I am really excited about this school as well. :xf: Do you know when they usually start sending out interview requests?
My pharmCAS was just sent yesterday - I got a verification e-mail about that. I mailed my supp on Sept 3, and Dean Perry sent me a verification mail on the 7th. I would definitely make sure they got it! Can you check through usps? But since Dean Perry is so awesome, just asking her would probably be faster :p

I'm literally absolutely in love with this school though, minus oos tuition, everything else is perfect for me.

" In < 48 hours after interviews applicants are notified via email of their admission status. Interviews are held on Fridays only from October 1- December 5 and mid January through mid March."

That's what Dean Perry said in the first e-mail she sent about missing coursework and such. So it seems that they start early October which means hopefully we have a chance for an interview soon!
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Yea I checked usps and it shows it was delivered, but I asked her as well because maybe it ended up at the wrong place or got misplaced.

Thanks for the info about the interviews, in my first email all she told me about interviews was that they are held on Fridays at 10:30. Hopefully we will hear something soon :xf:

Where are you from? Im from Ca so yea the oos tuition is probably the only drawback but I'm not even applying to many Ca schools because I really want to experience something new. And its awesome how michigan provides lots of scholarship support.
and yay Dean Perry just replied, I love how quick she is to get back to us. It really makes the process a little more stress-free. So they have indeed received my supplemental but are waiting on my paper pharmcas application to get there. How long after your pharmcas showed sent on the website did it take for them to receive it? Mine was sent to the schools on 9/30.
By sent, do you mean actually mailed out or do you mean that it was verified?

I e-submitted my pharmCAS on the August 17th, it got verified on the 26th. It was then mailed to schools on Sept 7th... and I got a confirmation e-mail saying they got my pharmCAS app on the 8th. The pharmCAS confirmation e-mail wasn't from Dean Perry though. I was also pleasantly surprised how quickly my supplemental got there! and how quickly everything got processed. I still need to wait for my employer letter though :( I really hope he can get it in by at least this weekend so that my app can be reviewed soon! :scared:

I definitely heard about the scholarships and such that they give, and considering it's one of the few schools I really REALLY like, I don't think I'd mind footing the bill.

I also see that you're from CA! :thumbup: I did my undergrad oos too, what can I say, I like experiencing new places :rolleyes:
Yea my pharmcas got sent out on the aug 30th but they just received the paper copy yesterday. They are still waiting on my second lor though, which was sent into pharmcas on 8/30, so hopefully they receive the paper copy soon. :xf: and getting the references to send in the lors def was a little bit of a hassle. haha. one of mine didnt think i needed it before march.

I did my undergrad in state, and am definitely excited about a change of pace.
Hey everyone! I'm just dropping in to let you know that I'm a P1 at UofM right now so if you have any questions about the school or application process, I'd be happy to answer them for you :)
Hey everyone! I'm just dropping in to let you know that I'm a P1 at UofM right now so if you have any questions about the school or application process, I'd be happy to answer them for you :)

Yayyy thank you so much!:thumbup:
I only have a few right now, but I am sure I will have more as the process goes along...

I know that previously they required all students to complete a research project, is this still in effect with the new curriculum? Also, in what year do you complete the project?

Also, another question I have is how feasible is it to work as an intern in other states during the summer? Do the hours transfer easily? (I know last summer when I was floater, one of the interns actually went to U of M and was just working in Ca during the summer). So basically how easy is it to complete that?

On your location, I see you are from Ca (me too!). How big of a transition was it going from Ca to Mi? (since your a P1 - assuming you haven't had a chance to experience the winters that I have heard so much about haha)

and finally.... When was you app completed and when did you receive an interview request?

thank you, thank you, thank you for any help you can provide. :love:
I have a question about the supplemental for University of Michigan.

"Tell us what role you envision for yourself in pharmacy practice and our evolving health care system. Explain your reasons for selecting this role, and support your answer with examples derived from your personal experiences. Your supporting statement may draw on your past leadership experiences: college, work or community service experiences; or an area of interest that you hope to explore while enrolled in the University of Michigan PharmD program"

It says I can use college, work, or community service experiences to support my statement. Does that mean I am only limited to those experiences? Can I use personal personal experiences such as my parents influencing me or shadowing experience or something like that?
I have a question about the supplemental for University of Michigan.

"Tell us what role you envision for yourself in pharmacy practice and our evolving health care system. Explain your reasons for selecting this role, and support your answer with examples derived from your personal experiences. Your supporting statement may draw on your past leadership experiences: college, work or community service experiences; or an area of interest that you hope to explore while enrolled in the University of Michigan PharmD program"

It says I can use college, work, or community service experiences to support my statement. Does that mean I am only limited to those experiences? Can I use personal personal experiences such as my parents influencing me or shadowing experience or something like that?

From exactly what the prompt says, I believe you can draw on ANY personal experiences that you may have had that plays a role in why you want to be a pharmacist and why you want to attend UM. College, work and community service are just a few things you can use if you are at a loss to where to start =)
From exactly what the prompt says, I believe you can draw on ANY personal experiences that you may have had that plays a role in why you want to be a pharmacist and why you want to attend UM. College, work and community service are just a few things you can use if you are at a loss to where to start =)

Thankssss!!! :)
I know that previously they required all students to complete a research project, is this still in effect with the new curriculum? Also, in what year do you complete the project?

Yes, the investigations project is still a requirement for graduation. It will be completed during the P3 and P4 years, culminating into a paper and presentation at the end of the P4 year.

Also, another question I have is how feasible is it to work as an intern in other states during the summer? Do the hours transfer easily? (I know last summer when I was floater, one of the interns actually went to U of M and was just working in Ca during the summer). So basically how easy is it to complete that?

It is very easy to work as an intern in another state during the summers. You just have to make sure you apply and receive the intern license in CA (or any other state you want to work in), log the hours that you work, send it to the CA BoP and have them send it to the MI BoP. This way, you not only get paid to work, but the hours you work get logged in so when you apply for your Pharmacist license after graduation, you will have sufficient hours for your application to go through.

On your location, I see you are from Ca (me too!). How big of a transition was it going from Ca to Mi? (since your a P1 - assuming you haven't had a chance to experience the winters that I have heard so much about haha)

The transition has been pretty easy (so far). It's a nice place out here. I'm absolutely loving the 6% sales tax and all the student discounts I'm getting everywhere. Oh, and did I mention our football team rocks? (we just beat ND Saturday, woot, woot!) The weather hasn't been too bad either. Clouds seem to persistently cover the sky though and we seem to average a couple rain showers a week during the summers but it's been nice these past couple of days since the sun has actually been out! And the winters? Well, what can I say, we get a lot of snow here. When I interviewed out here at the end of February, it was snowing and I was wearing a skirt suit and heels (being from CA, I don't have much of a wardrobe for really cold climates). My feet were numb and I almost fell walking on our way to a lunch spot. So be prepared for that!

and finally.... When was you app completed and when did you receive an interview request?

I actually completed my app a little late. I submitted my PharmCAS on Oct 27, mailed my supplemental on Dec 17, and received an interview invitation on Dec 23rd. This school has an extremely fast response time (thanks mainly due to the fabulous Dean Perry). The day after I submitted my PharmCAS, Dean Perry e-mailed me letting me know what classes I was missing and suggested areas I could improve my PCAT score on. I received an interview invitation pretty much the same day they received my supplemental and they let us know whether we've been accepted within 3 days after our interview (some people even found out on the spot!).

thank you, thank you, thank you for any help you can provide. :love:

Your welcome, welcome! Let me know if you have any other questions!
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thank you for all of your help in answering my questions :love: still waiting for them to receive my second lor that pharmcas mailed out. heres to hoping it arrives soon :xf:
Got an interview invite earlier today!! :soexcited:
Unbelievably excited :love:

Anyone else going on Oct 8th?
Got an interview invite earlier today!! :soexcited:
Unbelievably excited :love:

Anyone else going on Oct 8th?

Same here. I wanted to go on October 8th, but I already had another interview scheduled. Perry told me that I could go on December 3rd.
thank you for all of your help in answering my questions :love: still waiting for them to receive my second lor that pharmcas mailed out. heres to hoping it arrives soon :xf:

I was just reading the email I got from Dean Perry... and I THINK she was referencing you, but I just had to make sure. If you're interested in carpooling and such, I'd definitely be up for it! :)
for those that got an interview, would you mind posting your stats?
I just applied as well! super excited
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I was just reading the email I got from Dean Perry... and I THINK she was referencing you, but I just had to make sure. If you're interested in carpooling and such, I'd definitely be up for it! :)

yes that was me :love: super excited! at work i was so excited when i got the email, i announced it to everyone in the pharmacy at the time haha. i would definitely be interested in carpooling and all that stuff.

I was wondering if anyone else had a problem fulfilling their prereqs, namely the stat one, since it is very specific... any solutions?


I was wondering if anyone else had a problem fulfilling their prereqs, namely the stat one, since it is very specific... any solutions?


Yup. I was originally told that I hadn't fulfilled stats when I knew I had taken it. In the end, I contacted my professor and was able to get the exact syllabus from when I took it. I sent that over to Dean Perry and she was able to clear it for me. :)

The stats course that you need to take just needs to have covered the topics that she wants. (SPSS, ANOVA etc)

I was wondering if anyone else had a problem fulfilling their prereqs, namely the stat one, since it is very specific... any solutions?


I ended up taking 3 stats classes because of this strict requirement. Dean Perry will let you know what is required and she will let you know what classes will fulfill this prereq or not. Good luck!
Thanks for your prompt replies. I am pretty upset, since I tried really hard to get the stat classes she wants, but I haven't been able to. I looked in many many schools. :( I almost didn't apply because I figured I won't be able to find the class.

Do you have to have a lab as well?
Thanks for your prompt replies. I am pretty upset, since I tried really hard to get the stat classes she wants, but I haven't been able to. I looked in many many schools. :( I almost didn't apply because I figured I won't be able to find the class.

Do you have to have a lab as well?

Hm, my stats course didn't have an official "lab" component attached to it. It however did have a recitation/discussion class led by a TA which was mandatory. That's pretty much where we did all of the computer stuff like SPSS, so I think that it was good enough to be considered a lab.

Maybe try looking into all the course outlines in your area and asking if any of them qualifies?
Thanks for the advice. Have you heard of someone getting in without having all the specifics?
Hm, personally, I haven't. But maybe it'll be okay to combine different stats courses? I think KayGee will have better info :p

Did you already send your syllabus over? Maybe you can find out what component you are missing and just a class on that?
Thanks for the advice. Have you heard of someone getting in without having all the specifics?

You can be accepted to the program without having all the prereqs completed (I was missing stats and immuno) but you have until the end of next July to complete the prerequisites. Your matriculation into the program is contingent upon your completion of ALL of the prereqs and I don't think there is a way around this. You should look around to see what colleges around you offer the courses you need and sign up for them (during the summer if need be).
Yea, I sent over a couple of syllabi. Rejected a lot. I am starting to feel like UMich doesn't want me.

KathyGee are you a current Umich pharmd ?
Yea, I sent over a couple of syllabi. Rejected a lot. I am starting to feel like UMich doesn't want me.

KathyGee are you a current Umich pharmd ?

Yes, I'm a P1.

Don't give up just yet. I struggled with finding a course to fulfill the stats prereq so what I ended up doing was taking multiple ones that covered the different topics that was needed. For example, I took a regression analysis course that covered multiple regression and used computer software and another course that covered everything else (ANOVA, chi square, etc). So try finding a couple courses that cover everything since finding one course that does it all will be nearly impossible.
sorry for the mistype of your screen name, kaygee.

Thanks for the encouragement, I will try to find something. Maybe I can ask my current stat professor to include these topics... :xf:
ahhhh just got an invitation to an interview this morning for Oct. 15th. that's like.. next week!! omg so soon! i think i'm going to postpone the date since i need time to prepare for interviews.

i'm not so great with interviews. so, for those who have gone through the interviews for this school, what types of questions will be asked?

my stats:
cum GPA: 3.45
science GPA: 3.27
math GPA: 3.57
PCAT: 93
ahhhh just got an invitation to an interview this morning for Oct. 15th. that's like.. next week!! omg so soon! i think i'm going to postpone the date since i need time to prepare for interviews.

i'm not so great with interviews. so, for those who have gone through the interviews for this school, what types of questions will be asked?

my stats:
cum GPA: 3.45
science GPA: 3.27
math GPA: 3.57
PCAT: 93

When did you turn in your complete application? I turned mine in mid Sept and haven't gotten anything yet so just wondering how long it may take...thanks!
When did you turn in your complete application? I turned mine in mid Sept and haven't gotten anything yet so just wondering how long it may take...thanks!

i turned in my pharmas app in mid august and my supplemental on Sept. 15.
does anyone know how much is the deposit to hold your spot if you get in??
The deposit is $200 and you have until May 1 to pay it.
Same here. I wanted to go on October 8th, but I already had another interview scheduled. Perry told me that I could go on December 3rd.

would pushing back the interview date to December 3rd lower your chances of getting in? did you push it back or did Dean Perry offer that date to you? I have an interview on Oct 15th and I'm not sure if I should postpone it so I can have more time to prepare
would pushing back the interview date to December 3rd lower your chances of getting in? did you push it back or did Dean Perry offer that date to you? I have an interview on Oct 15th and I'm not sure if I should postpone it so I can have more time to prepare

I don't know if pushing back the interview date would lower my chances. I was originally offered the October 8th interview date, but I pushed it back because I have an interview at Midwestern Shady Grove on that day.
would pushing back the interview date to December 3rd lower your chances of getting in? did you push it back or did Dean Perry offer that date to you? I have an interview on Oct 15th and I'm not sure if I should postpone it so I can have more time to prepare

Yes, it will. They tend to accept a lot more in the beginning of the cycle than in the middle or the end.
This is kind of a general schools send out rejections if they don't even want to interview you? or do they just leave you hanging...
It depends on the school. Some schools I applied to last year never sent me anything so I never heard from them. I'm not sure about UofM, though I would assume you will be notified in some way or another, especially since they give all the P1s a ton of lectures on professionalism :rolleyes:

This is kind of a general schools send out rejections if they don't even want to interview you? or do they just leave you hanging...
Thank goodness it's only $200 and not $2000 like Touro...

If you are admitted to the College of Pharmacy, you will be asked to submit a $750 enrollment deposit within four weeks of your admission. The enrollment deposit will be credited to the cost of your tuition.

hmm, this is what it says on their website tho...
If you are admitted to the College of Pharmacy, you will be asked to submit a $750 enrollment deposit within four weeks of your admission. The enrollment deposit will be credited to the cost of your tuition.

hmm, this is what it says on their website tho...

guess it changed this year huh? darn.. it's ok. it's still cheaper than Touro tho
Hi! I just received an invitation for an interview on the 22nd. I'm so excited and nervous at the same time! Can someone please tell me how the interviews are like? Are the interview questions pretty basic? What types of questions are on there? And did any of the interviewers ask about current events stuff? How should I prepare? Thanks in advance!
Hi! I just received an invitation for an interview on the 22nd. I'm so excited and nervous at the same time! Can someone please tell me how the interviews are like? Are the interview questions pretty basic? What types of questions are on there? And did any of the interviewers ask about current events stuff? How should I prepare? Thanks in advance!

Be able to answer the common interview questions. Why pharmacy school? Why Michigan? What qualities does a pharmacist need? What qualities and skills do you have? Make sure you have explanations for low grades, low pcat subscores, etc since the interview will be open. You will most likely know who will interview you in advance, do a google search and find out information about their research and stuff, it'll give you something to talk about.
If you are admitted to the College of Pharmacy, you will be asked to submit a $750 enrollment deposit within four weeks of your admission. The enrollment deposit will be credited to the cost of your tuition.

hmm, this is what it says on their website tho...

That's a huge jump from $200 dollars and having untill March to send in your acceptance. I guess they're trying to limit the number accepted this year. The 2014 class has 95 people, that's huge compared to what they usually accept.
That's a huge jump from $200 dollars and having untill March to send in your acceptance. I guess they're trying to limit the number accepted this year. The 2014 class has 95 people, that's huge compared to what they usually accept.

I know last week when i interviewed Dean Perry said they would never make the mistake again of admitting that many people.

I look forward to seeing you all in the fall. Still scared about Michigan winters haha :eek:
Hey DreaMeRgrL, when did you turn in your application??

still waiting.... :(

Hi! I just received an invitation for an interview on the 22nd. I'm so excited and nervous at the same time! Can someone please tell me how the interviews are like? Are the interview questions pretty basic? What types of questions are on there? And did any of the interviewers ask about current events stuff? How should I prepare? Thanks in advance!
I know last week when i interviewed Dean Perry said they would never make the mistake again of admitting that many people.

I look forward to seeing you all in the fall. Still scared about Michigan winters haha :eek:

Ahhhh! Congratulationsssss :) You'll learn to layer & then you'll be fine!

I ended up in the defer pool :( Sucks but oh well, I kind of expected it with my bumpy grades. We'll see what happens in the next few months I suppose. I'm still thankful with the super speedy response though. Are you still planning to go to Minnesota?

The interview isn't strenuous and they aren't really there to grill you. I went through the same anxiety of not knowing what to expect, but as long as you really want to be in the profession, they're really really nice people and it ends up going a LOT faster than you even expect.

I personally think if you haven't heard back from them after submitting your app, send a friendly email just to figure out where you stand. They're seriously super friendly & willing to help.
Ahhhh! Congratulationsssss :) You'll learn to layer & then you'll be fine!

I ended up in the defer pool :( Sucks but oh well, I kind of expected it with my bumpy grades. We'll see what happens in the next few months I suppose. I'm still thankful with the super speedy response though. Are you still planning to go to Minnesota?

The interview isn't strenuous and they aren't really there to grill you. I went through the same anxiety of not knowing what to expect, but as long as you really want to be in the profession, they're really really nice people and it ends up going a LOT faster than you even expect.

I personally think if you haven't heard back from them after submitting your app, send a friendly email just to figure out where you stand. They're seriously super friendly & willing to help.

I have hope that you will be admitted out of the defer pool. Your a great candidate and anyone would be lucky to have you :D haha. I haven't talked to my parents yet about still going to minnesota but I feel I should, even tho I'm 95% or higher set on michigan. I have a midterm on the 21st and my class goes till 11 am. So I was looking at flights that leave at like 1230. I'm gonna email you haha so be on the lookout. And I have my fingers crossed for you:xf:

And good luck everyone that has interviews at UMich coming up. As sparkly said it really is more of a conversation, they aren't trying to grill you or tear you down. They really just want to get to know you as a person and if you are a good fit for them