~~University of Pittsburgh c/o 2010~~

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Alphabet think before you talk man (I suppose man, although women aren’t immune to stupidity either). Last I checked the definition of culture didn't ever exclude any specific group. The Islanders of New Guinea who have never had electricity and play music on wood and animal skins are still cultured despite their lack of huge city experience. Just because you have never enjoyed the "hick" town experience makes you less cultured.
But don't let me spoil your parade. I would like to congratulate you on having your big town experience. Oh how I wish I could have only felt grass when at the dirty disgusting park next to the millions of drunken *****s that contaminate the area. However you could have always left the great park to stroll around the exciting streets, just think about all of the fresh air you are going to be able to enjoy. Wow what a great life. Enjoy NYU. Did you have to work hard to get into NYU? Doesn’t that school take everybody?

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" Yet when the word "hick" is used, it is considered socially acceptable."
I apologize if that word struck you as rude and insensitive. I wasn't aware that it could have that effecton anyone. The students at the "rural" university I attended were very comfortable with me "outsider" using that word and they themselves used it to describe themselves.

"Endure what you had to go through? You make it sound as if you suffered through the Holocaust or slavery. If a lack of fashion sense is the worst of transgressions by people from the midwest,..."
I find it interesting that you singled out "lack of fashion" but did not mention "lack of interest in the arts". To me fashion, just like art or literature, is a form of self-expression. You are confusing fashion with fashion trends. I am not interested in the latter, but I do encourage diversity in the way people dress. To me, that diversity is a reflection of a diversity in personalities.

"Some of us have real problems, like making sure we have a clean shirt on our backs. Any shirt, even one that is not fashionable."
You do not have to be rich to dress interestingly or aesthetically. Most items I buy are actually from salvation army stores and cost between $5 to $10 per item. I just find creative ways of altering or combing these clothing items to make them look more pleasing to the eye.

" Pittsburgh has a very diverse class: Current Class Statistics
The typical class size is approximately 80 students. In the 2004-2005 school year, the dental student body consisted of 180 males and 112 females The student minority profile is comprised of 44 African American, 17 Hispanic and 60 Asian/Pacific Islander students. Each class typically has 4 to 6 international students. "
This may be shocking to you, but contrary to your belief, 17 Hispanics out of 292 students total is NOT DIVERSE. Only 5.8% of the class is Hispanic!

"I look forward to meeting you at Pitt and welcoming you to this planet." Thank you. I, too, look forward to meeting you (if I choose Pitt) and I am very happy to hear that you encourage a diverse learning environment. My only concern is that the majority of people from the mid-west will not agree with you and I. I believe that most of them will prefer remaining in their comfort zone by sticking to traditional values and customs, and that they will dislike challenging and re-evaluating their own views and morals (which I believe is essential to personal growth). I hope that I will be proven wrong.
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Ditto. Looks like there are quite a few of us non-traditionals going there.

brittnylee said:
Hey Mysteree! I am not coming right from undergrad either. ( : Come to Pitt! I only hear great things about it!
Everyone who is going to Pitt for sure go to:


and register, put your names as attending Pitt so we can get some good acurate data. I think this will be a great tool for future students in general. Also it is just cool to see how our school ranks with others as far as our stats go.
Hello everyone
I was just wondering what the definition of non-traditional is? is it going to D-school after couple of years of wandering[working or whatever] around? or is it in the age too...
well in anycase... I got accepted and I am very happy with the school choice, I think the school has alot to offer and everyone looked pretty nice and comfortable , also if that means "hick"!!! then I wish every single person in the world be a "hick" just like that
I am from west coast and have lived in various countries, but yet I am pretty excited to experience Pittsburgh...
oh by the way I am nontraditional too
looking forward to start and enjoy a different experience...
hairybagel said:
Everyone who is going to Pitt for sure go to:


and register, put your names as attending Pitt so we can get some good acurate data. I think this will be a great tool for future students in general. Also it is just cool to see how our school ranks with others as far as our stats go.
great site. i'm filling out my info now ;)
alphabet said:
"Yet when the word "hick" is used, it is considered socially acceptable."
I apologize if that word struck you as rude and insensitive. I wasn't aware that it could have that effect on anyone. The students at the "rural" university I attended were very comfortable with me "outsider" using that word and they themselves used it to describe themselves.
Your reasoning here is fallacious. Would you dare presume that it is acceptable to use a racial slur on an African American, simply because a small minority of the population uses it on themselves? I do not condone the use of the word "hick", and most African Americans do not condone the use of their respective racial slur.
alphabet said:
To me fashion, just like art or literature, is a form of self-expression. You are confusing fashion with fashion trends. I am not interested in the latter, but I do encourage diversity in the way people dress. To me, that diversity is a reflection of a diversity in personalities.
You would begrudge me the pleasure of your company, simply because I do not value fashion (or art)? Again, you claim you want diversity, yet your rhetoric displays a level of intolerance. Perhaps you are unfamiliar with the definition of the word "diversity." Diversity is much more than what you can see (skin color, clothing, general appearance, etc.). It also refers to values, ideas, thoughts, behavior, and virtually every other aspect of life. You have already stated that you are concerned about students from the midwest, students with "traditional values and customs", and students who do not value fashion or the arts.

Also, how exactly do you plan on making your fashion statements? A majority of dental schools require students to wear scrubs, and outside of school, most people are studying, not worrying about what the kid next door chose to wear to school today.
alphabet said:
" Pittsburgh has a very diverse class: Current Class Statistics
The typical class size is approximately 80 students. In the 2004-2005 school year, the dental student body consisted of 180 males and 112 females The student minority profile is comprised of 44 African American, 17 Hispanic and 60 Asian/Pacific Islander students. Each class typically has 4 to 6 international students. "
This may be shocking to you, but contrary to your belief, 17 Hispanics out of 292 students total is NOT DIVERSE. Only 5.8% of the class is Hispanic!
Yet another unsubstantiated and foolhardy comment. Pitt is a very diverse school. 5.8% Hispanic student body is a solid number, especially when compared to other schools. In particular, NYU, which you wrongly imply is more diverse than Pitt. Only 2.16% of it's 04-05 class is Hispanic. This may be shocking to you, but contrary to your belief, 5 Hispanics out of 231 students total is NOT DIVERSE. http://www.nyu.edu/dental/academicprograms/dds/characteristics.html
Again, if you really care about diversity, at least take the time to do a little research on the schools. This information is readily available on each school's website.

Perhaps you should simply ask me for my advice. I have a sibling who is a student at NYU dental and also attended NYU for undergrad. I also was accepted to NYU w/o interview, and chose Pitt. Perhaps I could be of some assistance?
alphabet said:
Thank you. I, too, look forward to meeting you (if I choose Pitt) and I am very happy to hear that you encourage a diverse learning environment.My only concern is that the majority of people from the mid-west will not agree with you and I. I believe that most of them will prefer remaining in their comfort zone by sticking to traditional values and customs, and that they will dislike challenging and re-evaluating their own views and morals (which I believe is essential to personal growth).
Unlikely, but even if true, that is their prerogative, just as it is your prerogative to stick to your values and customs. Its important to accept people as they are, with their values and customs intact (so long as they do not infringe upon the rights and values of others). This is the definition of tolerance.
I am a first year dental student at Pitt. I know I had trouble finding a place to live last year so I wanted to give you guys some direction especially moving from another state. I recommend living in Shadyside near one of the bus routes either by Fifth Avenue or Ellsworth and Negley which near the grocery store. The South side works is nice and is relatively new. There are lost of bars and restaurant in Shadyside and Southside. It takes me about 15 mins to get to school each morning on the bus at no additional cost from my apartment in Shadyside. Most of my friends that live in Oakland complain that it’s to loud and plan on moving. I personally wouldn’t live there, most of the undergrads live there, but it is within walking distance so weigh it out. It seems that Shadyside is where most grad students live; med, dental, law etc. I heard they are building graduate dorms across from the dental school check that out and call Rose, or check Ruskin hall the current grad housing which is 3 or 4 blocks away from the school but a little more expensive, I heard they are doing renovations next year. You guys will be pretty busy but will still have time to go out. I don't really see the point in paying more money for tuition and living to attend school in a bigger city. You really don't have that much time to screw around. I go out mostly every weekend just like most of my class to keep sane, but not like my undergrad days. Every incoming class is different, some are cool some are not so cool. I’d take advantage of orientation to try and find housing, meet people, and move in the same area. PM me for more info.
Does anyone know exactly how much PBL is included in the curriculum at Pitt? Not that it would change anything for me. Just curious.
hairybagel said:
Does anyone know exactly how much PBL is included in the curriculum at Pitt? Not that it would change anything for me. Just curious.

I think I remember hearing the number 5% dropped at the interview...whatever it is, it's not a whole lot...
Zahnarzt said:
Ditto. Looks like there are quite a few of us non-traditionals going there.

That's nice to know that there are others in the same boat. I"m still trying to decide :confused:
Check your e-mails :). I just received one from Rose with confirmation of the initial deposit. There is also some basic information about what we should be expecting in the near future. Now I'm starting to get excited :clap:
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There is only one "hick" (though we call a "hill-billy") in the first year class and he is not from the midwest or Utah or BYU, he's from Pennsylvania. The dudes (and yes they are all men) from ID, UT, AZ, etc are for the most part Mormon, which as a subset of the class population represent an entirely different stereotype to the "hick" label. But you can make up your own mind about that.

As for fashion at Upitt/Pittsburgh? PLEASE!!!! We wear baby-blue scrubs 5 days a week (sometimes more), fashion doesn't come into it.
OH, only one day to decide, deposit or not to deposit. ARghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....I think I am losing my mind!
Mysteree said:
OH, only one day to decide, deposit or not to deposit. ARghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....I think I am losing my mind!

Do it! Do it! You know you want to! ;) Where else were you considering?
michaelazna said:

I'm on the waitlist as well. Since there is a waitlist and there aren't anymore interviews, the class has already been filled. We just have to wait until people start withdrawing, that way, Pitt will start taking people off the waitlist. According to the email that Rose Mangold sent out, quite a few people get off of the wait list (this is what I am hoping for). :)
beannaithe said:
Do it! Do it! You know you want to! ;) Where else were you considering?

the other choice is NYU. Decision making sucks! :thumbdown:
tinman831 said:
Pitt definitely over NYU ;)

Oh yeah, why? and don't just say $. Yeah that's a major diff, but what else? :)
Way safer. Cost of living is a lot cheaper. You can actually get outside the city. You can afford to keep a car.

That's just about the area. I don't know anything about the school. :p
The deposit is due in the office by the 17th.
tinman831 said:
Great! HOpefully the waitlist will start moving along. :)
Yeap, I withdrew my application so hopefully it helps
tinman831 said:
Great! HOpefully the waitlist will start moving along. :)

Tinman you can start celebrating, I withdrew my application today as well from Pitt. So the waitlist will be moving for sure :) g'luck

SHINJI-you withdrew from Pitt?! I thought you were going here for sure? What gives?
UCSF has some research projects that I am interested in and hopefully i can publish a few more papers in that area.
shinji said:
UCSF has some research projects that I am interested in and hopefully i can publish a few more papers in that area.

Not to mention UCSF is in SF, can't beat that. Sorry, I have a soft spot for SF.
I just hope I don't regret this decision :confused:
Did everyone get the email from Rose a few days ago? The orientation in June is not mandatory but it will be very informational. Anybody going with a family? I have been looking in the Mount Lebanon area. Good schools for kids and it is only about six or seven miles away from school. Has anyone gone out there to look for housing yet?

i got that e-mail a while back and have also gotten a few things in the mail over the past few days: the financial aid packet, receipt for the initial deposit, and a scholarship (yay!). i hope everyone's planning to go to the orientation.. i'm excited to meet you all. i'm actually thinking about going up a day early and hanging around the city and getting to know the area more than i already have. i hope they provide some type of housing for us while we're up there tho... the prices for hotels could add up to quite a bit.

hairybagel: i went up to pitt 2 weeks ago and took care of my housing for the next year. i got a 1-bedroom aparment in shadyside just off 5th ave. i can't say anything about mt. lebanon because i haven't been there (err.. didn't know it even existed? :p) but shoot me a pm if you have any questions if you like.
:laugh: I was wondering where this page got off to.

Yep. I'm definately in for orientation. It's going to be a blast to finally meet everyone! :D

By the way, anyone know how much we're getting to live on? And tom3 how'd you find your place? I keep e-mailing the people on the website they gave us and they're NO help! :mad:

I will be attending the orientation and am excited to meet everyone!
mrtconnickjr said:

I will be attending the orientation and am excited to meet everyone!

CONGRATS!! I'm so excited to meet you all! Where from mrtconnickjr? NE PA here.
I grew up in the Seattle area, but all of my family now lives in Utah. Bittnylee, How do you like NE PA? I have never lived back east. I have always been on the west coast.

brittnylee said:
CONGRATS!! I'm so excited to meet you all! Where from mrtconnickjr? NE PA here.
Hey guys, I am really excited to attend Pittsburgh, as well! I am from New York so it’s not that far away. Where is everyone else from?
beannaithe said:
And tom3 how'd you find your place? I keep e-mailing the people on the website they gave us and they're NO help! :mad:
sorry, which website are you talking about.. the pitt website or independent management companies? btw, i think the housing that came in our interview packets are already filled for next year.. gotta double check on that.

i took the hard road in finding my place by just going up there on my own without a plan lol. i assumed you can go in and look around, but you have to schedule appointments for the most part... a different procedure than what is the norm in my area. i'm sure if you plan to get a place during orientation, they will lay everything out for you... but if you go up beforehand, check out the websites of some management companies (walnut capital, franklin west, colebrook management [the one i chose] are some). schedule appointments, and you're good to go. they're all very nice people, so you shouldn't have any trouble. hope that helps.
mrtconnickjr said:
I grew up in the Seattle area, but all of my family now lives in Utah. Bittnylee, How do you like NE PA? I have never lived back east. I have always been on the west coast.
I like it - although the west coast is beautiful. I have a lot of family in San Diego and I wish the beach was closer than 3 hrs from me, but spring and summer is really pretty here, so I can't complain. I hear that people in Pitt are super friendly and also from what I have seen and heard, Pitt seems to have a nice midwestern feel. What made you decide on Pitt?
For those of you who are sending the second deposit, do you know if we should send a form along with the money order? The second deposit is due on May 1st.
NA4242 said:
For those of you who are sending the second deposit, do you know if we should send a form along with the money order? The second deposit is due on May 1st.
Yes - that is what one of the letters said, but I haven't gotten that form yet, have you?
brittnylee said:
Yes - that is what one of the letters said, but I haven't gotten that form yet, have you?

Rose said it was going to be coming in the next couple of weeks but we only have 3 weeks to get the second deposit there?! Confusing.
i just sent in my 2nd deposit w/o any other forms.
brittnylee said:
Yes - that is what one of the letters said, but I haven't gotten that form yet, have you?

No, I haven't gotten any forms yet. The letter states that there is a consent form that we need to sign and send it with the second deposit. I think I'm just going to send my deposit without the form because my first deposit took forever to get there. So, I am not going to risk it.
Looks Like I'll be joining you guys in Pittsburgh. Gonna send my 2nd deposit later this week. Also, does anyone know of any scholarships that Pitt offers?
I just sent it without the forms.

Not worth risking it.... :p
Looking for a place to live for next year?????

You are not alone and that, in this case, IS a bad thing. I'm a current 1st year at pitt and I've just completed my search for a new one bedroom apt for next year. Here are some of the things I would suggest for those of you starting your search for a place to rent:

1) Places to find ads: craigslist, the local paper is okay, the school paper has some but very little. The best way to do it, if you are near pittsburgh, just bike around the the neighberhoods you like and look for signs and ph#s.

2) Most apartments in the area are owned by mangement companies so just get a ph# for them regardless of the actual apartment, then call and describe where and what you're looking for.

3) Start calling now!!! The company I went with (Kamin Realty) said things are going so briskly for July/Aug/Sept move in that they will likely have nothing left within a few weeks. If you wait until just before you come in June to start looking, you will be limited in choices.

4) Research the company on apartment review websites. Mozart management is a big one but they have an overall approval rating of 23%, and after I read thier lease and interacted with them I can easily see why. I chose to go with a smaller and much nicer company even though the apartment was a little older.

5) Places to live close to school: Shadyside, Squirrel Hill, Point breeze, all generally east of campus and outside Oakland.
- Places not to live: Oakland (esp south oakland, high crime and little parking), East liberty, Wilkinsburg, the Hill district, places North of Centre Ave can be nice, but can be shady.
- Avoid Mt. Washington as it can be cheap but difficult to get down the hill and to school, plus lots of slum lords.
- South Side is the noisy party area but tends to have little parking, and is fairly crowded (no trees, grass).
- Swissvale, Edgewood and Frick Park can be nice places to rent or buy a house, but thier proximity to Wilkinsburg (high crime) and to the freeway can make them less than desireable so make sure to look at a map.

Anyway, hope this helps some of you to start you search. If you have any specific questions just PM me.

Good luck next year,

Stick with smaller rental agencies, not large ones. You will get better service with smaller than larger. Plus, you may want to look into a 6 month lease instead of a 12 month lease. That way if you don't like where you are you can look into finding something better and you will know the area better also. Plus you may meet the right roommate.

Eran is right, definitely stay away from Centre Ave. Looks are deceiving.

Mt. Lebanon has really good school districts and you can get to school on the T- which you can ride for free with your id card.

The waterfront apartments are really nice, clean and safe plus they allow pets. ph: 412-476-3377. You would need a roommate. They have their own garages or uncovered parking.

There are LOTS of options for housing, Ruskin Hall is undergoing remodeling and might not be available, but Webster Hall ph: 412-682-3744 is a nice alternative along with Amberson Apartments ph: 412-6825886.
It takes about 10+ min to walk to the school from Webster, and about 10 +min with bus ride from Amberson.

Make some calls find a roommate, some of you sound like you've made yourselves some great friends already here on SDN.

Good luck,
Wow. I found that website where Mozart has the 23% rating. Uhhhh...where's good (and safe) to live? There doesn't look like there is much! :scared:

Forbes Management - (412-441-1211)
Forward Management - (412-687-3777)
Green Meadows Apartments - (412-655-9222)
Hanely Agency - (412-422-7900)
Highland Plaza - (412-361-4643)
Kamin Realty - (412-661-4456)
Keller Williams Realty - (412-831-3800)
Lobos Management - (412-441-1400)
McKinney Properties, Inc. - (412-242-5390)
Morrowfield Apartments - (412-521-7838)
Oakhill Apartments - (412-802-7500)