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Feb 13, 2016
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Hey guys! I'm a U.S. citizen who was recently accepted into the University of West Indies-Mona DDS program. I know the school as U.S. partnerships but I wondered how I would be licensed to work in the U.S. upon my completion of the 5 year program? Could I take whatever licensure exam that those who attended a U.S. school took and just right into practicing? Are there any states that would accept my degree and allow me to work or would an advanced program be required? I appreciate any responses. Thanks in advance. P.S. This was my first cycle applying to any school and I chose this school because of the technology & cost.

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Hey guys! I'm a U.S. citizen who was recently accepted into the University of West Indies-Mona DDS program. I know the school as U.S. partnerships but I wondered how I would be licensed to work in the U.S. upon my completion of the 5 year program? Could I take whatever licensure exam that those who attended a U.S. school took and just right into practicing? Are there any states that would accept my degree and allow me to work or would an advanced program be required? I appreciate any responses. Thanks in advance. P.S. This was my first cycle applying to any school and I chose this school because of the technology & cost.
I don’t see that school in the ADA website under accredited CODA programs, If your goal is to work in the U.S. and you don’t want to go through the whole validation process I would get in touch with the ADA. Otherwise you’re probably gonna have to take the Integrated National Dental Board Exam “INBDE” once you get here and then apply for a 2 years program. But ask the ADA because I might be wrong. I only see programs in Canada and 2 schools that is located outside the contiguous United States area that is accredited by CODA.
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youre going to have to do INDBE exam , go back to school for 24-27 months in states again from CODA accredited school and probably redo ADEX exam.