Update about Publication

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Jun 6, 2024
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I have a publication that was submitted to a Q1 journal earlier this year that is currently about to finish with the revision process. However, the time between finishing revisions and actual publication can be long, and it’s an important result/productivity of my research. I didn’t include any info on this in my primary as I thought a manuscript just submitted wasn’t worth anything, but I’m on the earlier side w my app and would prefer schools know sooner rather than later about this pub. Should I send an update letter before the official publication, saying that we are about to finish the revision process?

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In my opinion, I don't recommend students include any publications on their CV unless they are accepted and in press.

If you are at the line-editing stage of a research publication that has already been accepted (not just sent back with requested revisions) then it's appropriate to send an update stating your publication is in press along with the title, journal, and date accepted (if there is a preprint of the paper with a DOI then all the better). Anything before that stage is not yet published and I think you would be better served by holding off on an update until it is accepted. Frustratingly, rejections can and do still happen after revisions sometimes.
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In my opinion, I don't recommend students include any publications on their CV unless they are accepted and in press.

If you are at the line-editing stage of a research publication that has already been accepted (not just sent back with requested revisions) then it's appropriate to send an update stating your publication is in press along with the title, journal, and date accepted (if there is a preprint of the paper with a DOI then all the better). Anything before that stage is not yet published and I think you would be better served by holding off on an update until it is accepted. Frustratingly, rejections can and do still happen after revisions sometimes.
Indeed. Thank you for the input!