Update with step 2 score?

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Feed me Seymour!
10+ Year Member
May 7, 2013
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With step 1 going P/F this is probably the last time someone will ask this, but I'll shoot...

I'm a M4 applying this cycle. Got a step 1 score I was very satisfied with (250+) and decided to not take step 2 until after I submitted my apps since I didn't want to risk a score drop. Turns out, I actually did pretty decent on step 2 (5-8 points higher than step 1). Now, "in the old days" the advice was that you wanted to get a step 2 score that was around 10 points higher than your step 1. Otherwise, it was best to wait until after your interviews were over before updating programs. However, with step 2 being more important now, I am wondering if I should update programs now with my score even before interviews are sent out?

I am applying to a specialty that, based on what PDs have told me and the PD survey, don't care much about step 2 (rad onc). However, I suspect the prelim/TY programs I am applying to might care a little more.

So what should I do? Should I update now before interviews are sent out? I don't know if its possible, but would it be best to update only the prelim/TY programs I applied to?

And for the record, yes, I know it probably doesn't matter too much in the grand scheme of things. But going through this hectic match cycle right now, I think its ok to be a little neurotic ;)

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I would update with step 2 ASAP. Every specialty has to find some way to sort through a pile of otherwise highly qualified applicants. Hence, a guilt-free way to pass on a given candidate is to filter them based on "missing" something that other candidates have. I would consider that while PD's may not "care much" about the numerical score, they probably care significantly that you have passed step 2 since you need it to start residency.
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Probably worth updating, though unlikely to move the needle appreciably since you were already a strong applicant. As it is, step 2 really only matters in terms of proving you passed it since you have a reportable step 1 score and it was good.
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Lots of solid points here - looks like I’m updating!!
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