URM post bac - Loyola admission Fall 2015 - help!

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Pink Panther & Hope Diamond
7+ Year Member
Jul 17, 2015
Reaction score
Non-trad URM female, age 31, Bachelor of Arts GPA: 3.34, Master of Arts GPA: 3.45, both from USC.

Last year I got into both Dominican University's post-bac and also USC's. Decided not to attend.

I applied to Loyola two weeks past the deadline, but completed my application the same day.

However, because while I was at USC, I transferred in some credits from University It Doesn't Matter (but it's a good one) and they are apparently on my transcript, I was notified my application wasn't complete.

I immediately called said university and they told me I owed like a ton of money I can't pay right now from 10 years ago and won't release the transcripts to Loyola until the balance is paid in full. WTF?!

It's amazing how neither school last year noticed, and I'm working out a payment plan. I talked to Loyola about the situation, but now it's just a waiting game and I'm on pins and needles.

Things I've got going for me:
-very smart, graduated from a private high school at age 16 w/ 4.0 GPA and went to college
-no rent or living expenses, staying with relatives in Chicago
-economically super-disadvantaged, disabled, female and URM (Black and Latino)
-a very unique nontrad personal statement, life experiences, leadership experiences, etc.

Things not in my favor:
-I applied two weeks after the deadline
-this damn transcript hold, argh!

I'm getting very nervous, because Fall semester is rapidly approaching.

I recently enrolled in Malcolm X City College, located in Chicago's Medical corridor next to a ton of hospitals. It's known as the healthcare community college. I'm registered for Pre-calc, Gen chem 1, Gen bio 1, and an EMT-Basic course.

Just in case I'm not admitted to Loyola. And if I am admitted, then I'll take one of those science courses concurrently at Loyola.

Sorry for the novel but any insight into Loyola's thought process - how many they accept, what kind of program it is, when they will notify me, and whether I should give up hope because of the transcript situation - would be great. Thanks!!!!!

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What grades did you get in your pre-reqs? If they are decent you may not need a post bacc depending on what kind of med schools you want to have a shot at.
Thanks for responding! I haven't taken any science or math pre-reqs. I'm enrolled at a community college for Gen Chem I and Pre-Calculus. But I'm also up for admission into an online MSW program, so if accepted, I probably will wind up taking Northwestern's post-bac (either formal or informal) since it's weekends and nights and Northwestern is a better and cheaper school than Loyola anyway. $1717 per class at Northwestern vs. $2888 per 4 credit science course at Loyola. And I'm paying entirely out of pocket.

Still haven't heard about Loyola's post bac program though. Classes start August 24, it's getting close!