***2022-2023 URM Medical School Application Thread***

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I'm so sorry to hear. I don't know if this is your first cycle, but I had zero IIs last cycle and have acceptances this cycle - I say this because, at certain points, I felt similar to how it seems you're feeling now. I agree that the process is biased, but please don't lose hope! If you want someone to talk to about any of this, I'm here (and so are the others above) ❤️
Second cycle and I'm contemplating doing something else entirely. I literally KILLED a medical masters and got a decent MCAT to get nothing in reutrn. This process is a huge cycle of BS!

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Second cycle and I'm contemplating doing something else entirely. I literally KILLED a medical masters and got a decent MCAT to get nothing in reutrn. This process is a huge cycle of BS!
I'm so sorry. This process can be really unfair and really dehumanizing. Regardless, congrats on the medical masters and MCAT scores - those are huge accomplishments in their own right.
I'm so sorry. This process can be really unfair and really dehumanizing. Regardless, congrats on the medical masters and MCAT scores - those are huge accomplishments in their own right.
I understand the sentiment but if I'm not accepted, it seems like I just wasted time and money. This whole process is just making me question so many things and makes me not want to work anywhere near as hard as I have been working.
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I'm over this process. It's made me bitter and depressed. I don't even care anymore. It's all BS. I've been so extremely sad for three weeks. What's the point of working hard just so everyone can say no?
I'm over this process. It's made me bitter and depressed. I don't even care anymore. It's all BS. I've been so extremely sad for three weeks. What's the point of working hard just so everyone can say no?
Did you get any interviews? If you’ve gotten any outright R’s it might be a good idea to ask those adcoms what you can do to improve your app. It is a total crapshoot though through and through.
Did you get any interviews? If you’ve gotten any outright R’s it might be a good idea to ask those adcoms what you can do to improve your app. It is a total crapshoot though through and through.

Also, I think your school list is part of it. You have a lot of competitive schools which are especially big crapshoots. Adding more schools with higher acceptance rates / lower matriculant stats (e.g. Brody, Arizona) would significantly improve your chances
Hello. I've received almost no IIs this cycle and, if I want to practice Medicine, I'll have to reapply. I just need some guidance on how I should approach applying this time. I'm also nervous because I've gotten a Ph.D. offer but I've put so much effort into becoming a medical doctor. I feel like I could keep applying and never be accepted. Additionally, I'm in my early 30s and think I'm losing time. I live in a town with few prospects but a local medical school. I'm terrified of trying to gain an acceptance, turning down a Ph.D. and still being rejected. I know I want to go to medical school but I'm anxious of my efforts being futile and being stuck with little to no prospects. Finally, I signed a lease and cannot leave my town until after December. I'm just really terrified of the future.
Hello. I've received almost no IIs this cycle and, if I want to practice Medicine, I'll have to reapply. I just need some guidance on how I should approach applying this time. I'm also nervous because I've gotten a Ph.D. offer but I've put so much effort into becoming a medical doctor. I feel like I could keep applying and never be accepted. Additionally, I'm in my early 30s and think I'm losing time. I live in a town with few prospects but a local medical school. I'm terrified of trying to gain an acceptance, turning down a Ph.D. and still being rejected. I know I want to go to medical school but I'm anxious of my efforts being futile and being stuck with little to no prospects. Finally, I signed a lease and cannot leave my town until after December. I'm just really terrified of the future.
What are your stats? Also early 30's is not too late.
sGPA: 3.0, cGPA:3.20; gGPA (medical masters)-3.7

Sorry I didn't see your earlier post where you posted that earlier. Unless your essays were really bad, which they probably weren't considering how many extracurriculars you've been involved with, I think the only things keeping you back is your MCAT for your list of schools. If you find it within yourself to apply again should you not be accepted this cycle, you should consider DO or at least lower tier MD programs, as your app seems above average for DO schools.
Does anyone have advice for preparing for a virtual interview? I have an interview for early March and I want to make sure I put my best foot forward.
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I’ve been busy and I’m not able to do a mock interview now. Does anyone have any last minute advice for a virtual interview? This seems to be my last shot this cycle. I’m not nervous but I want to succeed.
I’ve been busy and I’m not able to do a mock interview now. Does anyone have any last minute advice for a virtual interview? This seems to be my last shot this cycle. I’m not nervous but I want to succeed.
Do you know if it's closed file or open?
Can we get a 2023-2024 thread started!?

Also, is it required for the URM Med School App thread to be posted to the "Underrepresented in Healthcare" tab? I understand the reasoning for initially doing so, but I also feel this is part of the reason why the recent threads have had little to no activity.

Would it be possible to just create the new URM Med School App thread in the "normal threads" of the pre-medical (MD) tab?

Also, is it required for the URM Med School App thread to be posted to the "Underrepresented in Healthcare" tab? I understand the reasoning for initially doing so, but I also feel this is part of the reason why the recent threads have had little to no activity.

Would it be possible to just create the new URM Med School App thread in the "normal threads" of the pre-medical (MD) tab?
Agreed. I think a large portion of the URM population of SDN probably doesn't even know these threads exist simply because of reduced visibility.