***2022-2023 URM Medical School Application Thread***

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It's that time of the year again!

Please feel free to share your cGPA, sGPA, MCAT, Major, if you're non-trad, your ECs, etc. and ask and answer questions!

AMCAS Opens - May 3rd, 2022
Application Submission - May 31st, 2022
Completed Applications Transmitted to Medical Schools - June 24th, 2022

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Hey everyone, I'm applying this cycle and wanted input if I should add any more schools
cGPA: 3.85
sGPA: 3.83
MCAT: 518
Major: Biology (basic, I know)
Traditional applicant (entered college a little later though, so maybe not?)

Clinical hours
~1800 hours working full time as a medical assistant during the COVID-19 pandemic while also enrolled in school.
280 hours volunteering as a COPE Health Scholar between my sophomore year of college and my senior year.
300 hours volunteering at my city's largest COVID-19 testing site and later distribution of vaccines.
300 hours since my freshman year of college setting up clinics around Southern California in partnership with Cedar Sinai to expand healthcare to immigrants.
150 hours during the COVID-19 pandemic as a certified medical interpreter
200 hours in a virtual reality research lab where I created programs in Unity to test how the brains of individuals suffering from neurological conditions respond to stimuli in a virtual reality environment. No publications or posters due to COVID-19 separating me from the lab, unfortunately.

~150 hours conducting a research project to understand how immigrant communities were impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic in relation to healthcare access, health morbidities, and treatment outcomes.
Nonclinical volunteering
Lead excavation efforts at a paleontological site for years.
180 hours working with international students at my university to connect them with career resources as well as navigate Universitry systems.
250 hours working with a health outreach organization to connect immigrant communities in Southern California with medical professionals from similar ethnic backgrounds.
~50 hours shadowing a proctologist and orthopedic surgeon
Founded an organization that creates COVID-19 PPE for clinics in low-income areas.
Officer of a cultural club where international and domestic students met regularly to learn about each other's culture and languages.
President of the anime club, lmao.
Fluent in Spanish, English, and Portuguese. Also know some Japanese.

Current School list
UC Davis
New York Medical College
Oakland Beaumont
Lewis Katz
Wake Forest
Albert Einstein
Loyola Stritch
University of Colorado

I'm not quite sure which I should add from here.
Hey everyone, I'm applying this cycle and wanted input if I should add any more schools
cGPA: 3.85
sGPA: 3.83
MCAT: 518
Major: Biology (basic, I know)
Traditional applicant (entered college a little later though, so maybe not?)

Clinical hours
~1800 hours working full time as a medical assistant during the COVID-19 pandemic while also enrolled in school.
280 hours volunteering as a COPE Health Scholar between my sophomore year of college and my senior year.
300 hours volunteering at my city's largest COVID-19 testing site and later distribution of vaccines.
300 hours since my freshman year of college setting up clinics around Southern California in partnership with Cedar Sinai to expand healthcare to immigrants.
150 hours during the COVID-19 pandemic as a certified medical interpreter
200 hours in a virtual reality research lab where I created programs in Unity to test how the brains of individuals suffering from neurological conditions respond to stimuli in a virtual reality environment. No publications or posters due to COVID-19 separating me from the lab, unfortunately.

~150 hours conducting a research project to understand how immigrant communities were impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic in relation to healthcare access, health morbidities, and treatment outcomes.
Nonclinical volunteering
Lead excavation efforts at a paleontological site for years.
180 hours working with international students at my university to connect them with career resources as well as navigate Universitry systems.
250 hours working with a health outreach organization to connect immigrant communities in Southern California with medical professionals from similar ethnic backgrounds.
~50 hours shadowing a proctologist and orthopedic surgeon
Founded an organization that creates COVID-19 PPE for clinics in low-income areas.
Officer of a cultural club where international and domestic students met regularly to learn about each other's culture and languages.
President of the anime club, lmao.
Fluent in Spanish, English, and Portuguese. Also know some Japanese.

Current School list
UC Davis
New York Medical College
Oakland Beaumont
Lewis Katz
Wake Forest
Albert Einstein
Loyola Stritch
University of Colorado

I'm not quite sure which I should add from here.
Where is your state of residency ? Which URM community are you from ?
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Hey guys, I’m applying this cycle (first time) and wanted to know what my chances are and how my school list looks.
African American male (22)
Georgia resident (underserved area)
cGPA: 3.9
sGPA: 3.9
MCAT: 511 (129/123/130/129)
Major: Psych

75 hrs (3 specialties)

1700 hrs - CNA at hospital (1yr)
130hrs - physicial therapy volunteer (2 yrs)

Community service
700 hrs (include distributing food in community and volunteering/mentoring youth in communtiy)

200hrs (no pubs or posters)

2 clubs

School list:
Medical college of Georgia
Morehouse school of medicine
Ohio state
Mayo clinic
University of Michigan
University of wisconsin
University of indiana
University of Virginia
Eastern Virginia
Penn state
Kaiser permanente
Lewis Katz
U pitt
Wake forest
Pritzker (reach)
John hopkins (reach)
Hey guys, I’m applying this cycle (first time) and wanted to know what my chances are and how my school list looks.
African American male (22)
Georgia resident (underserved area)
cGPA: 3.9
sGPA: 3.9
MCAT: 511 (129/123/130/129)
Major: Psych

75 hrs (3 specialties)

1700 hrs - CNA at hospital (1yr)
130hrs - physicial therapy volunteer (2 yrs)

Community service
700 hrs (include distributing food in community and volunteering/mentoring youth in communtiy)

200hrs (no pubs or posters)

2 clubs

School list:
Medical college of Georgia
Morehouse school of medicine
Ohio state
Mayo clinic
University of Michigan
University of wisconsin
University of indiana
University of Virginia
Eastern Virginia
Penn state
Kaiser permanente
Lewis Katz
U pitt
Wake forest
Pritzker (reach)
John hopkins (reach)
Remove UConn since they admit few non residents with no connection to the state. You could add any of these schools:
You could add any of these schools:
Case Western
Mount Sinai
Remove UConn since they admit few non residents with no connection to the state. You could add any of these schools:
You could add any of these schools:
Case Western
Mount Sinai
Thank you so much @Faha . Also, I have a 123 in one of my mcat subsections and emory says they screen out anyone below a 124 subsection score. So is emory still a viable option?

I was wondering if I can still apply this cycle or should I wait next year?

NY Resident

USC Graduate

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: African American (Caribbean)

Major: Human Biology
Cumulative GPA: 3.33 (freshman year 2.575, sophomore year 3.471, junior year 3.687, senior year 3.62)
AMCAS science gpa: 3.14 (freshman year 1.900, sophomore year 3.370, junior year 3.488, senior year 3.66)

MCAT Score(s): 514

Research Experience: 1 year of Biomechanics Research (330 hrs), ranging from assisting D1 Track and Field Athletes during Olympic Qualifiers to assisting Graduate Researchers with their Thesis.

Employment History:

Clinical Experience (paid or volunteer):
Direct Support Professional: 2400hrs
Specimen Collector at a Chemical Dependency Clinic: 720hrs
Student Athletic Medicine Assistant: 720hrs

Non-Clinical Experience (paid):
Library Student Assistant: 117hrs
760 hrs across as Mentor/Advisor/Tutor/Teaching Assistant to 7th/8th graders

Physician Shadowing: 24 hours (MD- Family Medicine)

Non-Clinical Volunteering:
126hrs as a Mentor/Advisor/Tutor to local High School Students

Clinical Volunteering:
Medical Unit Assistant for a non-profit (~50 hrs)

Other Extracurricular Activities:
Eboard on a Pre-Health Club
Rutgers admits few non residents with a MCAT of 500 and no connection to the state. Minnesota and Illinois are also unlikely . You could add any of these schools:
Oakland Beaumont
Rosalind Franklin
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You can also West Virginia for MD.
Doesn’t West Virginia have an in-state preference? also for DO, would MSUCOM (michigan) be good to add?
I'll add my stats at some point, but am trying to remain anonymous after someone on the forum discovered my identity during a recent interview lol. I just wanted to hop in and say that I am rooting for you all, and am here if anyone wants or needs to discuss anything. I got your back!
Will report back here at the end of the cycle for future reference with stats, ECs, and background.

I know i've posted a pretty comprehensive overview on WAMC but figured future applicants can gain insight from my application, as well as establish a communication line.

Word up! Appreciate it! Once I'm in, I'll reshape everything about my stats, journey, etc. We have to help guide each other.
I'll add my stats at some point, but am trying to remain anonymous after someone on the forum discovered my identity during a recent interview lol. I just wanted to hop in and say that I am rooting for you all, and am here if anyone wants or needs to discuss anything. I got your back!
I was gonna say NO WAY, but then I remembered this also happened to me years ago following an interview.
I've completed 22/30 of my secondaries. You guys think I have a realistic chance by submitting the rest now?

For context, African-American Male, cGPA 3.41, sGPA 3.52, MCAT 508 (127/123/130/138)
I was gonna say NO WAY, but then I remembered this also happened to me years ago following an interview.
I don't know how I missed this reply. Yeah it was an odd situation, but the person kept it to themselves and they are actually super cool in general. Turned out to be a surprisingly beneficial chance meeting lol!
Bit of a vent post incoming. I'm a URM right now applying and pretty much the only URM in my entire social circle. My stats are ~10th percentile matriculated (or even a bit lower) for many top research schools where I have been fortunate to have received an interview invite.

I am dealing with major imposter syndrome and some peers continuously comment that my interviews have been algorithmic, no one read my app, etc. and I am just sad and scared to think that my stats will hold me back and lead to R's after interview. I am eternally grateful but having all of this happen seems to be the culmination of all my life events at this point; I have been through adversity my entire life but I have no one to vent to about this and feel alone. I do not want to make my peers upset and I certainly recognize that my stats ARE low for many of these programs and I understand my peers' viewpoints and frustrations in discussing the cycle as well.

Just looking any advice. Thank you
those are valid feelings! I encourage you to sit with them, and then because I'm an optimist, think about times in your life where you beat the odds, and did what you thought you couldn't. Remember how you felt from beginning to end. And believe that the same can play out now as well! On a practical note, if you haven't, make sure you apply to "target" schools too. Having more options is never a bad thing, even if it isn't the top school you really love. This will help ease any "what if I don't get in" anxiety and give you a bit of a cushion.

But for now, take joy in how far you've come. And understand it's not a fluke, people read these applications and they fall in love with your story. They want YOU. Be the amazing individual I know you must be and be proud of yourself for preserving. We hope you can achieve exactly what you want (and you likely will!) . But even if you don't get quite what you wanted, just know that you did your best and that's all you can truly ask of yourself - always.
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Bit of a vent post incoming. I'm a URM right now applying and pretty much the only URM in my entire social circle. My stats are ~10th percentile matriculated (or even a bit lower) for many top research schools where I have been fortunate to have received an interview invite.

I am dealing with major imposter syndrome and some peers continuously comment that my interviews have been algorithmic, no one read my app, etc. and I am just sad and scared to think that my stats will hold me back and lead to R's after interview. I am eternally grateful but having all of this happen seems to be the culmination of all my life events at this point; I have been through adversity my entire life but I have no one to vent to about this and feel alone. I do not want to make my peers upset and I certainly recognize that my stats ARE low for many of these programs and I understand my peers' viewpoints and frustrations in discussing the cycle as well.

Just looking any advice. Thank you
I can definitely relate. We have to remind ourselves that success in medical school doesn't require a 518 MCAT. The reason it's difficult for most to get into medical school with even 510+ MCAT scores is that the process is very competitive, not because anything lower equates to being ill-prepared.

Try to remember that if a school interviews and/or accepts you, they like you and believe you absolutely have what it takes to do well at their school. Being URM might get your app looked at a bit more closely to identify unique factors allowing you to add diversity to the class. No school is accepting a URM they believe will fail, simply to meet some quota or make your day. If you are invited and/or accepted, you belong!!
Bit of a vent post incoming. I'm a URM right now applying and pretty much the only URM in my entire social circle. My stats are ~10th percentile matriculated (or even a bit lower) for many top research schools where I have been fortunate to have received an interview invite.

I am dealing with major imposter syndrome and some peers continuously comment that my interviews have been algorithmic, no one read my app, etc. and I am just sad and scared to think that my stats will hold me back and lead to R's after interview. I am eternally grateful but having all of this happen seems to be the culmination of all my life events at this point; I have been through adversity my entire life but I have no one to vent to about this and feel alone. I do not want to make my peers upset and I certainly recognize that my stats ARE low for many of these programs and I understand my peers' viewpoints and frustrations in discussing the cycle as well.

Just looking any advice. Thank you
SUCKS. Protect your energy and mental health NOW. Speak to those peers as little as possible! Next time they try it and you don't wanna grin and bear it, feel free to tell them to keep it positive or not to be a hater. Sadly, this won't stop after matriculation. The only things we can control are who we spend our free time with and how we choose to respond to these interactions.
Is it normal to be rejected from a school within a few days of submitting a secondary? Just got rejected from Morehouse this morning after submitting a secondary late last week? I'm a reapplicant and I have improved my application a great degree (mind you, my first rejection took far longer than a few days). I know I'm not entitled to anything but this makes zero sense to me at this point.

I really abhor how non-transparent and seemingly random this process seems to be.
Is it normal to be rejected from a school within a few days of submitting a secondary? Just got rejected from Morehouse this morning after submitting a secondary late last week? I'm a reapplicant and I have improved my application a great degree (mind you, my first rejection took far longer than a few days). I know I'm not entitled to anything but this makes zero sense to me at this point.

I really abhor how non-transparent and seemingly random this process seems to be.
I understand. It's too hard to say if this is normal in their process.
Hey everyone! Just looking for input (slash reassurance I guess) as to what my chances are? Note: I didn't submit my primary until 8/31, and so far I've only submitted 4 secondaries (but with one II? somehow?) and am still working on them...

I'm a 25yo black female, committed to serving underresourced communities.

cGPA: 3.63
sGPA: 3.67
MCAT: 511
Major: Psychology (neuroscience concentration)
Minors: Biology & Healthcare Studies
Traditional applicant

Clinical hours
8000+ hours working full time as a medical assistant at a FQHC, primarily for the homeless (including during COVID-19), from 2019-until med school
1900 hours as a medical assistant/care coordinator with Americorps at a clinic for the homeless in a rural area
330 hours as a student volunteer on a medical trip to Pampas Grande, Peru
550 hours working with a nonprofit that does pop up clinics around Appalachia and along the Mexico/Texas border

1150 hours in psychology research labs, investigating effects of stress on learning using rodent models, adult ADHD, and the long term effects of socioeconomic status using rodent models. 2 publications (last author lol)

Nonclinical volunteering
145 hours as a mentor to freshman, particularly those of color
175 hours doing community service-learning trips to Louisiana and West Virginia
112 hours shadowing psychiatrists, radiation oncologists, family medician physician, ob/gyns, podiatrists
President of 3 dance teams
2 years teaching the laboratory portion of the intro psych course at my school
1 semester as a healthcare studies TA
Lead service learning trip to Louisiana from Richmond, VA for 23 students
Public relations/social media chair for pre-health professional fraternity and women in STEM sorority

Fluent in English, Proficient in Spanish
Black belt in karate
on 4 dance teams
did public health living learning community, took trips to Grundy, VA to volunteer at remote medical clinics and the DR to shadow a microfinance organization

Current School list

University of North Carolina
Columbia University
Johns Hopkins University
Emory University
University of Chicago
Rush Medical College
NYU School of Medicine
Duke University
University of Miami
Georgetown University
Vanderbilt University
Florida International University
Northwestern University
University of Southern California
Temple University
University of Florida
Tufts University
Thomas Jefferson
University of Central Florida
Meharry Medical College

Thank you 🙂
Hey everyone! Just looking for input (slash reassurance I guess) as to what my chances are? Note: I didn't submit my primary until 8/31, and so far I've only submitted 4 secondaries (but with one II? somehow?) and am still working on them...
Thank you 🙂
Congratulations to you! Where are you a state resident, and where did you submit secondaries/get II's?
Hey everyone! Just looking for input (slash reassurance I guess) as to what my chances are? Note: I didn't submit my primary until 8/31, and so far I've only submitted 4 secondaries (but with one II? somehow?) and am still working on them...

I'm a 25yo black female, committed to serving underresourced communities.

cGPA: 3.63
sGPA: 3.67
MCAT: 511
Major: Psychology (neuroscience concentration)
Minors: Biology & Healthcare Studies
Traditional applicant

Clinical hours
8000+ hours working full time as a medical assistant at a FQHC, primarily for the homeless (including during COVID-19), from 2019-until med school
1900 hours as a medical assistant/care coordinator with Americorps at a clinic for the homeless in a rural area
330 hours as a student volunteer on a medical trip to Pampas Grande, Peru
550 hours working with a nonprofit that does pop up clinics around Appalachia and along the Mexico/Texas border

1150 hours in psychology research labs, investigating effects of stress on learning using rodent models, adult ADHD, and the long term effects of socioeconomic status using rodent models. 2 publications (last author lol)

Nonclinical volunteering
145 hours as a mentor to freshman, particularly those of color
175 hours doing community service-learning trips to Louisiana and West Virginia
112 hours shadowing psychiatrists, radiation oncologists, family medician physician, ob/gyns, podiatrists
President of 3 dance teams
2 years teaching the laboratory portion of the intro psych course at my school
1 semester as a healthcare studies TA
Lead service learning trip to Louisiana from Richmond, VA for 23 students
Public relations/social media chair for pre-health professional fraternity and women in STEM sorority

Fluent in English, Proficient in Spanish
Black belt in karate
on 4 dance teams
did public health living learning community, took trips to Grundy, VA to volunteer at remote medical clinics and the DR to shadow a microfinance organization

Current School list

University of North Carolina
Columbia University
Johns Hopkins University
Emory University
University of Chicago
Rush Medical College
NYU School of Medicine
Duke University
University of Miami
Georgetown University
Vanderbilt University
Florida International University
Northwestern University
University of Southern California
Temple University
University of Florida
Tufts University
Thomas Jefferson
University of Central Florida
Meharry Medical College

Thank you 🙂

Hey! I think your app itself is very strong. But keep in mind some of these schools likely have secondary deadlines that have already passed, so you should check on that before spending more time and money on each of them.

For schools that aren’t rolling being late shouldn’t matter as much, but for those that are rolling, applying this late does put you at a significant disadvantage, so that’s something to keep in mind with prioritizing finishing them.

Also, especially since you’re applying late and a lot of these are technicalllyyy reach schools, make sure you get those apps in for your state schools (and ideally schools where you’re in the 50-75% range for stats) before their deadlines

Honestly you are such a strong applicant I think you have a great shot of getting in to multiple schools, and if I had to bet I’d say one you’d be ecstatic to go to. But remember - they can only let you in if you finish your app! My advice: do whatever you need to do to get them in asap…if I were you I’d consider taking some time off of work. You’ll feel a lot better having more submitted
Congratulations to you! Where are you a state resident, and where did you submit secondaries/get II's?

Thank you very much 🙂 I’ve lived in FL but still have my VA ID, so could get residency for both. So far I’ve done secondaries to UCLA, UCLA-Drew, UNC, UChicago, and Columbia. My II was UNC.
So, I've been rejected from Boston University, Wake Forest and Morehouse and I've yet to receive a secondary from one of the schools where I applied. I'm not able to satisfy Hackensack's specific LOR requirements. I applied to 27 schools so I'm still viable at 23 schools but I'm very anxious and disillusioned with this entire process. I took out loans to complete an SMP where I did very well, retook the MCAT and did fine and have decent ECs. I'm 30 years old and it just seems like this process doesn't really care about non-traditional applicants and assumes we can put our lives on hold and apply several times. I literally spoke with one school today and they told me they don't give feedback until the cycle is over (i.e. sometime next Summer). Additionally, I have received zero interviews and feel like all my hard work has been rendered meaningless and all I got from my education was guaranteed debt. How do you stay positive when doors are constantly shut in your face with almost no explanation?
So, I've been rejected from Boston University, Wake Forest and Morehouse and I've yet to receive a secondary from one of the schools where I applied. I'm not able to satisfy Hackensack's specific LOR requirements. I applied to 27 schools so I'm still viable at 23 schools but I'm very anxious and disillusioned with this entire process. I took out loans to complete an SMP where I did very well, retook the MCAT and did fine and have decent ECs. I'm 30 years old and it just seems like this process doesn't really care about non-traditional applicants and assumes we can put our lives on hold and apply several times. I literally spoke with one school today and they told me they don't give feedback until the cycle is over (i.e. sometime next Summer). Additionally, I have received zero interviews and feel like all my hard work has been rendered meaningless and all I got from my education was guaranteed debt. How do you stay positive when doors are constantly shut in your face with almost no explanation?

There's so much we don't know about your application that it's impossible for us to help you. Unless you're looking to simply vent.

If you want the members of this community to offer a helping hand I recommend giving us the following:

1. undergrad GPA


3. complete dates

4. scored MCAT attempts

5. school list

6. ECs
There's so much we don't know about your application that it's impossible for us to help you. Unless you're looking to simply vent.

If you want the members of this community to offer a helping hand I recommend giving us the following:

1. undergrad GPA


3. complete dates

4. scored MCAT attempts

5. school list

6. ECs
I did need to vent a little bit.

1. Undergrad GPA: 3.01 BCPM and 3.20 Cumulative (was very distracted in college and had no support system but I've been working on myself)

2. SMP GPA: 3.77 (coursework very closely followed the basic science curriculum you would see in the first years of medical school).

3. My primary was submitted on June 7th but processed around July 5th. The vast majority of my secondaries were completed in July and up through the first week or so of August. I added a few school recently and completed secondaries for 3/4 of these schools.

4. First MCAT in 2017- 500 (124/127/123/126) and second MCAT this year - 508 (128/127/128/125).

5. Schools:
BU Rejected on 9/29
Case Western
Hackensack Cannot obtain Healthcare letter
Mount Sinai
Morehouse Rejected on 10/25
Penn State
UCLA Never got secondary
Pritzker Rejected on 9/22
Wake Forest Rejected on 10/25
Wayne State

Magna cum laude from my SMP
Total of 6 months of research experience as a research intern at a state school (over two summers)
Physician shadowing (about 200 total hours)
Volunteer with my local health department (about 200 hours)
Research in Chemistry for several years during undergrad
Officer for a STEM community outreach program
Attended a national conference as a member of a debate team
Award from Biology department for exemplary work in a Physiology course
Volunteer for an international Cancer research and education organization

Some hospice volunteering (trying to do more at the moment when I'm not working)

My list is top heavy because I assumed that my MCAT would go a littler better than it actually did.
I’m going to apply D.O. ASAP. Does AACOMAS have a version of FAP? Can someone help me with a school list?
There's so much we don't know about your application that it's impossible for us to help you. Unless you're looking to simply vent.

If you want the members of this community to offer a helping hand I recommend giving us the following:

1. undergrad GPA


3. complete dates

4. scored MCAT attempts

5. school list

6. ECs

I provided this information days ago and got zero responses. Thanks for the help everyone.
I did need to vent a little bit.

1. Undergrad GPA: 3.01 BCPM and 3.20 Cumulative (was very distracted in college and had no support system but I've been working on myself)

2. SMP GPA: 3.77 (coursework very closely followed the basic science curriculum you would see in the first years of medical school).

3. My primary was submitted on June 7th but processed around July 5th. The vast majority of my secondaries were completed in July and up through the first week or so of August. I added a few school recently and completed secondaries for 3/4 of these schools.

4. First MCAT in 2017- 500 (124/127/123/126) and second MCAT this year - 508 (128/127/128/125).

5. Schools:
BU Rejected on 9/29
Case Western
Hackensack Cannot obtain Healthcare letter
Mount Sinai
Morehouse Rejected on 10/25
Penn State
UCLA Never got secondary
Pritzker Rejected on 9/22
Wake Forest Rejected on 10/25
Wayne State

Magna cum laude from my SMP
Total of 6 months of research experience as a research intern at a state school (over two summers)
Physician shadowing (about 200 total hours)
Volunteer with my local health department (about 200 hours)
Research in Chemistry for several years during undergrad
Officer for a STEM community outreach program
Attended a national conference as a member of a debate team
Award from Biology department for exemplary work in a Physiology course
Volunteer for an international Cancer research and education organization

Some hospice volunteering (trying to do more at the moment when I'm not working)

My list is top heavy because I assumed that my MCAT would go a littler better than it actually did.
I applied to IU on 10/18 and got II yesterday. Lower cGPA, similar SMP GPA and slightly higher MCAT for reference. They have a weird LOR requirement (non-science professor) that I may have to see if I can get waived but they got back to me quickly. Also no secondary so just have to submit primary. CDU opens sometime next week, look out for that. DO try WCUCOM, they screen so might be waiting for the secondary for a minute, but might be worth reaching out to their diversity office to get things moving.
I applied to IU on 10/18 and got II yesterday. Lower cGPA, similar SMP GPA and slightly higher MCAT for reference. They have a weird LOR requirement (non-science professor) that I may have to see if I can get waived but they got back to me quickly. Also no secondary so just have to submit primary. CDU opens sometime next week, look out for that. DO try WCUCOM, they screen so might be waiting for the secondary for a minute, but might be worth reaching out to their diversity office to get things moving.
IU is the one OOS school I feel like I should have applied to, but I knew I'd struggle to pay that tuition over any of the TX schools. But they apparently seek out URM candidates, and IU is a fantastic school.
I applied to IU on 10/18 and got II yesterday. Lower cGPA, similar SMP GPA and slightly higher MCAT for reference. They have a weird LOR requirement (non-science professor) that I may have to see if I can get waived but they got back to me quickly. Also no secondary so just have to submit primary. CDU opens sometime next week, look out for that. DO try WCUCOM, they screen so might be waiting for the secondary for a minute, but might be worth reaching out to their diversity office to get things moving.
I heard about that and it’s very interesting. I wonder if there will be any incentives for the first cohort of students. I’ll look into IU and WCUCOM.
I heard about that and it’s very interesting. I wonder if there will be any incentives for the first cohort of students. I’ll look into IU and WCUCOM.
Yeah, IU's primary doesn't close til 11/15 and there's no secondary, so you're immediately in the running for an interview. The adcoms on this site have mentioned that they are heavily recruiting African American applicants, so it's probably worth a shot!
Would anyone be willing to read my “diversity” essay for my secondaries and tell
Me if it makes sense outside my head lol?
This cycle has been complete crap for me and I'm pretty much over it. This process is so biased and full of crap. I busted my behind for none of it to even matter.
That sucks. I'm sorry it hasn't worked out for you yet. We will be here when you're ready to troubleshoot and strategize your next steps.
This cycle has been complete crap for me and I'm pretty much over it. This process is so biased and full of crap. I busted my behind for none of it to even matter.
I'm so sorry to hear. I don't know if this is your first cycle, but I had zero IIs last cycle and have acceptances this cycle - I say this because, at certain points, I felt similar to how it seems you're feeling now. I agree that the process is biased, but please don't lose hope! If you want someone to talk to about any of this, I'm here (and so are the others above) ❤️
Touro COM NY is very open about their desire to train URM physicians. It took me two cycles to get in but they were my only interview the first time I applied, and I applied really late (December) then with a low GPA and 503 MCAT. It just sucks that they have a $100 secondary fee.