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Oct 3, 2016
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Hi, I have been accepted to multiple pharmacy schools and narrowed my choices down to UOP and USC. I know pharmacy is saturated so it is better to go with the name brand school -- USC -- in order to get a job? or just finish and get my degree early in 3 years at UOP with about 60-80k less in loans?

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Both are reputable but overpriced. I would go to a cheaper out of state school if possible. If those were your only choices, then I would avoid pharmacy school altogether, as it would be a very risky investment of $200k+ for a profession which you may not be able to land a job after you graduate. There are also other professions that are in high demand, i.e. computer programming, finance, accounting, engineering, etc. that pay just as well as pharmacy, offer a much better quality of life, and do not require you to take out $200k+ in loans and spend another 4 years in school.
Both schools have a pretty good name although USC does have a much bigger network. But you do need to consider the location too. I went to both UOP and USC interviews too and many UOP students I've talked to said that Stockton is very very saturated and many have to drive at least an hour for rotations/internships. I feel like USC definitely has a better name and more opportunities since they own like 4 hospitals within walking distance. Congrats on getting into both though! :)

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Hi, I have been accepted to multiple pharmacy schools and narrowed my choices down to UOP and USC. I know pharmacy is saturated so it is better to go with the name brand school -- USC -- in order to get a job? or just finish and get my degree early in 3 years at UOP with about 60-80k less in loans?
Congrats comrade! Its a stellar accomplishment. As for the decision, you need to really consider what you want and what you're willing to do. If you're willing to cough up the cash and stay for 4 years, all power to you. If you want to get out in 3 years, thats great! Focus on what you want out of going into Pharmacy school. Good luck, and congrats again!
Hi, I have been accepted to multiple pharmacy schools and narrowed my choices down to UOP and USC. I know pharmacy is saturated so it is better to go with the name brand school -- USC -- in order to get a job? or just finish and get my degree early in 3 years at UOP with about 60-80k less in loans?
I just realized its not 60-80K less. It is only exactly 10K less (tuition-wise). USC is 53K a year - total 212K, whereas UOP is 76+76+50, total 202K. I cant believe USC became 53!!! It was 45K maybe 2 years ago..
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What was your gpa if you dont mind me asking?