
  1. S

    Cooper (Rowan) vs Wait on Other Applications for Next Year

    I just got a late acceptance to Cooper Med School at Rowan University. I’ve already submitted secondaries for the 2024-25 cycle and have plans for my gap year. Do I go to Rowan or see what schools accept me for next year? I plan on working/volunteering as an EMT if I take a gap year. Some pros...
  2. G

    UC DAVIS or RVC Full ride

    Hello, I am accepted to UC-Davis (OOS) and the RVC. I have the potential opportunity for a full ride at the RVC and was curious if anyone can help with pro/cons or had experience of each school? For context I am a graduating undergraduate student in Florida. Interested in mixed animal.
  3. L

    Recently Accepted that Missed Graduation Deadline

    Hello, I was recently accepted to a medical school this last month, however, over winter break I had a mental episode and was convinced I was getting schizophrenia for the first ~6 weeks. As a result I was severely behind in two labs and decided to drop them and switch my major which would...
  4. C

    Negative consequences of applying for deferment of matriculation for major trans-related surgery (vaginoplasty)?

    I recently was accepted into an MD school in the NYC area. I also have a DO acceptance which is going to expire soon. Being a disadvantaged transgender applicant was a big part of my personal statement and my application (but a tiny part of my interviews, other than being socioeconomically...
  5. W

    Accepted UNC Applicants 2021-2022

    This group is for accepted students to ask questions and interact without causing a heart attack/panic to all of those in the normal thread.
  6. H

    Program-Specific Info / Q's Accepted to USciences, MCPHS, Hofstra. Which one to choose?

    Hi guys, I've been accepted to USciences, MCPHS in Worcester, and Hofstra University for their MOT programs. I'm trying to decide which one to go to. Does anyone on here have any experiences with any of these schools they'd like to share? I am comparing my options and looking at pass rates...
  7. awaldlkk

    Western Carolina University DPT 2022-2023 admission

    Just curious if anyone has heard any news from WCU? (Interviews were Nov 16-20 and we were notified Nov 30 if we were accepted or the placed on the waitlist.) Has anyone gotten off the waitlist so far? Thanks!
  8. A

    2021 Doctoral Public Health (PhD, DrPH, ScD): Applied, Accepted, Waitlisted, Rejected!

    Hi Everyone! I have not yet seen a thread to discuss Doctoral Public Health (PhD, DrPH, ScD) programs. I remember how much the "MPH: Applied, Accepted, Waitlisted, Rejected" thread helped me and so I thought having one for those applying to doctoral programs could also be super beneficial...
  9. T

    Accept offer at Pitt or stay waitlisted at Cornell?

    Just found out today that I’ve been waitlisted at my dream school, Cornell. I would absolutely love to attend there, but I’ve also been accepted by my second choice, Pitt. WL movement likely won’t start until May. I’m tired of playing the waiting game but I don’t think I’m quite ready to give...
  10. A

    UF Pre Health Post Bac Class of 2020

    I've just been accepted at UF Pre-health Post Bac, but since the program is relatively new, I can't really gauge how competitive the program is. Does anyone know the median gpa for the accepted students or is willing to share their stats? +Anyone entering UF Pre-Health Post Bac class of 2020...
  11. K

    (TMDSAS) Waitlisted clarification

    Hi all, So I've already been accepted (after match day, TMDSAS), to one school, and have already started sending my relevant documents and what not. However, i just got an email about being on the waitlist for another school that was originally ranked as my #1. If i get off of this school's...
  12. EpiLover12

    MPH Thank you for helping me choose schools!

    I have chosen.
  13. doctor-who

    Successful Applicants c/o 2024

    Congratulations to those who have heard happy news already! Please post your stats to help other applicants as the acceptances roll in. The format from years before is posted below. Age, Gender, State/Country of Residence, Traditional/Non-traditional applicant, # of times you've applied...
  14. B

    LOInterest Pre-II with Acceptance?

    I have been fortunate enough to get accepted into my state med school this past week, which I am thrilled about. But a couple of my top choices are still conducting interviews through first week of April, and I am wondering if a letter of interest might be worth a shot this late in the cycle...
  15. drxmed

    University of Iowa Pharmacy School Class of 2023! [accepted/interview]

    Hello everyone! I created this forum just to get a feel of the people who are going to attend or on the track of being accepted into the pharmacy school this coming fall of 2019 at the University of Iowa. I am a current student at the University of Iowa, finishing my two year pre-pharmacy...
  16. M

    Matriculation Intent Form- Due today but not ready!

    I received an offer of admission 1 week ago at an MD school (school A). I already have another offer at a school (School B) that is a better fit for me. I've been asked to submit a matriculation intent form by 5 pm today for school A. While I am mostly sure I will be attending B, I feel like I...
  17. A

    How to Assess Medical Schools? (Accepted)

    Hi all, I was recently accepted to Loyola Stritch School of Medicine (yay!). I absolutely loved the school when I interviewed, and although I have a few more interviews, I am already envisioning myself going there. The thing is, I have seen people refer to Loyola as "low tier," mostly on SDN. I...
  18. M

    Continue Volunteering after an Acceptance?

    Do I still have to continue volunteering at the places I listed in my application if I have been accepted? Does the school I've been accepted to expect that I continue my volunteer work? Asking because I don't enjoy my volunteer position and don't feel like I'm benefiting anyone.
  19. N

    Shenandoah University Class of 2023

    Everyone share your application status and if called for an interview , please share us your interview experience.
  20. S

    Did not get into medical school, now what? Any tips?

    Kind of lost right now and anybodies tips or advice would help Long story short I finished my undergrad with all required prerequisite courses and ended up getting really low GPA. I didn't even do my MCAT exam because I already know my GPA was not good enough for Canadian or USA medical schools...
  21. maybeapedsdoc22

    UF Dental Interviewed vs Accepted

    Just curious since I can't find this data anywhere. How many people did UF Dental interview vs how many they accepted?
  22. I

    Current Navy Scholar here to Answer questions (HPSP & HSCP)

    Hi, I'm a current Navy Collegiate Scholar (HSCP) here to answer any questions you have. I did extensive research into the HPSP as well and have many friends doing it, so I am well versed. I am also prior enlisted with the Army and with the Air Force, so I have lots of insights. Best
  23. D

    Drexel IHS Accepted Class of 2018-2020

    I am creating this thread so that I can connect with my fellow IHS students. Feel free to post questions in this thread concerning housing, tuition, contacts, and anything else IHS related. Looking forward to meeting you all this August!
  24. C

    Rejected an MD acceptance

    In the 2017-2018 cycle, I applied to 24 schools, of which I interviewed at 2 and was accepted at 1. The acceptance came from USUHS (the military medical school). After a lot of deliberating, I decided to decline the offer (further explanation below). I am in the process of reapplying, however I...
  25. hopeful_vet2026

    Working on VMCA app...looking for advice!

    Hello! I am currently working on my first cycle application to 2 different programs and have some questions, would love some advice, just to feel like I'm submitting the best application that I can. Here is some info about me: I'm a non-traditional student (a 32 year old mother of 2) who has...
  26. Dogtorflower

    Rutgers University successful CVM applicants 2022

    Hey all, not sure how well this post will do, but thought I'd try! Rutgers senior here. Thought it would be interesting to see out of those from Rutgers University that applied to veterinary school this past cycle, how many have been admitted, waitlisted, denied, etc. and to what schools. Im...
  27. B

    Accepted but want to withdraw/reapply for a "better" medical school?

    Hi all! All in all, I am wondering, 1. What do medical schools think if you withdraw from a school, and reapply the next cycle? Would other medical schools be able to find out if you didnt matriculate but simply got accepted? 2. How bad is it to be a reapplicant? I dont want to miss out on this...
  28. E

    Unpopular opinion??

    A little bit of a rant, I suppose. Most may not agree or take this the wrong way. However; it must be said. A little background: I have been accepted into a College of pharmacy. It is not top tier or bottom tier. The university is pretty famous, but the pharmacy school is a little above average...
  29. D

    SCCO Class of 2022

    I was just accepted into SCCO class of 2022! I'm currently waiting on my background check. How long did it take for everyone to get from the accepted to enrolled stage. Also, is there anything you guys are doing to prepare for the school year to meet other people in the class or get financial aid?
  30. gjsmize88

    Accepted Students (c/o 2022): What are your summer plans?

    Starting this thread because I enjoyed looking through last year's and I haven't seen one yet for this year.. and I'm super curious to hear what everyone's plans are! My plans for the summer include lots of traveling! I'm fortunate enough to have a sister that plays travel softball and a dad...
  31. J

    DUI charge 0.00 breathalyzer and negative for all drugs tested already accepted into pharmacy school

    I need someone who understands pharmacy licensure to answer. Like the title says i blew 0.00 on the breathalyzer and my blood test results came back negative for everything. I got in a car accident and was unconscious until a witness and or a paramedic banged on the door. I was able to walk out...
  32. D

    Deferred a year and now having doubts

    Hello all! I was accepted to medical school last June off of the waitlist and decided to defer. During my year off I have had serious doubts about going and have been looking into other careers. I'm not sure if my doubts are stemming from my lack of confidence, fear and the thought that I'm not...
  33. Redpancreas

    MD & DO Eternal Should I Pre-Study for Medical School Thread

    Template: Years off: Goals: My Plan: What differentiates yourself and your plan from the 1000s before you who wanted to pre-study and didn’t/couldn’t do it effectively?:
  34. ThatClemsonGirl

    Ask an MUSC first year PT student!

    I'm a first year DPT student at MUSC and currently almost done with my second semester! I remember a year ago when I was on here while applying, and I had so many questions about PT school, applying, etc. So I'm here to answer any of yours! Ask away!
  35. A

    How often do medical schools give financial aid before April 30th?

    Question is pretty self-explanatory. I'm holding on to multiple acceptances since finances play a huge role in my decision-making, since I come from a very low-income family. I know schools are not REQUIRED to provide financial aid letters before April 30th (the day you're supposed to choose...
  36. A

    Going to interviews in hopes of better financial aid

    Hi guys, I'm in a bit of a difficult situation (a good kind of difficult, though). As of now, I have been blessed enough to have been accepted to 4 MD schools, 2 of which I would happily attend. I have interviewed at 6 others, and am waiting to hear back from them. For this, I am extremely...
  37. SterlingMaloryArcher

    Does a $2,525 AMCAS Editing service make a difference?

    Get Accepted to Medical School
  38. D

    Accepted, but not to top choice!

    So this morning I was just accepted to NSU DPT, however this is not my top choice (my top choice is UCF). This is a school that is definitely high up on my list though, so I am very excited! However, the acceptance decision is due October 13th (extremely soon?!), and I don't want to accept it...
  39. M

    Letters of recommendation Help! Accepted vs. completed?

    Hey guys, All 3 of my letters have finally been submitted. However, 1 is accepted while the other 2 are listed as completed. Any clue what the diff is? Does AADSAS have to process it or something? The 1 accepted was submitted a month ago or so.
  40. D

    What sort/how much research makes a competitive applicant?

    I just finished up my first year of med school and am very much interested in ortho. I am at a huge research institute, but had multiple issues with the ortho faculty in trying to do research with them this summer. I am working with a breast surgeon instead. I am also doing some derm research on...