USC vs Tufts

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Aug 4, 2005
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I am havin a trouble deciding which dental school to attend. If u got into USC and Tufts, which dental school would u go? Why?

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where are u from?
when did you interview at USC ?

location, where you from, cost, pbl, where you want to practice <--take those factors into account when deciding
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how can you say no to LA weather. im gonna miss this place soooo bad :(
polarnut said:
how can you say no to LA weather. im gonna miss this place soooo bad :(

hmm very good point... now why didnt i apply to usc?? :confused:
vaio said:
when did you interview at USC ?

location, where you from, cost, pbl, where you want to practice <--take those factors into account when deciding

I had my interview last week. I think the cost of USC is very expensive compared to other dental schools.
steve0036 said:
I had my interview last week. I think the cost of USC is very expensive compared to other dental schools.

USC is very expensive, but cost shouldn't be the only factor determining what school to go to.
I have finally decided that I'm going to Tufts. I cancelled my USC interview when I found out I was in at Tufts. I mostly decided that USC just wasn't right for me. I know a few people that went there and really didn't like it, and they were guys who had a similar personality to mine. Cost was also an issue. I think it might be the most expensive school to go to, but don't quote me on that, and it's not like Tufts is super cheap or anything. I really wasn't into the PBL. I know some people just thrive on that stuff. One guy on SDN once said something like, "If you want to be spoon feed your education during dental school, then don't go to USC!" When I first read that I thought whoa!.. Who peed in that guy's cheerios? Then I thought you know I want my dental education to be as painless as possible and if that means I want to be spoon feed my education then that's ok by me, heck I want to suck from the proverbial teat of dental knowledge. The less work I have to do in dental school the better! It also seems like USC is big into the whole group experience. I personally don’t love working in groups. So I guess my advice is that if you think you are a guy or girl like me, then you might want to choose Tufts, but if you think I sound like a real douche bag then USC might be where you’d be happiest.
steve0036 said:
I had my interview last week. I think the cost of USC is very expensive compared to other dental schools.

well if u are comparing usc and tufts, the price of usc should not seem that expensive... if u compared it to a state school, then yes it is way more