USC vs. UoP

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5+ Year Member
Mar 13, 2018
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I was lucky enough to get acceptance from my two top choices!

If we'd say the cost of attending for each school is exactly the same due to scholarship, which school would you attend?

I know people usually prefer UOP over other schools because we get out the school a year early but this is not attractive to me at all. I would rather take full four years at the school before I get thrown into the job market.

Actually, the most important thing to me is after graduating a school, which alumni would be more preferred in the job market?

Do patients / older dentists (who are in the position of hiring me) think USC grads are more reliable or UOP grads are more reliable?

Since this is anonymous, any opinion on either school will be greatly appreciated!

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Congrats on your acceptances! Both schools are known for producing great general dentists due to heavy involvement in clinic from day 1. The alumni network of both schools are great, it just depends on where you want to practice. If you're going to practice dentistry in LA, then USC will provide a better alumni base. If you're going to practice in SF, then UOP would have the advantage. With all this said, you should have many job opportunities with either program so I would base your decision on which school you think you would enjoy more 🙂
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I'm biased because I think UOP is such a great school in so many ways. BUT-- the 3 year curriculum is no joke and not for everyone. You learn the exact same amount of information at a 4 year school at UOP all squished into 3 years. It's intense. I know a lot of students who don't have direct connections for after dental school (like taking over parent's practice, etc) do a AEGD or GPR just to get that extra practice before working. Everyone is different and has different levels of comfortability after graduation; a lot of it is what you put into it. Something to seriously think about, especially if you already have reservations about it.

In regards to networks, USC and UOP are both very notable schools that graduate experienced students, and both have incredible alumni networks; you should be taken care of at each school. But again, all depends on what you put into it. I would say do a lot of research on each school, talk to current students at each school, and in the end go with your gut! Good luck!
Happy you were able to make the choice so soon. Please do other applicants and UOP a favor by rescinding your acceptance so they can get offer the seat to someone else.